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LeatherTrumpet 07-06-2023 10:28 PM

UFO's Aliens are real
Wait did I just see that confirmed today by the USA military?


Zizu 07-06-2023 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by LeatherTrumpet (Post 11298897)
Wait did I just see that confirmed today by the USA military?


Aliens can be anything… except maybe little green men from a far away planet ( as they don’t exist)

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LeatherTrumpet 08-06-2023 06:03 AM

The former intelligence official David Grusch, who led analysis of unexplained anomalous
phenomena (UAP) within a US Department of Defense agency, has alleged that the US has
craft of non-human origin.

Jonathan Grey, a current US intelligence official at the National Air and Space
Intelligence Center (Nasic), confirmed the existence of “exotic materials” to the Debrief,
adding: “We are not alone.”

bitontheslide 08-06-2023 12:39 PM

it seems pretty logical to me that with an infinite number of planets, the conditions for life are bound to be replicated elsewhere. Given the age of the universe, its perfectly possible for civilisations to have existed millions of years before we existed and that new life will be born across the universe long after we cease to exist

Niamh. 08-06-2023 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by bitontheslide (Post 11299041)
it seems pretty logical to me that with an infinite number of planets, the conditions for life are bound to be replicated elsewhere. Given the age of the universe, its perfectly possible for civilisations to have existed millions of years before we existed and that new life will be born across the universe long after we cease to exist

Yeah definitely

LeatherTrumpet 08-06-2023 01:13 PM

So far what we have explored of the universe (for life) is like

imagine all the earth's oceans are the universe

you walk down to the sea at Blackpool and fill a pint glass of water

look at it and conclude "nope no fish in here"

Niamh. 08-06-2023 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by LeatherTrumpet (Post 11299049)
So far what we have explored of the universe (for life) is like

imagine all the earth's oceans are the universe

you walk down to the sea and Blackpool and fill a pint glass of water

look at it and conclude "nope no fish in here"

That's a great analogy

Soldier Boy 08-06-2023 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by bitontheslide (Post 11299041)
it seems pretty logical to me that with an infinite number of planets, the conditions for life are bound to be replicated elsewhere. Given the age of the universe, its perfectly possible for civilisations to have existed millions of years before we existed and that new life will be born across the universe long after we cease to exist

Yes I think given the vastness of it intelligent life (on a par with or in advance of our own) even within our own galaxy is inevitable. Probably dozens if not hundreds of intelligent alien civilisations.

The question is whether or not it's feasible for any of these civilisations to physically reach or even communicate with each other. Tbh the whole thing hinges on faster than light travel (or at least communication) being possible, which it may well not be... Basically we might be surrounded by life, but never see or hear from any of it, and none of them will know about us (or each other) either.

Communication might be more possible because of the theory behind quantum entanglement - in theory it makes communication over huge distances instantaneously possible. That would be a best case scenario if you ask me. If we can see and talk to other intelligent life but it's like... Via Face Time... We can share knowledge but never actually physically reach each other.

However....... This US military chap appears not just to be saying that they exist, but that they are or have been here on earth :umm2:

James 08-06-2023 10:08 PM

There's the question of the Fermi paradox: if the universe is so old another civilisation would have had time to visit, say, all the stars in the galaxy.

I posted about it before and another question here -

arista 08-06-2023 10:22 PM

MTVN 09-06-2023 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by James (Post 11299151)
There's the question of the Fermi paradox: if the universe is so old another civilisation would have had time to visit, say, all the stars in the galaxy.

I posted about it before and another question here -

Yes that's a good point, I personally feel like a lot of the alien stuff is wishful thinking/fantasist

Yeah there's billions of planets out there, but honestly the odds of us having a planet like this so perfectly suited to so many different forms of life is probably billions to one. We can see thousands of light years away now and so far every other planet is just a heap of rock, even the ones most similar to earth

Niamh. 09-06-2023 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by MTVN (Post 11299219)
Yes that's a good point, I personally feel like a lot of the alien stuff is wishful thinking/fantasist

Yeah there's billions of planets out there, but honestly the odds of us having a planet like this so perfectly suited to so many different forms of life is probably billions to one. We can see thousands of light years away now and so far every other planet is just a heap of rock, even the ones most similar to earth

What about Kepler-452-b?

