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erinp5 16-07-2013 05:23 PM

Dan and Hazel.

Tonight’s Big Brother 2013 sees Hazel O’Sullivan telling the housemates about why Daley Ojuederie was kicked out of the house.

Yesterday Big Brother booted Daley from the show for being abusive, aggressive and threatening to Hazel in the safe house the night before.

Following the announcement to the house by Big Brother, the group were naturally keen to understand what had happened.

Detective Dan naturally led the questioning, asking Hazel: “Did he try it on hard or something?”

“No he just flipped…I don’t need anybody knowing this at all…it was just really weird, like we were messing and I hugged him…we were messing around pulling on each other’s covers and play fighting like you do when you’re drunk,” Hazel explained. “I don’t know he just turned; the eyes and everything. I had my knees up to his chest trying to push him away, really really intense.

I just grabbed his throat, pushing him away saying you don’t think I am afraid of aggressive men do you, I was pushing him away. Then at that second Big Brother were like ‘Daley come to the diary room.’ I didn’t want anyone to be kicked out, just got a little bit of a fright.”

Dan claimed: “I am not surprised this has happened.”

Hazel admitted: “I just can’t believe it got him kicked out.”

But Dan asked: “You were scared right?”

“Yeah, I was terrified,” commented Hazel.

Dan told her: “There you go. If you were scared and you felt threatened by that then even if it was a *******ing joke it was too much then the right thing has happened.”

Speaking later with Dan and Charlie, Hazel said: “I just don’t want my whole time in this thing to have been about him. My mind was changed last night; he was very drunk last night.”

She added: “As well and good as it is being in the there, it is very intense. I’m a very straight person, my personality doesn’t change much. So when people flip on me, when I don’t know what somebody is going to do next, that frightens me.”

Big Brother UK airs tonight at 10PM on Channel 5.

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boomoo 16-07-2013 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by kefln (Post 6172369)
I dont care how you feel about Hazel, but blaming her for this, is just wrong/sick/crazy.

Yes she was flirting, yes she was looking for attention, maybe she was looking for a little bed action, but she wasnt looking/expecting what happened.

It all went wrong from the point that daley stood on the bed, in a dominate pose, calling her a mother******, then telling her to respect him, then holding her by the throat and throwing her a headbutt.

The sooner BB called him to the diaryroom, she fled to the chair.

Hazels conflict of interest was plain to see. Daley is/was her friend, his change was so extreme that she didnt know how to react. She was in shock.

And I am in shock over peoples reactions. Listening to the callers BBBOTS a lot of the blame was being dropped on hazels lap. Which is twisted. When does slapping a guy on the arse equate to being threatened with a headbutt? When does pulling someones pants down, in the dark, whike laughing, equal being grabbed by the throat?

It reminds me of girls wearing short skirts being blamed for inappropriate reactions by men.

No one can say that Daley was right and no one should be making excuses for Hazel. She began this flirting and took it way too far with a man she knew nothing about. If she had gone into that room with Daley and settled to sleep, with none of this flirting the rest would not have happened. What you say is current thinking but it is dangerous behaviour for a woman. Hazel was just fortunate that she tried this inside the big brother house where the action was being monitored. Women can wear their shorts and they will be safe as long as they do not start shaking a ' a red rag in front of a bull'.

It would help us all if men and women learnt from this episode.

boomoo 16-07-2013 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by the truth (Post 6174021)
the trouble is too,, daley is spectacularly dumb, he clearly doesn't have the mental capacity to cope with such a show, so why was he allowed on and why didn't BB step in sooner

They should have been straight in there when she pulled his pants down. But no, they wanted to see what would happen. Denise Welsh only tweaked a woman's pyjamas and there was hell on.
As Hazel said he flipped. This possibility should have been picked up by the selectors. Why pay for psychiactric assessment that cannot pick out those with a violent streak. He said it was just fun. He needs his ideas reassessed.

kefln 16-07-2013 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by boomoo (Post 6175046)
No one can say that Daley was right and no one should be making excuses for Hazel. She began this flirting and took it way too far with a man she knew nothing about. If she had gone into that room with Daley and settled to sleep, with none of this flirting the rest would not have happened. What you say is current thinking but it is dangerous behaviour for a woman. Hazel was just fortunate that she tried this inside the big brother house where the action was being monitored. Women can wear their shorts and they will be safe as long as they do not start shaking a ' a red rag in front of a bull'.

