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Matthew. 04-12-2017 08:42 PM

The Class of 2k17 as rated by Matthew - Ranking COMPLETE!
Overall Ranking

1. Kim Woodburn (CBB19)
2. Rebecca Jane (BB18)
3. Sukhvinder Javeed (BB18)
4. Chad Johnson (CBB20)
5. Sue Evans (BB18)
6. Deborah Agboola (BB18)
7. Isabelle Warburton (BB18)
8. Trisha Paytas (CBB20)
9. Coleen Nolan (CBB19)
10. Chanelle McCleary (BB18)
11. Helen Lederer (CBB20)
12. Brandi Glanville (CBB20)
13. Stacy Francis (CBB19)
14. Raph Korine (BB18)
15. Imran Javeed (BB18)
16. Marissa Jade (CBB20)
17. Hannah Agboola (BB18)
18. James Cosmo (CBB19)

19. Arthur Fulford (BB18)
20. Jedward (CBB19)
21. Amelia Lily (CBB20)
22. Charlotte Keys (BB18)
23. Sam Thompson (CBB20)
24. Jessica Cunningham (CBB19)
25. James Jordan (CBB19)
26. Mandy Longworth (BB18)
27. Heidi & Spencer (CBB19)
28. Tom Barber (BB18)
29. Sarah Harding (CBB20)
30. Shaun Williamson (CBB20)
31. Kieran Lee (BB18)
32. Savannah O’Reilly (BB18)
33. Bianca Gascoigne (CBB19)
34. Brandon Block (CBB19)
35. Ray J (CBB19)

36. Sandi Bogle (CBB20)
37. Angie Best (CBB19)
38. Karthik Nagesan (CBB20)
39. Jasmine Waltz (CBB19)
40. Jordan Davies (CBB20)
41. Andrew Cruickshanks (BB18)
42. Calum Best (CBB19)
43. Austin Armacost (CBB19)
44. Derek Acorah (CBB20)
45. Jamie O’Hara (CBB19)
46. Paul Danan (CBB20)
47. Ellie Young (BB18)
48. Sam Chaloner (BB18)
49. Chloe Ferry (CBB19)
50. Simone Reed (BB18)
51. Joe Quaranta (BB18)
52. Jemma Lucy (CBB20)
53. Kayleigh Morris (BB18)
54. Nicola McLean (CBB19)
55. Lotan Carter (BB18)

Housemates by Series
1. Kim Woodburn
2. Coleen Nolan
3. Stacy Francis
4. James Cosmo
5. Jedward
6. Jessica Cunningham
7. James Jordan
8. Heidi & Spencer
9. Bianca Gascoigne
10. Ray J
11. Brandon Block
12. Angie Best
13. Jasmine Waltz
14. Calum Best
15. Austin Armacost
16. Jamie O’Hara
17. Chloe Ferry
18. Nicola McLean

1. Rebecca Jane
2. Sukhvinder Javeed
3. Sue Evans
4. Deborah Agboola
5. Isabelle Warburton
6. Chanelle McCleary
7. Raph Korine
8. Imran Javeed
9. Hannah Agboola
10. Arthur Fulford
11. Charlotte Keys
12. Mandy Longworth
13. Tom Barber
14. Kieran Lee
15. Savannah O’Reilley
16. Andrew Cruickshanks
17. Ellie Young
18. Sam Chaloner
19. Simone Reed
20. Joe Quaranta
21. Kayleigh Morris
22. Lotan Carter

1. Chad Johnson
2. Trisha Paytas
3. Helen Lederer
4. Brandi Glanville
5. Marissa Jade
6. Amelia Lily
7. Sam Thompson
8. Sarah Harding
9. Shaun Williamson
10. Sandi Bogle
11. Karthik Nagesan
12. Jordan Davies
13. Derek Acorah
14. Paul Danan
15. Jemma Lucy