MTVN 09-06-2023 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Niamh. (Post 11299220)
What about Kepler-452-b?

Looks like a ****hole :idc:

MTVN 09-06-2023 10:27 AM

Even that it's not really clear if it'd be habitable or not and is nothing like Earth really. And it'd take 26 million years to get there lol

Soldier Boy 09-06-2023 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by James (Post 11299151)
There's the question of the Fermi paradox: if the universe is so old another civilisation would have had time to visit, say, all the stars in the galaxy.

I posted about it before and another question here -

Not if FTL travel isn't possible. Realistically, not even if it is - I feel like you're either underestimating how many stars are in our galaxy (approx 100 billion) or overestimating how old the galaxy is (13.5 billion years). Given how lo g it takes for planets to properly form to the point of supporting life, even WITH faster than light travel, a civilisation would have to visit like 20 stars a year over a span of 5 billion years to visit every star in the galaxy.

Not take away the possibility of FTL travel, and say, theoretically, travel at exactly or 99% the speed of light is possible... It would take about 5 years to travel to just the nearest star, let alone billions of stars. Note that this means it takes at least 5 years to even send a MESSAGE to the nearest star. It's also potentially not even possible to survivably travel even 50% the speed of light.

Basically the Fermi paradox is solved entirely by distance and FTL possibility. If its not physically possible to travel faster than light, then the likelihood of two species encountering each other is very low. Or at least for us, when we know there's nothing on nearby star systems.

Due to the numbers it IS likely that by coincidence, there are aliens out there who happened to have other intelligent alien neighbours in the same solar system or in the nearest star system and would have discovered each other as soon as they started looking. Also what would be fascinating, is that they would have been able to SEE that each other exist hundreds of years before being able to contact each other, and would be able to send messages back and forth decades before being able to physically meet.

Niamh. 09-06-2023 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by MTVN (Post 11299224)
Even that it's not really clear if it'd be habitable or not and is nothing like Earth really. And it'd take 26 million years to get there lol

You could have a nice long cryo snooze for yourself :hee:

bitontheslide 09-06-2023 10:33 AM

I think travel will be accomplished using AI and downloading consciousness to a destination body rather than requiring actual physical travel. So it follows that we "only" need to communicate with aliens

Niamh. 09-06-2023 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by bitontheslide (Post 11299228)
I think travel will be accomplished using AI and downloading consciousness to a destination body rather than requiring actual physical travel. So it follows that we "only" need to communicate with aliens

ohhh Interesting, that would be weird if we were able to transfer our consciousness like that someday, the next step in evolution maybe

Soldier Boy 09-06-2023 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by MTVN (Post 11299219)
Yes that's a good point, I personally feel like a lot of the alien stuff is wishful thinking/fantasist

Yeah there's billions of planets out there, but honestly the odds of us having a planet like this so perfectly suited to so many different forms of life is probably billions to one. We can see thousands of light years away now and so far every other planet is just a heap of rock, even the ones most similar to earth

That's true but we've actually only taken "a good look" at a miniscule number of solar systems. Like LT said, the allegory often used is that saying there's nothing based on what we've looked at, is like taking a glass of water out of the ocean and saying "Nah, there's no fish!"

As observation techniques improve (and are... Ahem... Inevitably taken over by AI which will do it all quicker) I think we may well stumble across habitable worlds or even evidence of intelligent life. But it'll mainly be a curiosity and just a wondrous thing to note... Because we won't ever meet them, or ever even feasibly communicate with them at all. We would be seeing thousands of years into their past also.

If FTL travel is possible then I think the Fermi paradox kicks in - there'd be infinite numbers of species in the universe able to travel unlimited distances, so we should be able to observe that.

