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Revol 21-04-2007 01:45 PM

That's pretty good!

Matt 21-04-2007 01:46 PM

It's certainly a better fit than I thought it was. I think if they worked extra hard it could be quite possible.

cooler 21-04-2007 01:47 PM

That was the only way I could fit it in and still have room for the camera runs. Have you thought about what the insde of the house might look like?

Matt 21-04-2007 01:49 PM

No I haven't. Ill have another little play around with the floorplan later, especially with the second house.

Revol 21-04-2007 01:58 PM

Here are some more ideas for what the Holiday Home could be used as next:

- Santa's Grotto: There is a Christmas/Elves task, and BB sends requests for toys to be made (Kinda like he requested food to be made in the BB5 take-away task). So two HMs go to Santa's Grotto and make the toys, the Living Area laid out like an Elvish factory with fake snow on the wall and floor (Think Christmas Party, BB4) and the Bedroom turned into the store room for the toy parts.

- Beach Party: BB sets the Housemates a task where they compete against one another, and will end up in one person winning the task. The winner is called to the Diary Room where they are told that they have won their own beach party. They will then be asked to choose three people to join them and when they all go through, they find a party laid out with food, drink, Hawaiian paraphenalia, a sandbox and bright colours painted in the room.

- Punishment Room: This will be an evil twist, and partially inspired by one which happened on a VBB I participated in. Basically, like above the Housemates will be set a competitive task, and the person with the lowest score or whatever will be called to the DR. BB will lie to them and say they've won the task and as a reward will have their own party, and will ask them to choose three people to join them for their party. Thinking there's booze waiting for them, the enter the ex-Holiday Home to find grey-painted walls, uncomfortable and basic seating with hard beds in the next room. BB will then reveal that they have been double-crossed, and will have to stay the night, whilst the real party takes place next door.

Matt 21-04-2007 02:05 PM

Funny you should mention punishment room...

Revol 21-04-2007 02:40 PM


Originally posted by iMatt
Funny you should mention punishment room...
Is this supposed to be a hint at something?:tongue:

Matt 21-04-2007 02:43 PM

Did you not notice the large space between the store room and the bedroom? :whistle:

Revol 21-04-2007 02:47 PM


Originally posted by iMatt
Did you not notice the large space between the store room and the bedroom? :whistle:
Yes. I thought it'd be a camera run.

Matt 21-04-2007 02:48 PM

Actually come to think of it maybe it should.

That's just me, I love my secret rooms :spin2:

cooler 21-04-2007 02:49 PM

What about the large space between the store room and the bedroom?:conf: This is going to be Evil, isn't it?:devil:

Revol 21-04-2007 02:49 PM

Same. People thought the HND was poor but I enjoyed it.

Anyway, could you describe the theme of your House andt he type of funiture and colours inside it?

Matt 21-04-2007 02:52 PM

I didn't think of that but I will now.

Revol 21-04-2007 04:02 PM

I've gone on a scouting mission and found some pictures which could be "used" for your House:

Swimming Pool:





Or you could use Google Sketchup to do a 3D version of your House and take screenshots.

Of course, this is you only want to use them, as I'm sure you probably have some ideas in mind anyway.

Matt 21-04-2007 04:38 PM

Wow good pics.

Should I do it in SketchUp? I will if popular demand persists.

Revol 21-04-2007 04:41 PM

If you want.:thumbs: Are you good at Sketchup?

Matt 21-04-2007 04:42 PM

Decent enough

I built my first house in sketchup but my computer crashed and I lost the file :(

cooler 21-04-2007 04:49 PM

I was bored so I had a go at it in SketchUp. I have it drawn inside the Elstree House. Its just the house with on furniture etc.

Matt 21-04-2007 04:49 PM

I can't fill with pictures, e.g. if I wanted my eye on the front door, I don't know how to do that.

Revol 21-04-2007 05:01 PM


Originally posted by cooler
I was bored so I had a go at it in SketchUp. I have it drawn inside the Elstree House. Its just the house with on furniture etc.
Ooh, got any screencaps?

Matt 21-04-2007 05:03 PM

Oh I've figured it out now!

Yeah, I'll do the house in SketchUp!

cooler 21-04-2007 05:12 PM

Here is the outside. Sorry if its a bit big.

Matt 21-04-2007 05:15 PM

Aaah how do u get pictures to be so perfect

Revol 21-04-2007 05:16 PM

Looks brilliant, got any from the inside?

Matt 21-04-2007 05:16 PM

I'll be doing my own with how i want it to look soon.

Matt 21-04-2007 05:17 PM

Please tell me how you get the eyes looking perfect!

cooler 21-04-2007 05:21 PM

-I havn't started the inside yet. I will get on it soon.
-I just imported the eye logo you posted as a 2d graphic and placed it where I wanted. What was wrong with yours?

Matt 21-04-2007 05:22 PM

Im using the fill tool. I'm starting on the official 3d model....

cooler 21-04-2007 05:25 PM

Let me know if you need any help!

Matt 21-04-2007 05:27 PM

You are a lifesaver. If I hadn't have found the import tool I would have been stuck. Thanks!

Décor suggestions are welcome.

cooler 21-04-2007 05:33 PM

No problem!:blush2: Happy to help!

Matt 21-04-2007 05:37 PM

I have now done... the door!

Revol 21-04-2007 05:57 PM

ANy updates, Matt?

Matt 21-04-2007 06:06 PM

I'm working on the outside of the house, I'm trying to concoct and idea which would mean a different entrance but I can't think of anything :(

cooler 21-04-2007 08:42 PM

How is the 3D model going?

Matt 21-04-2007 08:46 PM

Cooler, can you send me your 3d model so far?

cooler 21-04-2007 09:08 PM

iMatt- I U2Ued you.

philmyer92 21-04-2007 09:14 PM

great stuff! i tend to make houses on the sims 2

Matt 21-04-2007 11:28 PM

Some rooms are coming together nicely now!

Revol 22-04-2007 12:22 PM

How far are you then?:thumbs:

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