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Niamh. 21-03-2023 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Soldier Boy (Post 11274470)
On her own no, the overall weight of the alt-right and the bible thumpers unfortunately yes. Like I said, they'll drop women's rights like a cold bag of sick as soon as they've got what they need and flip it right back round.

Yeah I think so too. I know others like Julie Bindel have their issues with Kelly Jay over her willingness to "get into bed" with the right as well. Personally my favourite person to listen to speak on these issues is Helen Joyce.

Oliver_W 21-03-2023 09:48 AM

I guess it's the difference between pro-woman and anti-trans. There might be some intersection, but that doesn't mean they agree on everything.

LeatherTrumpet 21-03-2023 10:00 AM

the news media like to frame any woman who speaks up for womens rights as "anti-trans"

Tom4784 21-03-2023 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Soldier Boy (Post 11274466)
Posie Parker has distinct Nazi vibes and happily flirts with the far-right, there's really no denying that. She's a liability.

Any mob gathering demonstration is going to be hijacked by extremists though - that's an inevitability... the double standard is rather interesting though... I vividly remember that when the BLM marches and demonstrations were used as a cover for mindless violence and looting, there was a clear understanding that those people were not a genuine part of the original demonstration, and were there for their own ends and thus it shouldn't take away from the genuine message of real BLM protesters. When "M.A.P" paedophiles corrupt and use the language of LGBT oppression to attempt to legitimise themselves, we must all understand that they are a fringe extreme and that most people don't agree with those abhorrent views. I agree with ALL of this, by the way.

And yet when the Nazis turn up to piggyback on women's genuine concerns, "everyone should reconsider what they're supporting"? No everyone should be aware of and call out the extremists who want to disingenuously hijack a movement for their own purposes.

There is literally no difference between saying "If nazis show up in support of your beliefs, that alone should be enough to maybe reconsider your views" and "If paedophiles show up in support of your beliefs, that alone should be enough to maybe reconsider your views". Which many people do - completely wrongly.

So no.

We should just accept that the Nazis and Paedophiles are opportunistic vultures and not representative.

I'm DEEPLY concerned about the way these things are being leveraged by the far right and the evangelists to pull more people over into their thinking. To the extent that at this point I genuinely think it's the larger concern (because as we know, those people do NOT actually give a stuff about the rights of women or children, and those will be out the window as soon as they've served their purpose).

To put it in simple terms; despite being accused of "my real feelings being clear" as to which side I come down on, take a look at the current SNP situation. I'm worried about who the future leader of scotland will be. I think we have terrible choices. But I would take Humza Yousaf (fully on board the identity politics train) over Kate Forbes (thinly-veiled evangelist nutjob) ANY day of the week.

I just wish there was a better set of options.

I think that's a bit of a copout saying that events can be hijacked since all it does is absolve these GCs of their connections to nazis. The GCs at that event didn't mind them being there. It's not like when, using your example, when peadophiles try to hijack pride events and they get thrown out and reported immediately. The GCs welcomed the support of the nazis until they realised it made them look bad after the fact, LGBT people will throw out and beat the **** out of any peadophile that tries to attach their noncery to the rainbow flag.

Your attempt at the BLM comparison fails for the same reason, BLM supporters did not stand with the looters. You've named two instances of an extreme group trying to hijack an event or protest to protect the instance of which the extreme element was welcomed with open arms until the GCs realised later that they looked bad for doing so.

And yes, considering you made out I have no self awareness, I do look at the people who agree with me when deciding if I'm on the right path or not. GCs and the far right are deeply tangled at this point, pretty much all the main voices of the GC movement are just puppets for the far right, Posie Parker, Julie Bindel, JK Rowling, etc. If I went to an event where nazis were standing beside me and were welcomed with open arms, I would rapidly consider my beliefs and the company I keep.

Tom4784 21-03-2023 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Oliver_W (Post 11274476)
I guess it's the difference between pro-woman and anti-trans. There might be some intersection, but that doesn't mean they agree on everything.

Most of them are simply anti-trans, and they use women as a shield for their hate.

There's a reason why most of these 'defenders' of women are often oddly silent when the right wing acts out against women. They don't want to bite the hand that feeds them.

Soldier Boy 21-03-2023 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Tom4784 (Post 11274538)
Pretty much all the main voices of the GC movement are just puppets for the far right, Posie Parker, Julie Bindel, JK Rowling, etc. If I went to an event where nazis were standing beside me and were welcomed with open arms, I would rapidly consider my beliefs and the company I keep.

