
rubymoo rubymoo is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 127
  1. Ammi
    07-11-2016 08:27 AM
    ..I'm so sorry Ruby..I'm a bit absorbed in a forum game atm and it's taking up my online time so I'm being rubbish with messages....awww, I know though..I know the feeling of working with children who struggle and I so knew you would be perfect as's funny isn't it how things turn out how they're meant and the unhappier times in the nursery led to this and then you knowing it's so right for you.../the jobworths don't even exist because they're not important..that young man who is lucky to have you is the only importance, which you know.....(did I say how proud of little Rubymoo I was..?.....)...
  2. Ammi
    04-11-2016 04:11 PM
    ...right back at you ruby........I saw your thread../I made a are you liking your job, is it all going ok..?...
  3. Nicky91
    04-11-2016 09:49 AM
    i am doing fine, you don't know Daisy Lowe, the fashion model, was best friend of Peaches Geldof
  4. Nicky91
    04-11-2016 09:33 AM
    hey Ruby, are you okay?

    anyway you might've seen i am now supporting Daisy Lowe on strictly, i've become a huge fan of her, do you know her btw
  5. Ammi
    01-10-2016 06:27 AM
    Ammi ok, Ruby../all good with you..?.....
  6. Braden
    14-08-2016 07:49 PM
    You're very welcome, Ruby!
  7. Braden
    14-08-2016 07:36 PM
    Hi Ruby! Just wanted to post and say hey, we haven't spoke much since the film club came to a halt
  8. Ammi
    08-08-2016 09:07 AM
    ..I'm going to open your message later as I don't want to read it when I'm tired and give a tired reply etc but you sit tight and don't be off anywhere Miss Ruby....and have a lovely day....
  9. Ammi
    04-07-2016 01:20 PM
    ..where are you, ok..?.....
  10. Morgan.
    07-06-2016 06:15 AM
    Thank you, it would mean a lot

About Me

  • About rubymoo
    It's taken me a long time to get here....but i'm here!
    Deep in the woods, with pixies and fairies
    films, lazy days, walking, cycling, exploring.
  • Big Brother series
    Favourite Big Brother contestants
    Big Brother 15 UK (2014)
    Big Brother 14 UK (2013)
    Celebrity Big Brother 13 2014
    Jim Davidson
    Celebrity Big Brother 12 2013
    Abz Love
    Celebrity Big Brother 11 2013
    Rylan Clark
  • Other Reality TV
    Favourite reality TV contestants
    The X Factor 2012
    Kye Sones
    I'm a Celebrity... 2013
    Kian Egan
    I'm a Celebrity... 2012
    Charlie Brooks
    I'm a Celebrity... 2011
    Fatima Whitbread
    I'm a Celebrity 2010
    Shaun Ryder
    I'm a Celebrity...
    Gino D'Acampo
    The Voice 2014
    Jermain Jackman


Total Posts
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 12-11-2016 11:04 PM
  • Join Date: 11-06-2014


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