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Clareyr 04-07-2005 01:12 PM

I am no prude, nor do I have strong opinions on how people should conduct themselves sexually (what goes on behind closed doors and all that...........) however, last night in that Jacuzzi I felt sad that wannabees will lower their standards and behave like that in front of millions of people for 5 mins of fame or that their lack of morales (ie behaving like that when their parents/family/boss!! could be watching) becomes apparant after a few glasses of bubbley.
Sure, I have an extremely healthy sex life, but I wouldnt share it with millions just so I can appear in OK magazine, in the process embarassing my mum!
As my partner and I were discussing last night. I am not shocked by it. I see so much sex on TV/Media now I think I have become immune to it and I wonder when sex wont "sell" or "influence".
However we did say that we bet their parents are proud of them.......not!

~Kizwiz~ 04-07-2005 01:15 PM

I couldnt agree more Clareyr..... if i saw my daughter or son behaving like that for the cameras then I would be very shocked and upset.... but maybe there hunger for fame is all consuming

Clareyr 04-07-2005 01:29 PM

Thanks KizWiz

I dont care what people do behind "closed doors" and to an extent, I love to see people in love (whether it is gay/straight) and have no problem with public shows of affection.

Last nights Jacuzzi action didnt in the slightest shock me, I'm immune to "shock value" antics as I think we see sex and sexual images all the time.

I think the highlight of the night was Maxwell refusing to get involved. That shocked me alittle because of have always though of him as a "lad".

Slartibartfast 04-07-2005 02:52 PM

If there had been no Saskia, then Maxwell would have been in that pool last night. This idea that he is some saintly figure cos he didn't get involved last night is illustrative of the very short memories of the viewing public!

If he knew there would be no repercussions from Saskia or the public, he would have been right in the middle of last nights shenanigans!!

Debz81 04-07-2005 02:54 PM


Originally posted by Slartibartfast
If there had been no Saskia, then Maxwell would have been in that pool last night. This idea that he is some saintly figure cos he didn't get involved last night is illustrative of the very short memories of the viewing public!

If he knew there would be no repercussions from Saskia or the public, he would have been right in the middle of last nights shenanigans!!
Yeah I agree, did he not say that himself?

~*Xtine*~ 04-07-2005 03:04 PM

Anthony was desperate, going from Makosi to Orlaith eeeeeuw lol! Made them both look like a couple of dirty hookers, trying it on with anyone, even Craig lol! Awwww bless, Craig was gutted when he saw Anthony all over Makosi :bawling: sly but funny :spin:

Ruth 04-07-2005 03:43 PM


Originally posted by Aimee

I agree 100%. It really saddens me to hear all the name calling of modern woman. (Slag.slapper) Modern men get away explicit behavour and go down as just being one of the lads. As a society we have a long long way to go to get out of the sexual discrimination mind set..... A very long way...:devil:
Thank you!! At last- reason!! I agree too [Where is the thread calling Anthony a sl*g?] I hate this double standard, perhaps because I am a strong woman and I find it doesn't effect me in my own personal life, it shocks me when I see it elsewhere.
I haven't called anyone a slag in this thread or any other. But on another thread, I did say that I thought the behaviour of Makosi, Orlaith and Anthony was terrible - and I think I made it clear that I thought Anthony's behaviour was equally as bad as the girls' behaviour. I didn't call anyone a slag, because I think it's not a nice thing to say. There are double standards, and unfortunately always will be, but I don't think I applied them in my post (I know your comments weren't aimed at me specifically, but I just wanted to make it clear that I wasn't using double standards)!:spin2:

Z 05-07-2005 04:24 PM

Got to say, pretty... explicit on the highlights...

I'm laughing at the "morning glory" gag by Maxwell the next day... I think he's maybe back to normal! ^_^

Kore 05-07-2005 04:27 PM


Originally posted by Ziola
Got to say, pretty... explicit on the highlights...