I mean putting Julie Bindel in the same category as Posie Parker is a bit of a stretch, she's a Radical Feminist who advocates for women who have murdered their abusive male partners... the alt right would never align with such "misandry". JK Rowling I genuinely believe started with good intentions and was led down a path of tribalism with the back-and-forth, the rest (the idea that she secretly always had nefarious intent) is a very flimsy retcon.

ANyway - this sort of falls into the same logic as people on the right who term Antifa a "group or movement" though - that all people who are against fascism are part of some tangible group called "Antifa" and "Antifa" does bad things.

The comparison here would be, that you seem to think that anyone who has ideas and opinions about gender, or thoughts and concerns about women and children's safeguarding, are part of a tangible "GC movement" that has shared goals and some sort of leadership structure, which is obviously not the case.

What percentage of people with views on gender that fall outside of what's considered "right and good" are attending events of any kind, let alone events alongside alt-right mouthpieces? People do speak out against those that are hijacking, people do distance themselves from that by not going to these events.

There are plenty of people - myself included - who want measured progress for all with safeguarding and respectful consent forefront of the research and discussions. Whether you believe that or not isn't really all that relevant, you've made it abundantly clear that you don't and that you believe that everyone with concerns is secretly harbouring a heart full of hatred against a certain demographic for ... no apparent reason whatsoever ... but it's not the case and reality doesn't form itself around your opinions or anyone else's. Yes there are bigots - massive ones like Posie Parker and many of the other YouTube drones - smaller scale ones plenty of whom I've seen on this forum - but it's not "It's all good no debate or you're a bigot". It's such black and white thinking, it bears no resemblance at all to how any real society works.

Soldier Boy 21-03-2023 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Tom4784 (Post 11274541)
Most of them are simply anti-trans, and they use women as a shield for their hate.

The big names on youtube (a lot of them men) yes, the vast majority of people who are not "in the public eye" and have concerns about women's rights, women's spaces and child safeguarding ... this is simply flat-out false. Even if you believe they're wrong about their concerns, it's not true to say that they're "pretending to have them" and using it a shield for random, directionless "hate". It's fairytale "good-and-evil" thinking with no rational foundation.

Niamh. 21-03-2023 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Soldier Boy (Post 11274557)
I mean putting Julie Bindel in the same category as Posie Parker is a bit of a stretch, she's a Radical Feminist who advocates for women who have murdered their abusive male partners... the alt right would never align with such "misandry". JK Rowling I genuinely believe started with good intentions and was led down a path of tribalism with the back-and-forth, the rest (the idea that she secretly always had nefarious intent) is a very flimsy retcon.

ANyway - this sort of falls into the same logic as people on the right who term Antifa a "group or movement" though - that all people who are against fascism are part of some tangible group called "Antifa" and "Antifa" does bad things.

The comparison here would be, that you seem to think that anyone who has ideas and opinions about gender, or thoughts and concerns about women and children's safeguarding, are part of a tangible "GC movement" that has shared goals and some sort of leadership structure, which is obviously not the case.

What percentage of people with views on gender that fall outside of what's considered "right and good" are attending events of any kind, let alone events alongside alt-right mouthpieces? People do speak out against those that are hijacking, people do distance themselves from that by not going to these events.

There are plenty of people - myself included - who want measured progress for all with safeguarding and respectful consent forefront of the research and discussions. Whether you believe that or not isn't really all that relevant, you've made it abundantly clear that you don't and that you believe that everyone with concerns is secretly harbouring a heart full of hatred against a certain demographic for ... no apparent reason whatsoever ... but it's not the case and reality doesn't form itself around your opinions or anyone else's. Yes there are bigots - massive ones like Posie Parker and many of the other YouTube drones - smaller scale ones plenty of whom I've seen on this forum - but it's not "It's all good no debate or you're a bigot". It's such black and white thinking, it bears no resemblance at all to how any real society works.

Julie Bindel has specifically spoken out about Posie and aligning too closely with the right. Her and Helen Joyce even had a debate about it (I've posted it below)

Tom4784 21-03-2023 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Soldier Boy (Post 11274557)
I mean putting Julie Bindel in the same category as Posie Parker is a bit of a stretch, she's a Radical Feminist who advocates for women who have murdered their abusive male partners... the alt right would never align with such "misandry". JK Rowling I genuinely believe started with good intentions and was led down a path of tribalism with the back-and-forth, the rest (the idea that she secretly always had nefarious intent) is a very flimsy retcon.

ANyway - this sort of falls into the same logic as people on the right who term Antifa a "group or movement" though - that all people who are against fascism are part of some tangible group called "Antifa" and "Antifa" does bad things.