IMO the only two possibilities are that FTL isn't a thing no matter how advanced the technology... OR the "bubble" theory... Which is basically that there are other species who are so advanced that they can contain our solar system in a "security bubble" that stops us from accurately seeing out of the bubble until they deem us worthy.

I do quite like that one. It's the only one that matches with UFO's being on earth, also.

Soldier Boy 09-06-2023 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by bitontheslide (Post 11299228)
I think travel will be accomplished using AI and downloading consciousness to a destination body rather than requiring actual physical travel. So it follows that we "only" need to communicate with aliens

The transmission of data is still limited to the speed of light, so 5+ years to the nearest star, potentially thousands of years to the nearest intelligent life. Also consider coordinating the effort with centuries if not millenia between messages back and forth.

I like the theory of quantum entanglement communication being possible (which would in theory be instant - we don't even understand why yet but have observed the effect) BUT even then, initial contact would have to be non-quantum to set up any such quantum entanglement, as I understand it. The "entanglement" has to happen at the same location, but then the particles remain in sync no matter how far you move them from each other (in theory, including lightyears apart). But yeah... The issue is how do you make first contact.

Soldier Boy 09-06-2023 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Niamh. (Post 11299230)
ohhh Interesting, that would be weird if we were able to transfer our consciousness like that someday, the next step in evolution maybe

I genuinely think the ability to transfer a human consciousness into a synthetic body isnt that far off, like a few hundred years.

The scary thing is that it wouldn't really be a transfer - it would be a copy - to make it like a transfer you'd then have to kill the one "transferring". The Paul Rudd show "living with yourself" goes I to that quite well I think. Basic premise is that people get this treatment that rejuvenates them and makes their bodies fresh/younger... But it turns out they actually make a clone, transfer the consciousness and destroy the original without the person knowing. (Of course, they mess up and Paul Rudd's original survives, resulting in two Paul Rudd's and much high-jinx).

Niamh. 09-06-2023 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Soldier Boy (Post 11299235)
I genuinely think the ability to transfer a human consciousness into a synthetic body isnt that far off, like a few hundred years.

The scary thing is that it wouldn't really be a transfer - it would be a copy - to make it like a transfer you'd then have to kill the one "transferring". The Paul Rudd show "living with yourself" goes I to that quite well I think. Basic premise is that people get this treatment that rejuvenates them and makes their bodies fresh/younger... But it turns out they actually make a clone, transfer the consciousness and destroy the original without the person knowing. (Of course, they mess up and Paul Rudd's original survives, resulting in two Paul Rudd's and much high-jinx).

I've watched it, I'm a fan of Aisling Bea :p

Or similar to that film Chappie

LeatherTrumpet 09-06-2023 10:56 AM

Iv still to be convinced there is intelligent life in Falkirk tbh

MTVN 09-06-2023 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Soldier Boy (Post 11299234)
The transmission of data is still limited to the speed of light, so 5+ years to the nearest star, potentially thousands of years to the nearest intelligent life. Also consider coordinating the effort with centuries if not millenia between messages back and forth.

I like the theory of quantum entanglement communication being possible (which would in theory be instant - we don't even understand why yet but have observed the effect) BUT even then, initial contact would have to be non-quantum to set up any such quantum entanglement, as I understand it. The "entanglement" has to happen at the same location, but then the particles remain in sync no matter how far you move them from each other (in theory, including lightyears apart). But yeah... The issue is how do you make first contact.

That reminds me of the Futurama episode when Earth is invaded in the year 3000 because a TV program in 1999 got cut off and the aliens watching it were just over a thousand light years away. Fry asks how they can even know about a show from a thousand years ago

bitontheslide 09-06-2023 12:42 PM

is this the most intellectual Tibb thread in years? :laugh:

LeatherTrumpet 09-06-2023 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by bitontheslide (Post 11299280)
is this the most intellectual Tibb thread in years? :laugh:

you wont be saying that after the probe


Gusto Brunt 09-06-2023 04:17 PM

Aliens have been here this time began, and governments have been covering it up since governments began.

The evidence is overwhelming aliens are here. But it's the laughter and the mocking that goes on in American TV news rooms that staggers me.