I'm laughing at the "morning glory" gag by Maxwell the next day... I think he's maybe back to normal! ^_^
yep, me too :bouncy::dance:

ThaGazBoi 05-07-2005 05:47 PM

Back to normal? that guy was'nt normal to start off with.

Anyway it was good TV So why are people complaining ffs.

Noone complained when Maxwell and Saskia were under the covers, its just the same.

SMC 05-07-2005 05:51 PM

no it isnt, Max and Saskia were covered up..

bananarama 05-07-2005 06:15 PM


CH4 perhaps shouldn't have shown so much of it in the highlights programmes as there are a lot of kids watching it but aside from that wheres the harm in what they did?

I understand the thoughts behind your sentiments here. But BB is an adult themed show.....

With regard to kids watching it. It's the responsibility of parents to see that kids do not watch adult entertainment with content applicable to after the water shed.

Adults should never be censored as a result of irresponsible parents allowing kids to watch programms of an adult nature.

The BB late night updates have always been targeted at adults. When repeated in the day time the program is suitably censored and it is this edition that parents should make sure children see......

Slartibartfast 05-07-2005 06:21 PM


Originally posted by bananarama
Adults should never be censored as a result of irresponsible parents allowing kids to watch programms of an adult nature.
Totally agree, 100%. LOL, one chapter of my third year thesis at Uni was on basically this exact subject!! Kids are constantly used as an excuse to censor material that would be perfectly fine for adults to watch. All part of our "nanny state."

bananarama 05-07-2005 06:47 PM


Originally posted by Slartibartfast

Originally posted by bananarama
Adults should never be censored as a result of irresponsible parents allowing kids to watch programms of an adult nature.
Totally agree, 100%. LOL, one chapter of my third year thesis at Uni was on basically this exact subject!! Kids are constantly used as an excuse to censor material that would be perfectly fine for adults to watch. All part of our "nanny state."

Try and convince Ofcom our so called proportional and evidence based regulators of that.:laugh:

backtherighthorse 05-07-2005 07:02 PM

How to get rid of Maxwell in 5 easy steps, guarenteed. Please read.

What all the Maxwell haters should do is:
1. Vote him out 3 times.
2. Then text five of your friends and tell them to vote him out 3x.
3. Ask them to then text five of their friends and vote 3 times aswell.
4. If one of your friends has already been told to vote out maxwell by this system, find another friend who hasn't.
5. Tell your 5 friends to do the same if it happens to them.

This will have a chain letter type effect and spread the word very quickly and maxwell will be out. Make sure you put a bet on it cos it will work. Do this quick cos once this gets out the odds on him leaving will increase and your return won't be as good. Here is a sample of what you should text 5 friends:

Vote Maxwell out 3x on this no. 09016 16 16 08
Put a £20 bet on it. 4ward this Msg to 5 diff people. If u got this Msg b4, txt bk so i can find another person 2 send it 2.

~Kizwiz~ 05-07-2005 07:03 PM


Originally posted by backtherighthorse
How to get rid of Maxwell in 5 easy steps, guarenteed. Please read.

What all the Maxwell haters should do is:
1. Vote him out 3 times.
2. Then text five of your friends and tell them to vote him out 3x.
3. Ask them to then text five of their friends and vote 3 times aswell.
4. If one of your friends has already been told to vote out maxwell by this system, find another friend who hasn't.
5. Tell your 5 friends to do the same if it happens to them.

This will have a chain letter type effect and spread the word very quickly and maxwell will be out. Make sure you put a bet on it cos it will work. Do this quick cos once this gets out the odds on him leaving will increase and your return won't be as good. Here is a sample of what you should text 5 friends:

Vote Maxwell out 3x on this no. 09016 16 16 08
Put a £20 bet on it. 4ward this Msg to 5 diff people. If u got this Msg b4, txt back so i can find another person 2 send it 2. hater comments.... Maxwell is great entertainment why would i want to vote him out?

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