The comparison here would be, that you seem to think that anyone who has ideas and opinions about gender, or thoughts and concerns about women and children's safeguarding, are part of a tangible "GC movement" that has shared goals and some sort of leadership structure, which is obviously not the case.

What percentage of people with views on gender that fall outside of what's considered "right and good" are attending events of any kind, let alone events alongside alt-right mouthpieces? People do speak out against those that are hijacking, people do distance themselves from that by not going to these events.

There are plenty of people - myself included - who want measured progress for all with safeguarding and respectful consent forefront of the research and discussions. Whether you believe that or not isn't really all that relevant, you've made it abundantly clear that you don't and that you believe that everyone with concerns is secretly harbouring a heart full of hatred against a certain demographic for ... no apparent reason whatsoever ... but it's not the case and reality doesn't form itself around your opinions or anyone else's. Yes there are bigots - massive ones like Posie Parker and many of the other YouTube drones - smaller scale ones plenty of whom I've seen on this forum - but it's not "It's all good no debate or you're a bigot". It's such black and white thinking, it bears no resemblance at all to how any real society works.

On reflection, JK Rowling was always a dickhead. The only east asian character in the book just happens to be called Cho Chang? And plenty of jewish commentators and voices have pointed out that the goblins are basically riddled with anti-semite tropes. I think she just hid it well when she was pretty much universally beloved and spiralled when her mask slipped a bit. The only credit I'll give her is that she was likely more radicalised by the company she keeps, that doesn't excuse her being a dickhead though.

The antifa example is as misguided and foolish as your attempt to make out that Posie Parker welcoming nazis to her protests is no different to LGBT throwing out peadophiles from LGBT events. Centrists are so ****ing pointless.

Oh, the whole safeguarding kids bull**** that, if this was a few decades ago, you'd been spouting the same **** about gay people. A few decades from now, your views on trans people will be seen in a similar light. A trans child is not undergoing operations to transition, they aren't doing anything to themselves that can't be reversed at any time. Who exactly are you safeguarding by pouring doubt on them? It's certainly not the trans kids who will suffer for it. As for women, look at crime rates, a cisgender person is more likely to harm a trans person than the other way around. As for things like the prison debate, transwomen prisoners are not allowed with cisgendered women prisoners if they are convicted of a violent crime.

The rate of suicide of and hate crimes towards trans people is skyrocketing all the time, and there's a clear correlation between more trans people dying and more anti-trans rhetoric and hatred becoming common place. I don't really care about your concerns of safeguarding against transpeople, when it's rare that a transperson has the chance to grow old.

All your handwringing is just tiresome to behold. It serves no one but your own ego.

Tom4784 21-03-2023 02:17 PM

Julie Bindel considers bisexuality to be a 'fashion accessory' and is pretty much anti-LGBT while Helen Joyce has said that less people should transition and that trans people are a huge problem to a sane world, in her words.

The same trans people that will rarely live to see old age, due to suicide or violence against them.

The calls are coming from inside the house.

Soldier Boy 21-03-2023 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Tom4784 (Post 11274597)

The antifa example is as misguided and foolish as your attempt to make out that Posie Parker welcoming nazis to her protests is no different to LGBT throwing out peadophiles from LGBT events. Centrists are so ****ing pointless.

Would you like to make an attempt at explaining why defining Antifa as an organised group is any different to defining "GC" as an organised group? It's literally identical. "You're part of the GC mob" / "You're part of that Antifa lot". Literally exactly the same thing. I assume you can see that or you'd at least have given a token argument for why it's different, other than "LOL no! Wrong! Stupid!"


Oh, the whole safeguarding kids bull**** that, if this was a few decades ago, you'd been spouting the same **** about gay people. A few decades from now, your views on trans people will be seen in a similar light. A trans child is not undergoing operations to transition, they aren't doing anything to themselves that can't be reversed at any time. Who exactly are you safeguarding by pouring doubt on them? It's certainly not the trans kids who will suffer for it.
I have no issues with kids and gender experimentation so long as gender ideology is allowed to be properly discussed rather than a dogmatic zeitgeist of one-sided opinion pushed as fact, and also so long as it's not used to brush aside the possibility of other issues for the children in question. 90+% of kids swapping gender around the age of puberty are female-to-male, many (most) don't go on to transition as adults, and many have other unrelated mental health issues that end up being completely brushed under the carpet and unaddressed which is absolutely shameful. Again, this is where it comes down to being heavily interwoven with female oppression; the reasons young girls are rejecting their female bodies are complex, tragic and rooted in patriarchy. But "who cares" about that, right? Even the very respectable, very well educated professionals who try to examine this phenomena are doxxed, harassed, bullied and have their places of employment harassed to fire them by hoards of slack-jawed terminally online 20 year olds. It's gross.