Matthew. 04-12-2017 08:50 PM

You can guess below, I would actually encourage people to guess

Epic. 04-12-2017 08:52 PM

angie best i guess. i won't be commenting much on this since i hate hints

Ant. 04-12-2017 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Robert. (Post 9723258)
angie best i guess. i won't be commenting much on this since i hate hints


reece(: 04-12-2017 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Robert. (Post 9723258)
angie best i guess. i won't be commenting much on this since i hate hints

Then why do you do it :joker::joker:

Matthew. 04-12-2017 09:36 PM

Lotan Carter
BB18 - Ejected - 4 nominations

Ugh, what a massive twat am I right? Remember when Big Brother released the 6 teaser photos of 6 of our new housemates? (of whom 4 left by the first 2 weeks and 3 left by non-evictions) And we saw Imran and Sukhvinder and Deborah and Hannah and we thought oh my god, we're going to get a really good, diverse, interesting cast. And then we saw Lotan and thought "meh who were we kidding"

Yep, pretty much. So, cue launch night and Lotan is Housemate #3. And it was soooooo fkn satisfying to watch him come out of the doors to loud boos. I thought "Good, he'll be first out!" And then he made a tit of himself (not as much as he would later on, mind) by throwing sweets at people and asking Sukhvinder if he could call her "Sukh" and she shut him down and we could all tell that Emma was lowkey living for it. I thought that the first evictee would be him, especially when Tom made him face the first public vote. So cue that night. And he gets the loudest cheers of the lot! What the ****...........

Then he sort of blended into the background a bit. Until we got some new housemates. Lotan, meet Isabelle. She will not stand you thinking that you run this house, we hope that is ok with you. It was not. It was brilliant for us though because it led to his ejection. He made it his mission to treat her like **** and one thing that sticks in my mind his him telling Tom to go and ask Raph what is the shortest period of time a housemate has spent inside the Big Brother house because he was sure that record was about to be broken. We love irony. For the fact fans, that record holder is Issac Stout from Big Brother 10, who walked after 2 days. (Day 56-Day 58) Also, Lotan spent 21 days in the house, compared to Isabelle, who spent 38 days in the house.

So, Big Brother gave housemates a task to stick adjectives on each other, you know the usual, "funny", "two-faced", and the one which was his downfall, "vain." Isabelle went to fix her microphone and did so near a mirror, so Lotan noticed this and pointed this out to the whole group, saying "She's looking in the mirror, did anyone give her vain?" and then Isabelle uttered the six words which changed the series forever.

Role model to your son though?

Big Daddy was not impressed. So much so that his reaction was to throw his bottle over beer across the housemates, hitting several of them. So then Lotan and Tom went to the Diary Room as Lotan raged, Big Brother sent security in to stop Ellie and Deborah from battering each other, Charlotte revealed that she can actually speak (who would have thunk it) and Savannah just sat on the sofa fearing for her life, it was great fun :hee:

And then Lotan was removed from the house the next day for being a male twat.

Clue as to who’s next:

Someone who is an All Star.

RileyH 04-12-2017 09:37 PM

Lotan :flutter:

RileyH 04-12-2017 09:37 PM

Kayleigh was worse.

Denver 04-12-2017 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Sleigh Dockley (Post 9723442)
Lotan :flutter:

Not you supporting Men attacking Women

reece(: 04-12-2017 09:41 PM

Kayleigh was irrel, Lotan hogged up camera time with his BS.

RileyH 04-12-2017 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by QueenOfSheba (Post 9723451)
Not you supporting Men attacking Women


Morgan. 04-12-2017 09:43 PM

Lotan wasn't a completely terrible housemate and although he would be between 50 and 55 on this list for me, we have had worse. Especially Kayleigh, who I still don't know why isn't 55th or 54th on this list.

Jason. 04-12-2017 09:49 PM

Kayleigh was a nothing housemate. I can't even bring myself to hate her as much as I should because she didn't provoke any sort of opinion from me.

