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starry 14-09-2018 11:19 AM

Could Tyler be more obvious telling Brett to throw the Veto? lol Brett was the very obvious target and after the usual boring HoH result it was a matter of whether they were putting him straight up or gamble being able to make him replacement.

reece(: 14-09-2018 02:51 PM

Pro Sniper 14-09-2018 05:39 PM

"You're the best player in here, Brett. So good you're happy to watch your position weaken further and further as the weeks go on. Happy to be the outsider of an unbreakable group. Happy to tell the obvious head of that group that you're trageting his gf etc.. we just couldn't beat you man."

Headie 16-09-2018 12:36 AM

Macie Lightfoot 17-09-2018 12:07 AM

I have a football delay until 8:30 fwiw ~

Macie Lightfoot 17-09-2018 12:44 AM

Oh good Tyler gets to narrate everything to us :)

Macie Lightfoot 17-09-2018 12:47 AM

(during the Double Eviction)
"She's a total BITCH! She's been a Have-Not one time!"

(immediately after the Double Eviction)
"Angela I called you the b-word and I'm really sorry."

We love Sam :love:

Macie Lightfoot 17-09-2018 01:24 AM

This episode is so boring lmao

Macie Lightfoot 17-09-2018 01:26 AM

Bebe giving them air high-fives lmao this show is a disaster :love:

Macie Lightfoot 17-09-2018 01:28 AM

Sam singing along is the only good part about this

Macie Lightfoot 17-09-2018 01:31 AM

yeah Sam's the only one who actually seemed happy about this lmao

Mokka 17-09-2018 01:41 AM

Wow... Tyler has the same secret as Angela... she's in love with him and he's in love with him.


reece(: 17-09-2018 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by Hayden (Post 10230496)


JerseyWins 17-09-2018 06:10 AM

The bro DIDN'T have to go! :suspect:

Nice recap of this though can't lie :clap1:

I didn't know JC was this much against Tyler now after the double eviction :omgno: But I guess I should've known, that's kinda what he would be like if I think about it :joker:

The Tangela segment how beautiful

Tyler: You just gotta trust me
JC: No


Captain.Remy 17-09-2018 09:21 AM

My only hope for this season is that Angela is faking the romance bullcrap and backdoors tf out of Tyler at the F3 eviction and is savage about it.
And I'm not the one to like Angela and her ways, but that would be hilarious.

Ramsay 17-09-2018 12:12 PM

Found myself rooting for JC this episode, what is wrong with me

Matthew. 17-09-2018 03:49 PM

“I said a bad word”

Matthew. 17-09-2018 03:53 PM

nine angry jurors :skull:

starry 17-09-2018 05:46 PM

I've never even heard of that 'superstar'. More filler really.

One thing that bugs me with these questions comps is they often aren't that hard, for instance in the one with stuck videos they put that Scottie falling down video near the end when it was one of the easiest. At least this wasn't a 50/50 guess opportunity but most of them weren't really that hard, despite the script telling us that they were.

starry 17-09-2018 06:01 PM

They also dragged out the suspense of whether Sam got the last question right to get to a tie breaker for so long that it was obvious that that was the only suspense they had. Otherwise the big suspense reveal would have been at the tie-breaker stage.

Pro Sniper 18-09-2018 01:40 AM

I see they're still trying their damndest to make tedious Tyler "interesting"..getting him to give embarrassing DR speeches. Here's how I pulled off my "big blindside". Also ridiculous watching him saying to people all the time "do you trust me".."do you trust me" ..but this is what happens when you have crappy players like the little pervert and silly Sam, they've simply no option but to nod along like the weak, powerless fools they are,, until the person who constantly asks them to "trust him" has no further use for them and they're finally disposed of for being the useless garbage they are.

Mandie 18-09-2018 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Ramsay (Post 10233470)
Found myself rooting for JC this episode, what is wrong with me

I said the same thing. :shocked:

I cant stand Angela or Tyler. I dont mind Kaycee but shes so boring and Im not sure what she would have done w/o Level 6.

I want the whole season cancelled. The only thing to look forward to is jury

Macie Lightfoot 20-09-2018 12:03 AM

"Expect the unexpected" as we have a SURPRISE eviction at the exact same time as we've had one each year for about the last decade

Macie Lightfoot 20-09-2018 12:03 AM

Oooooooh girl she introduced herself as Julie Chen Moonves again

Macie Lightfoot 20-09-2018 12:08 AM

Tyler wants to sit next to someone who made big moves!!!!!!

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