As for women, look at crime rates, a cisgender person is more likely to harm a trans person than the other way around.
Cisgendered people are more likely to harm transgender people than the other way around - perfectly true. What part of that means that cisgendered men won't abuse poorly-thought-out safeguarding changes made for trans women in order to access women's spaces with ill intent? Both things can be true and that's why it needs more thought, it's not "one or the other". I have always said that the following two statements are BOTH true of the "bathrooms debate";

- The individuals MOST at risk in any scenario, are trans women in male bathrooms (cis male perp). Being blunt, "passing" trans women are at high risk of sexual assault, "not-so-passing" trans women are at risk of violent attack. I genuinely consider male bathrooms a 100% unsafe place for a trans woman to be. I'm not debating that -- and I don't know the right answer to that issue, other than self-contained toilets becoming the norm.

- The demographic with the HIGHEST NUMBER OF PEOPLE at risk by the numbers are women. ALSO from cis male perps, NOT from trans women, but some Trans Rights Activists are seeking fundamental safeguarding changes that would allow male-presenting individuals access to women's spaces, placing women at increased risk. There's an adamant denial that this is the case, or that this is a risk, but it's BS. Of course it's a risk, of course it's a loophole, and of course there are predatory men out there who would (will, and already do) exploit it.

Like I said I have no idea what the answer is because the reverse also allows male-presenting people access to women's spaces - since trans men would still be using female change spaces - again NOT saying that I think trans men are a risk - but predatory cis males could access those spaces by simply claiming to be trans men.

I don't know the answers. I just want people (professionals) to be able to discuss the question without harassment and threats and that's currently not happening.


I don't really care about your concerns of safeguarding
That much is abundantly clear; you only care about safeguarding of one small niche of the population at all, and women/children are not relevant to that.

Soldier Boy 21-03-2023 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Tom4784 (Post 11274598)
The same trans people that will rarely live to see old age, due to suicide or violence against them.

Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up this claim? Before you insist that I "google it" .. I have, and I can't find anything that makes this an even vaguely plausible statement.

Cherie 21-03-2023 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Soldier Boy (Post 11274625)
Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up this claim? Before you insist that I "google it" .. I have, and I can't find anything that makes this an even vaguely plausible statement.

The only murder that immediately springs to mind is Brianna Ghey but given the trial hasn’t taken place yet we don’ know why she was murdered

Ava White was murdered for asking someone to stop filming her so it doesn’t take much

GoldHeart 21-03-2023 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Cherie (Post 11274717)
The only murder that immediately springs to mind is Brianna Ghey but given the trial hasn’t taken place yet we don’ know why she was murdered

Ava White was murdered for asking someone to stop filming her so it doesn’t take much

Stabbings are a regular thing, it's horrific but there isn't always a reason other than senseless violence.

Just 2 days ago another kid was stabbed in Leeds at a house party .

Zizu 21-03-2023 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by GoldHeart (Post 11274722)
Stabbings are a regular thing, it's horrific but there isn't always a reason other than senseless violence.

Just 2 days ago another kid was stabbed in Leeds at a house party .

What about the ‘particular’ kind of stabbing that’s prevalent between rival gang members nowadays !!

Truly horrific!


Some stabbing are intended meant to kill, though; gang member sometimes go in for “bagging”, which is when they stab the victim in the rectum, so that they need a colostomy bag for the rest of their life. This is meant to be the most humiliating punishment.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

GoldHeart 21-03-2023 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Zizu (Post 11274746)
What about the ‘particular’ kind of stabbing that’s prevalent between rival gang members nowadays !!

Truly horrific!


Some stabbing are intended meant to kill, though; gang member sometimes go in for “bagging”, which is when they stab the victim in the rectum, so that they need a colostomy bag for the rest of their life. This is meant to be the most humiliating punishment.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Yeah Gang stabbings is a huge problem. And it a reoccurring thing.

As for the 'particular' stabbing , that is absolutely disgusting and grim.

GoldHeart 21-03-2023 08:12 PM

Here we go again with the "JK Rowling is a Nazi" narrative .

I think it says more about you if when you see goblin bank tellers in a fantasy story,that you immediately think "antisemitic " . Absolutely ridiculous.

And JK Rowling stood up to the troll that was peddling that harmful lie , once she mentioned lawyers and him being held accountable for his accusations. He suddenly apologised publicly like a wimp with his tail between his legs:hee: .