Lotan was just a ****.

LukeB 04-12-2017 09:52 PM

Lotan bullied Isabelle and said some things and still thinks he is innocent
Kayleigh was boring and is self aware she is a nasty person

Lotan is worse

montblanc 04-12-2017 10:01 PM

good :clap1:

Strictly Jake 04-12-2017 11:55 PM

My guess for 54 is Austin or Spencer

Eddie. 05-12-2017 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by ShakeyJake10 (Post 9723720)
My guess for 54 is Austin or Spencer


Matthew. 05-12-2017 08:07 AM

Nicola McLean
CBB19 - 5th Placed Finalist - 7 nominations

Next up is Mean McLean, who would probably still be quite far down the list even if it hadn't been for Kim's presence. Ugh she was such a mess that it actually lowkey pissed me off to watch because everything she did was annoying. Because in the first few days she was married to some footballer, who idk his name because I don't follow the football and I don't want to Google it because it's in the back of my mind somewhere and googling it now would be admitting defeat, right? And why do that if it can be avoidable. Anyway, off-topic...

Yeah so she's married to her husband and then she has a lot of drink and then goes and flirts with Jamie (god knows why) and then they talked about her on This Morning and she came across like a mess. Not as much as she would later on, but still a mess nevertheless. hey that rhymed and also did I use that phrase in Lotion's write up? I think so. I'm going to use it again. They were both pretty terrible housemates. So, every time she was on screen from Day 1 - Day 11, she was bitching about someone. And you know the bitchy housemates that are kinda iconic? Yeah, sorry Nicole, you can't come in. You don't fit that criteria. Bye bye.

So then Kim came in, which proper turned the series upside down and it was great TV because Chloe jumped in the pool, this splashed Kim, Kim got pissed off, Nicola thought that she was the voice of reason and shouted at Kim. Like what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuck, this had nothing to do with you! Sod off, I preferred you when you were bitchy but still uniconic. Yeah so then Kim was NOT having it, so she had a go at Nicola, which she held a grudge against Kim for, for the next 3 weeks. There was the time when James J and Kim had an argument because he told Kim to go back to her cleaning and then then Kim started crying and James J, Jamie and Nicola sat outside and talked utter **** about Kim, so that was proper uncalled for.

And then there was Fight Night, which Nicola was lowkey the catalyst for (knew that my Int 1 Chemistry wasn't completely useless) and she came across as if she thought she was running the house, in other words not coming across well. Then Kim got dragged away by the dripping security lady and Nicola thought she had done something good and it was like no you didn't. Then there was the time that Nicola said to Kim that she was the way she was because she wasn't a mum which was proper uncalled for because Kim had a stillborn baby when she was younger and she delievered it alone, by herself in a bedsit and buried him in a park. Yeah she didn't go through all that so the likes of her could go around saying that sort of ****. Like I'll be honest, had she not said that, she would have been around the #40 mark, which means that the comment means she dropped 14 places. Bet she's devvo'd.

Clue as to who is next:

2 people from Ex On The Beach

Eddie. 05-12-2017 09:04 AM

not Nicola getting cut this early, she's Top 30 material...anyway I respect your opinion...

Daniel-X 05-12-2017 09:52 AM

Poor Cal

reece(: 05-12-2017 10:57 AM


Black Dagger 05-12-2017 11:11 AM

Coleen is getting an unjust top 3 when she ****ing sucks. Do we need this.

Matthew. 05-12-2017 11:15 AM

Clearly a controversial choice, I would wait to see Cal’s reaction but I’m about to grant Morgan’s previous wish which was:


Originally Posted by Blurryface (Post 9723463)
Kayleigh, who I still don't know why isn't 55th or 54th on this list.

