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monx 16-06-2010 10:30 AM

Govan is soooo two faced, when he took horsefaced sunshine into the bedroom in last nights show, it was so obviously because he realised that he was being seen as the nasty bitch that he is and nothing to do with mending fences!

Oooo_get_her 16-06-2010 12:19 PM

Rachael is a whinging, catty cow. She's as bitchy as Govan but with far more subterfuge, which I think makes her worse.

Alpertinator 16-06-2010 05:35 PM

Govan. Why? ...

- Bitchy
- Catty
- Nasty (And likes it)
- Two-faced
- Petty
- Manipulative
- Snake
- Awful

Also really annoying. One person said that they get Govan is bitchy "but would you really want him to leave the house? He's entertaining" or something to that effect. Yes, I would want him to leave the house cos' I don't think he's entertaining I think he's incredibly insufferable. I find Sunshine annoying too, but the thing is Govan is kind of a bully, he's trying to turn everyone against Sunshine and Dave. Sunshine isn't trying to turn people against Govan. She may be annoying but she is not cruel.

Deliverance 16-06-2010 08:41 PM

Govan, because everytime I see him he is judging, complaining or reading someone. At least that is the way he is being shown. He doesn't seem to have any good watchable qualities at all for good or bad in the viewing sense.

Violetfairy 16-06-2010 09:44 PM

Normally I try to give everyone a chance to settle in the BB house, but just after a week I find myself really, really, really, Hating Govan. He's a manipulating, interfering twerp who tries to act like he's all that *Snap Fingers*
When actually he's a tells big fat lies, I read in the Daily Star today that he's been exposed as a fake, he admitted lying to BB bosses about his sexuality, he claimed that he was "Bi Curious" when actually he's straight. This just makes me want Govan out of that house and bring in a better person who deserves it more.

ArumLily 16-06-2010 10:33 PM

Govan. The reason is obvious. I actually liked him on launch night, that was before the bitching started. All does is hang around bitching, that`s all he does. He has no entertainment value at all. He just doesn`t do anything else. He definitely wouldn`t be missed & it`s just a shame that David made the wrong decision in naming Rachael to take his place. Rachael is my second least favourite HM.

Mac Hiavellian 16-06-2010 10:59 PM

I think we have a winner. If only Dave picked Govan we could have had a male out first this year! Darn

Lostie! 16-06-2010 11:00 PM

Govan. He was my favourite on Launch Night, funny how much an opinion can change in the space of a week ;)

Slevin 17-06-2010 05:52 AM

i find Govan very annoying and childish.

Kerry 17-06-2010 06:05 AM

Govan by far right now

Jords 17-06-2010 02:54 PM

Govan! LOL at all his votes.

Smithy 17-06-2010 04:11 PM


Thats a lot of Govan Hate

Linette97 17-06-2010 06:14 PM

1st Sunshine
I can't put up with her Poor me bitchin!! Always playing the victim! OUT SHE GOES FRIDAY!!
2nd Govan
I don't hate him as much as Sunshine, but he is always bitchin as well... Talking behind
people's back. OUT HE GOES NEXT FRIDAY!!

PooBay 17-06-2010 09:57 PM

The uber-turd Govan.

jrae123 18-06-2010 12:45 AM

Shabby + Govan are tied for my least favourites for sure.

ArumLily 18-06-2010 01:03 AM

Govan is my least favourite HM:devil:

Jackie 18-06-2010 06:45 PM

Govan than shabby.

Real 18-06-2010 11:08 PM

Govan, he is a ickle ****-stirrer. :devil:

Kazanne 13-08-2010 07:18 PM

Crabby,because he is a bully,liar,control freak and backstabber and so desperate to win

Jackie 13-08-2010 07:22 PM

Govan was very bitchy.

Raph 13-08-2010 07:24 PM

John James. For being so inexcusably cruel with Rachael and Rachel.

michael21 06-08-2011 07:31 PM

well done to Locke., mackers, Niall your fav housemate won :hugesmile:

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