Tom4784 21-03-2023 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Soldier Boy (Post 11274622)

That much is abundantly clear; you only care about safeguarding of one small niche of the population at all, and women/children are not relevant to that.

Because if it's only happening to what you consider 'a small niche' of the population then it doesn't matter, I guess. Who cares how many trans people die, just as long as you can demonise them to fuel your hysteria?

After all, if you don't think trans people need binning, then you obviously hate women and children, right?


Originally Posted by Soldier Boy (Post 11274625)
Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up this claim? Before you insist that I "google it" .. I have, and I can't find anything that makes this an even vaguely plausible statement.

You've already decided it's not true, and I've grown quite tired of straight people expecting me to be a prop to their character development. It's a well known thing in the community that you have few older LGBT of the first three letters and less still of the T. The aids crisis, hatecrimes, and suicide have contributed to that. Over half of trans youth today has had suicidal thoughts, and there's a large number of those people who have and will attempt suicide before the age of 20. You don't get many older transpeople because so many of them die of suicide before they have the chance to grow old. Many trans youth today won't see old age either, not that you care, given that it's just a 'small niche' of the population after all.

Tom4784 21-03-2023 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by GoldHeart (Post 11274770)
Here we go again with the "JK Rowling is a Nazi" narrative .

I think it says more about you if when you see goblin bank tellers in a fantasy story,that you immediately think "antisemitic " . Absolutely ridiculous.

And JK Rowling stood up to the troll that was peddling that harmful lie , once she mentioned lawyers and him being held accountable for his accusations. He suddenly apologised publicly like a wimp with his tail between his legs:hee: .

I mean, many jewish commentators have commented on the tropes present in the goblins so good luck of trying to uno reverse accuse them of anti-semitism? Good luck with that, do try it though, it'll be hilarious to see you screeching 'NO, U' to jewish people pointing out anti-semitic tropes.

Also the guy you're talking about was not a troll, he literally just pointed out things that many articles had written about JK Rowling. He did not harass or troll anyone but she silenced him through the threat of wielding her wealth like a weapon. She decided to say '**** freedom of speech' and threatened to destroy him because she's rich. She also has a history of setting her rabid, hideous fanbase on people she doesn't like, even if those people have never engaged her in anything. You are clapping like a seal for a bully that hates freedom of speech, that paints an image of who you are that is far from pretty.

LeatherTrumpet 21-03-2023 08:59 PM

"her rabid, hideous fanbase"

= normal people and not a tiny micro minority of shrieking pink-haired trans mob fascists who don't own property, pay tax and have no investment in society


get a grip :joker:

GoldHeart 21-03-2023 09:12 PM

They're goblin characters in a bank in a fantasy fictional world,there was nothing offensive about them. And keep getting personal that's fine with those blinkers firmly on your head ,and cloth covering your ears.

If you think it's ok to call JK Rowling a "Nazi" just because ...... then that's on you. Loads of people have all the freedom of speech when they send her hate and all jumped on the bandwagon in their cult fashion. Clapping like a seal is exactly what all these people are doing. So you're just projecting your own behaviour there.

If this person truly believed JK Rowling was a 'nazi' then why did he immediately backpedal like a pathetic weasel. If all the evidence is there that JK Rowling is this 'horrible antisemitic person ' , then surely a threat of a lawsuit wouldn't matter to him ? . To me it showed he had nothing to back up his accusations so he scurried away like a scared little pest .

If JK Rowling is so dangerous then why has her franchise blocked her ,and trying to erase her ?. Twitter was flooded with the most vulgar comments towards her , funny how non of them were scared of her :hee:.

Oliver_W 21-03-2023 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Tom4784 (Post 11274773)
I mean, many jewish commentators have commented on the tropes present in the goblins so good luck of trying to uno reverse accuse them of anti-semitism?

They're non-human creatures. There's nothing specifically "Jewish" about them at all.

LeatherTrumpet 21-03-2023 09:51 PM

" many jewish commentators have commented on the tropes present "

looking forwards to the list tomoz

GoldHeart 21-03-2023 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Oliver_W (Post 11274778)
They're non-human creatures. There's nothing specifically "Jewish" about them at all.

If anything the people complaining are the ones pushing that harmful stereotype.
Why do they instantly think "Jewish people " .....when they see goblins handling money :umm2::suspect: ,it says more about them than JK Rowling .

Oliver_W 21-03-2023 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by LeatherTrumpet (Post 11274779)
" many jewish commentators have commented on the tropes present "

looking forwards to the list tomoz

"Google it, I'm not here to educate you."

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