It would help us all if men and women learnt from this episode.

You know one of the first things people say when they find out that their neighbour is an axe wielding maniac, who kept women locked in his basement, is "but he was always such a quiet, friendly sort".

You never know whats going on in someones head until you live with them and get to see them at their best, and worst.

You cant blame a girl for flirting and thinking that the guy that see now considers a friend, is in reality a thug. Nothing in life prepares you for that. If all that she has known is good decent men, then why would be expect any different here?

Its wrong to place blame on the victims. Even if its only a brief brush with violence, there are lasting effects.

Tom4784 16-07-2013 05:45 PM

Her body language pretty much screamed scared to me, If she wasn't fussed by his actions she would have been comfortable enough to stay where she was. It was plain to see that she was very unnerved by what happened.

As for why she stayed she probably tried to rationalise the situation in her head, you get it a lot in abusive relationships. The person getting abused will try to convince themselves everything is okay.

fingers 16-07-2013 06:10 PM

I just find it odd that people feel the need to "get inside" other people's heads and explain what they were really thinking as if they, and only they, were capable of interpreting what they thought they saw.

Look forward to Hazel telling it like it is, in her own words, tonight (fat chance!)

boomoo 16-07-2013 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Ben (Post 6172834)
But if she was so terrified why did she not sleep elsewhere. BB would have let her if she was that scared. Also as CaudleHalbard pointed out, she went back into the same bed as him. Sorry but something doesn't sit right with this story.

Please don't think I want Daley to stay, his ejection was justified, but she played up to the whole thing.

BB would have asked her this when she was called to the diary. At the time she said everything was all right. She had no idea he had done anything that warranted his eviction.

CaudleHalbard 16-07-2013 06:42 PM

I have a feeling Hazel is genuinely shocked Daley was ejected and feels it was an OTT reaction by BB.

She will also suffer a touch of guilt, but I doubt that will last.

kistar 16-07-2013 06:43 PM

If she was scared why did she grab him round the neck when he was doing it to her , surely you would just ask him to stop and make it clear enough was enough.

boomoo 16-07-2013 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by kefln (Post 6175076)
You know one of the first things people say when they find out that their neighbour is an axe wielding maniac, who kept women locked in his basement, is "but he was always such a quiet, friendly sort".

You never know whats going on in someones head until you live with them and get to see them at their best, and worst.

You cant blame a girl for flirting and thinking that the guy that see now considers a friend, is in reality a thug. Nothing in life prepares you for that. If all that she has known is good decent men, then why would be expect any different here?

Its wrong to place blame on the victims. Even if its only a brief brush with violence, there are lasting effects.

I was just surprised that Hazel who claims to be experienced (she knew how to deal with aggressive men, her words) did not see the warning signs.
I told my daughter, -if a man even looks as if he is thinking of being aggressive, leave and do not go back'.
I do not want any woman to be hurt this way, or man for that matter so it is essential that people can learn what exactly went wrong here. A one sided view wont help.
I do not believe that Hazel thought anything was wrong until BB called him in.
She went and slept in the same bed for the rest of the night. If she was really afraid she could have asked BB to let her be moved but I saw a clip where she said she was alright,
I hope Hazel learns something from this but I doubt it. Will the public learn not to walk with a dog in a field where a cow has calves? No. Therefore we keep hearing of walkers being trampled to death.

They were put into that room together to increase viewing and they certainly did that.

amu 18-07-2013 04:13 AM

She is a liar, and she is trying to look innocent, it is fake.

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