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Ammi 05-10-2020 05:11 AM

Trump says he now 'understands' the coronavirus but his actions prove otherwise...

If Mr Trump continues to behave so recklessly, it suggests this president and this administration have learned nothing at all....

...complete disregard for human life and yet a regard for his own life is expected...

bitontheslide 05-10-2020 06:58 AM

you have to look at it all through trump vision. He is a narcissist so obviously now he is affected he knows everything about it. It also explains why the health of those around him doesn't matter if it projects him as being a strong leader.

The last few days are very reminiscent of the propaganda pushed out by Russia. There is no credibility whatsoever. Is he faking it ... who knows ... has he experienced organ damage ... who knows ... i think its best just to let it wash over you and see how it turns out in the end

joeysteele 05-10-2020 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Ammi (Post 10928921)
Trump says he now 'understands' the coronavirus but his actions prove otherwise...

If Mr Trump continues to behave so recklessly, it suggests this president and this administration have learned nothing at all....

...complete disregard for human life and yet a regard for his own life is expected...

It is a complete disregard for human life.

Even now he's just trying to play the showman.
I really would hope some just playing a game re covid isn't in play here.

I don't doubt he's got it, however I think another side is in play here, where he can present himself as some superhero figure.
Beating this quickly.

I'm still unsure what to think here myself.
He has still in the main dismissed covid, I feel he'll just claim he has beaten this then dismiss it further.
Having not learned a thing from him or his wife getting it either.

bitontheslide 05-10-2020 07:35 AM

you also have to wonder given he is supposed to be released today why he needed to do the drive by .... only trump would do something like this

LeatherTrumpet 05-10-2020 08:19 AM

King of the Covid

joeysteele 05-10-2020 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by bitontheslide (Post 10928943)
you also have to wonder given he is supposed to be released today why he needed to do the drive by .... only trump would do something like this

I think the whole wrong message has been given by him on it.
Plus I doubt he even cares if it has.

LeatherTrumpet 05-10-2020 08:52 AM

Nicky91 05-10-2020 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by LeatherTrumpet (Post 10928964)

hope he doesn't further spread covid to anyone in that car

Cherie 05-10-2020 09:04 AM

I can't see doctors lying on camera if he doesn't have it, additionally so many other people have tested positive from the nomination event

Niamh. 05-10-2020 09:10 AM

What a ****ing moron, such a terrible example to set to people

The Slim Reaper 05-10-2020 09:34 AM

Why feel the need to endanger his protection detail by making them sit in close confinement to him in an enclosed space, just so he can massage his ego by waving to the proud boys outside the hospital?

Nicky91 05-10-2020 09:40 AM

isn't this a bit too soon, i mean if you really got covid, you should stay in hospital (and especially as he is a president, more important than anyone else) between 10-14 days

Tom4784 05-10-2020 10:36 AM

You can always rely on Trump to fully display how much of a complete **** he is on a regular basis.

Utterly woeful behaviour, if Biden or any democrat did this, the Right Wing would be screaming for retribution non-stop (which would be totally fair, it's ****ing horrific to expose people like that) but because it's Trump, they are all silent as the grave, as usual.

Ammi 05-10-2020 11:35 AM

Trump fans play Springsteen’s Born in the USA outside hospital without realising what lyrics mean...

Trump supporters are being sent up for playing Bruce Springsteen’s "Born in the USA" outside the hospital the president is staying in.

A small number of Republicans congregated outside Walter Reed Medical Centre where Trump is staying after catching coronavirus. They also played Lee Greenwood song “Proud to be American”.

However, it's the supporters’ choice of Springsteen’s 1984 track that has led to them becoming the source of internet vitriol.

Many are highlighting the fact that "Born in the USA" is far from the patriotic song the title has clearly led them to believe.

The song is widely believed to be a critique of America for marginalising working-class veterans upon their return to the homeland.

Adding to the embarrassment of the blunder is the fact that Walter Reed is a military hospital – not to mention Springsteen’s personal views on Trump.

In June, the musician called the president a “threat to our democracy” and said he “makes any kind of reform that much harder”.

“Do these people know that ‘Born in the USA’ was a protest song not a patriot ballad?” one tweeter asked in response to a video of the president’s fans playing the 1984 track.

“We're well into the fourth decade of the American right wing not listening to the actual lyrics of ‘Born in the USA’,” another wrote.

One person quipped: "I love it when ‘Born In The USA’ is played with unintended irony."

“Apparently, these seven people or so have never read or they don't understand the lyrics,” a commenter added.

arista 05-10-2020 01:09 PM

Look New York Times fella
you could have caught Covid-19
from loads of people
before you went to meet Trump.

arista 05-10-2020 01:09 PM

Look New York Times fella
you could have caught Covid-19
from loads of people
before you went to meet Trump.

bitontheslide 05-10-2020 01:31 PM

Arista, thats not the point of contact tracing. People in close proximity to an infected person for more than 15 mins should be advised to quarantine and get a test ... and the WH hasn't done it with anyone ...

LeatherTrumpet 05-10-2020 05:52 PM

Oliver_W 05-10-2020 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by LeatherTrumpet (Post 10929268)

Not gonna watch it because that dude's voice pisses me off, but yeah the diagnosis really did show the worst in people.

People might automatically disregard that vid because of who it is, you could make the same point by showing what some nutters have said tbh

Liam- 05-10-2020 06:01 PM

I don’t recall him having much to say when people spent years wishing death on Obama or Hilary, funny that

bitontheslide 05-10-2020 06:46 PM

trump has confirmed he will leave hospital this evening

Toy Soldier 05-10-2020 06:56 PM

Still don't think he was ever sick :idc:.

bitontheslide 05-10-2020 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Toy Soldier (Post 10929342)
Still don't think he was ever sick :idc:.

yeah thats the situation i'm settling on. Particularly his tweet ... don't be afraid of covid ... so disrespectful

LeatherTrumpet 05-10-2020 07:10 PM

this will play well for votes

joeysteele 05-10-2020 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Toy Soldier (Post 10929342)
Still don't think he was ever sick :idc:.

I'm now falling into that line too.

If he REALLY had this, to the point of hospitalisation he'd have been near terrified of it
Not joyriding around and making extremely dangerous tweets.

He's an insult to all who've lost loved ones to it, or seen loved ones quality of life dramatically changed by it after surviving..

Horrible, horrible individual he is.

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