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Chrizzle 06-04-2007 09:54 PM

Weird MSN convos
What are some of the weirdest MSN convos youve ever had?

I am having one right now.
Ash (the filthy bitch) yoinked off an MSN emoticon, and hes like 'Hmm yeah Ash', filthy bugger.
But hes now seeing someone else, so Ash is all mad.
Whilst the emoticon is like 'Hmm im seeing someone else'
Pmsl.. dont ask


EDIT: I went back to the convo only to have Mark saying 'Tap that batty' pmsfl

stacey 06-04-2007 09:55 PM

pmsl chris dont start the dirty buggers told me all about their yoinking the other day it was disgraceful and now hes gone off with some BELLYDANCER!

Princess 06-04-2007 09:57 PM

Yeah abanonded Ash for the bellydancer!Shame on him!Shes heartbroken!

stacey 06-04-2007 10:02 PM

lets highlight all the highlights off this funny conversation
anybody feel free to add
*mark saying - tap that batty
*laura, stacey, chris and mark finding a replacement emotion boyfriend for ash
*ash being desperate for an emotion to date
*ash having a yoinking good relationship with an hmming msn emotion
*the msn emotion mr hmming leaving ash for manjula the bellydancer

Chrizzle 06-04-2007 10:03 PM

Pmsl Manjula, I cant breathe:laugh:

MarkWaldorf 06-04-2007 10:04 PM

Someone better explain who Manjula Hummy is. :laugh3:

Princess 06-04-2007 10:05 PM

OMFG Josh Forever! :lovedup:

Chrizzle 06-04-2007 10:15 PM

I think its safe to say me, Mark, Ash, Laura and Stacey all have manjula pains:laugh:

Princess 06-04-2007 10:15 PM

Owwwwwwww my manjula hurts!!!!

Bells 06-04-2007 10:17 PM

I'm too distraught to even speak. :bawling:

Princess 06-04-2007 10:21 PM

Ash is a lesbinum!

Chrizzle 06-04-2007 10:22 PM

Ash is a lesbinum:cheer:

stacey 06-04-2007 10:23 PM

ash is as straight as a roundabout :spin:

Chrizzle 06-04-2007 10:25 PM

MANJOOKA! pmsl:laugh2:

stacey 06-04-2007 10:25 PM

ash fancies manjooka

Chrizzle 06-04-2007 10:26 PM

Ash wants Manjooka's sweaty batyy pmsl

stacey 06-04-2007 10:32 PM

pmsfl chris dont please
i cant breathe i think ive lost my manjooka pmsl

Princess 06-04-2007 10:33 PM

Apricot manjula on toast with raspberry bits please!

Chrizzle 06-04-2007 10:33 PM

Lmfao, i stopped breathing a while back.
Im officially dead.


stacey 06-04-2007 10:36 PM


Chrizzle 06-04-2007 10:36 PM

I actully just weed myself :laugh:

stacey 06-04-2007 10:41 PM

pmsfl chris u dirty manjoolie

Chrizzle 06-04-2007 10:47 PM

"Yahhhhh JAMMMM!"

Chrizzle 06-04-2007 10:54 PM

Ash munches the puss

Bells 06-04-2007 11:03 PM

LMAO I've died 3 times, lmao!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Joe Hummy's back with Manjoola but I have Zac. :love:

Chrizzle 06-04-2007 11:05 PM

Laura is a racist lesbian:laugh:

And Ash is a bisexual, puss munching nappy lover!


Bells 07-04-2007 12:02 AM

The two who stayed up (Chris and Stace) just heard about boring love-life ness. :thumbs:
And the crazy, random, aaaaaaaargh convo is now at...

THE END! :hello:

Sophii3x 07-04-2007 07:36 AM

You lot are soo ****ing wierd, thank god I don't have MSN!

I once had a convo with this 19 year old boy about my tits. The filthy bastardd wanted me to send a pic of them to him! Even though my tits are quite nice, I didn't send him a pic!

Bells 07-04-2007 08:05 AM

^ Lmao Soph, been there, done that!
Some guys, seriously!... horny bastards. Then they end up daring you and crap, so I ended up doing it to shut them up. Then blocked them so they wouldn't ask again. :bored:
This was all in the summer though... not happened and will not(!) happen again!

Sophii3x 07-04-2007 08:12 AM


Originally posted by Ash
^ Lmao Soph, been there, done that!
Some guys, seriously!... horny bastards. Then they end up daring you and c**p, so I ended up doing it to shut them up. Then blocked them so they wouldn't ask again. :bored:
This was all in the summer though... not happened and will not(!) happen again!
Tell me about it! Boys are boys, they will always be horny bastards.:laugh:
Would a girl ever ask a boy to send a pic of his willy, NO!

It annoys me!