53. Kayleigh Morris
BB18 - Ejected - 4 nominations

We move onto Kayleigh, who was also ejected from BB18 for being unnecessarily aggressive. The reason that I call her unnecessarily aggressive is because she was always having a go at someone and it could never be justified. Ugh it was just so messy. I remember hearing on launch night that she cut up all her baby photos in front of her mum in an argument. I would say that's pretty cruel. And she even seemed proud of it. Like wtf girl, is that an attempt to sound iconic or what. The first instance of her being a dick was in the first week when she went into the kitchen and started brushing her hair beside Sukhvinder who was eating. She put her in her place by telling her that she was trying to eat her breakfast (it looked like her lunch but whatever) and that it was really bad hygenically to do that, which is actually true as well, because if you brush your hair over somebody's food, the hair is likely to go in the food. And nobody wants hair in their food. Especially Kayleigh's hair. And then Kayleigh had this MASSIVE go at Sukhvinder, and she was like trying to prove that she was wrong (which she was not) and if there was an award for not being able to conduct yourself well, she probably would have won it because she did not conduct herself well at all. Such a mess.

And then after Randy Mandy was evicted (such a loss) she had a HUGE go at Arthur for some reason that I can't completely remember but I remember that it was over nothing and she was overreacting to **** and she was told him to fack off about 500 times in the space of 2 minutes, with the word can't every now and again, which I think was supposed to mean ****... Yeah and then during the mayoral task when Sukhvinder was mayor of the BB village (ugh what an icon) and Kayleigh was her deputy (ugh what a mess) she constantly tried to pick at her for like no justifiable reason and then Sukhvinder fired her and called her irrelevant and hired her husband Imran as her replacement and it was so iconic because she was absolutely raging

Ugh and then there was the night that she was sent out the door and what made it even better was that Imran and Sukhvinder had just been evicted and I wanted Kayleigh to go instead and now she's gone and it was so good. Anyway, Chanelle was like to Ellie about how she kept following Kayleigh around and then she was so RAGING that she threatened to batter Chanelle and stab her and everything else then she had to be sent to the Diary Room, where Rebecca was given the task to calm her down and Kayleigh was venting off to her and Rebecca just looked so done with the situation and I was just like same girl, I can so relate rn. And then she was sent to the spare room where she was disposed of the following morning.

52. Jemma Lucy
CBB20 - 6th Placed Finalist - 4 nominations

Oh she is a horror. Just the fact that she was on a show called Brat Camp says ot all. When Sarah wasn’t that bad, she defined her as “not having a career anyways” despite her claim to fame being on Ex on the Beach.

She was also agressive, and she should have been ejected for kicking that table.
Will this be another rating that divides opinion? Probably, although I think that Jemma’s perception is mixed leaning towards negative. Mine is negative leaning towards extremely negative.

Clue as to who’s next:

Somebody who was saved, when everybody though they would go.

Matthew. 05-12-2017 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Kylie Christmas (Post 9724094)
Coleen is getting an unjust top 3 when she ****ing sucks. Do we need this.

Not to spoil anything too much but Coleen Nolan is nowhere near my Top 3 housemates of 2017.

Daniel. 05-12-2017 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Matthew Noelan (Post 9723951)
Nicola McLean
CBB19 - 7 nominations

This may divide opinion. I didn’t like Nicola from the start, because I had heard about her CBB9 stint, so I wasn’t expecting much. However, she wasn’t too bad until Kim came along, then was her downfall. What made it worse was that Emma never said anything in her exit interview and therefore probably made her think that it had been forgotten about. Well I haven’t.

52. Jemma Lucy
CBB20 - 4 nominations

Oh she is a horror. Just the fact that she was on a show called Brat Camp says ot all. When Sarah wasn’t that bad, she defined her as “not having a career anyways” despite her claim to fame being on Ex on the Beach.

She was also agressive, and she should have been ejected for kicking that table.
Will this be another rating that divides opinion? Probably, although I think that Jemma’s perception is mixed leaning towards negative. Mine is negative leaning towards extremely negative.

Im offended

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