Bells 07-04-2007 08:14 AM

Some might lmao, but I sooo get your point - r-a-r-e-l-y! :nono:

But you know, I was young... about 15 and a bit... what did I know back then in the summer? I'm so much more mature now!! :hugesmile: :thumbs:

Sophii3x 07-04-2007 08:19 AM


Originally posted by Ash
Some might lmao, but I sooo get your point - r-a-r-e-l-y! :nono:

But you know, I was young... about 15 and a bit... what did I know back then in the summer? I'm so much more mature now!! :hugesmile: :thumbs:
My boy and sex mad bestfriend asked once! And he actually sent it!! But boys always tend to ask girls for pics of their boobs, and I hope boys on here don't!:nono:

Your very mature Ash!:hugesmile:

Bells 07-04-2007 08:23 AM

Thanks Soph. It's cos I've been through a lot, and matured with it - thankfully, lmao. It's been almost a year since all that and luckily everything's good now! *touchwood*

I can still be mental too though! :bigsmile:

And OMG about your friend... jeez that's far... a friend of mine talks about sex-related stuff lots (and said he'd do me once)... charming... but it was a joke!! Yours.... isnt, pmsl. :laugh:

Plus seriously... some guys out there... stop asking. :bored:

Sophii3x 07-04-2007 08:30 AM

I'm glad that everythings worked out well with you!
HAHA! We're teens, I think it's normal for us to talk about sex and stuff.. our hormones are going crrrrrazy! But if a friend said that he'd 'do me' I would just take it as a joke, but I have a lot of boy friends who are gay so theres no chance of that happening!

Yea.. boys don't ask girls for pictures of their boobs, we find it quite offencive. But some girls are *****s and they will send! :laugh:

Bells 07-04-2007 08:36 AM

Yeah that's soooo true... :laugh:... they really are. Most people I know at college or outside and stuff have done so much worse, it's actually shocking! I'm like OMFG forget my summer aged 15... you lot are... sick! :bored:

Haha and yeah I did take it as a joke, this was in Octoberish I think... but I still found it a bitt awkward.

That's the thing, there are girls out there who'll do a lot more if the boys wanted... they've just got to actually find those girls!! And leave us alone from now on. :nono:

Sophii3x 07-04-2007 08:46 AM

HAHA! What stuff have they done?
Some girls can be soo niieave (can't spell!) they do whatever the boys tell them to do, which is ridiculous! But some girls do it by choice. They know that if they flash their tits, they'll get attention.

Bells 07-04-2007 08:53 AM

Well they've done stuff like you mentioned really! :laugh2:
Thing is, I totally get what you mean - some KNOW that if they flash their tits, they'll get attention. I've got girls like that in my class, I swear the whole world's seen them naked (they're like this little group) and have shagged a load of boys too. I think I even snogged one of them at this party. I was only 14 at the time as well. :conf:

Whereas me and my friends, we're more like.... if we do it, or do anything, we don't publicise it! Only us lot know. And then I've got some other friends who choose not to do anything like that, which is their choice and fair enough.

But yeah... them girls... they talk loudly about flashing and doing stuff etc. and it gets really annoying after a while! To an extent it's probably girls like that who give a lot of the boys the confidence to ask other girls to do things, and pressurise them. :nono:

Sophii3x 07-04-2007 09:02 AM

Eww they seem like complete slags.
Who did you snog, a girl or a boy?

Some people like to keep their private life private, others like to flaunt it.

Yea, I know what you mean about pressurising. They dare you, tell you that they aren't going to talk to you and stuff. I don't think it's right for boys to go around asking, good for them if they find girls who are prepared to send pictures/ show on webcam. But it's not everybody's taste!

:shocked: Just noticed.. Ash your not really a bisexual, puss munching nappy lover!! Are you??

Oh and Iv'e just dicovered E-Messenger.. so add me! (I would never be on it though!!)

Bells 07-04-2007 09:12 AM

LMAO... nooo... I'm not... it all totally got out of hand!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

But yeah anyway, they are complete slags. At that party it was a girl. But it's not like I asked for it, she went around snogging everyone. It was like, 'Er, hello..'
And for girls who have sent the pics/webcam etc., if they're gonna do it, keep it private - but that's it, people don't. Like for me personally I either try not to flaunt it or just don't do it again!
Which is why I'm saying I'm happy with the way things are going right now! :hugesmile:

So on MSN convos these days, it's all about the hyperness and that's it. :wink:

Real life's better anyway! Why would you want to do stuff with someone you don't even know?? I think it's cos I was young and naive then (haha) like you said, but we all learn.

EDIT: Not on it now, but will add you! :hello:

Sophii3x 07-04-2007 09:19 AM

Phew! I would be very scared if you were!
PMSL!! She went around snogging everyone!! It's no biggie, Iv'e snogged my bestfriend, it doesn't mean I'm a lesbian or anything, we were playing truth or dare!

Well..It seems that all or your (you, Chris, Laura, Mark and Staceys) MSN convos are completly mental and crrrrazy! Your all nuts and very random!

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