This alien caught on camera in America was mocked by every US breakfast show.

One station even got a kid to dress up as a chicken to reaenact the footage.


Zizu 11-06-2023 08:31 AM

UFO's Aliens are real

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arista 13-06-2023 06:15 AM

BBC News Text:
["ex-US Air Force intelligence chief" that a UFO
was downed and recovered in Italy
in the 1930s - but the Vatican didn’t
want the news getting out.]

arista 14-06-2023 11:17 PM

BBC New Text:
[The Star, ploughs its own furrow through
Thursday's news agenda.
It dedicates its front page to "world’s richest man
and mad genius" Elon Musk,
who thinks we have become so reliant
on computers that we have effectively
become "cyborgs".]

arista 15-06-2023 01:01 AM

Gusto Brunt 19-06-2023 03:46 PM

Although I believe aliens are on planet Earth, and have been since the dawn of time.

One thing I cannot accept is the theory these craft are visitors from the future.

I hear this pile of rubbish all the time. How can they be visitors from the future when the future hasn't happened yet. That would mean, we're all dead because the future is alive. Unless they're saying the present and future both exist as one time, which is another load of bollax. :p

It's just a very stupid theory that cannot be taken seriously. :p:joker:

Zizu 19-06-2023 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Gusto Brunt (Post 11302028)
Although I believe aliens are on planet Earth, and have been since the dawn of time.

One thing I cannot accept is the theory these craft are visitors from the future.

I hear this pile of rubbish all the time. How can they be visitors from the future when the future hasn't happened yet. That would mean, we're all dead because the future is alive. Unless they're saying the present and future both exist as one time, which is another load of bollax. :p

It's just a very stupid theory that cannot be taken seriously. :p:joker:

There’s apparently 15 BILLION mobile phones ( with cameras) in the world now .. yet not one single photo of an alien on earth ( or a space ship )


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James 25-07-2023 11:33 PM

I was listening to a podcast and they said there is a US Congress hearing on the subject today (Wednesday 3PM).

Watch here.


The US government is holding a historic UFO hearing this week. Here's how to watch

By Brett Tingley published 1 day ago

The hearing will include testimony from a whistleblower who has alleged the Pentagon is hiding evidence of "non-human intelligence."

If the truth really is out there when it comes to what the U.S. government knows about UFOs, we may get a little closer to it this week.

On Wednesday (July 26), the United States House of Representatives will hear testimony from three witnesses regarding unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAP, a new term that encompasses not just unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in the air, but also any craft or phenomena that are seen in space or underwater that can't be identified.

The hearing will be held by the House's Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs and will include testimony from former U.S. military and intelligence community personnel who claim to have come in contact with craft that defy physics and known flight capabilities or have even seen evidence of "non-human intelligence."

The hearing will be livestreamed on YouTube by the House Oversight and Accountability Committee starting at 10 a.m. EDT (1400 GMT) on Wednesday (July 26). Watch it live here courtesy of the committee.

Wednesday's hearing will include testimony from two former U.S. Navy aviators, Ryan Graves and David Fravor, both witnesses to separate highly publicized encounters with what appeared to be unconventional aircraft operating in U.S. military airspace.

In addition, the hearing will call David Grusch as a witness. Grusch was the subject of a report published last month in which the decorated former combat officer and veteran of the Pentagon's intelligence community claimed to have received "extensive classified information about deeply covert programs that he says possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin." While Grusch's statements have been controversial to say the least, they have received attention from both major news outlets and U.S. politicians.

Some members of the U.S. Congress have also insinuated that there is indeed hidden UFO/UAP knowledge that has been hidden from the public. "The Pentagon and Washington bureaucrats have kept this information hidden for decades, and we're finally going to shed some light on it," Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) said in a House Committee on Oversight and Reform statement. "We're bringing in credible witnesses who can provide public testimony because the American people deserve the truth. We're done with the cover-ups."

Graves, who has been vocal about the need to better understand the UAP issue as it pertains to airspace safety, calls these unidentified phenomena an "urgent and critical national security issue" that deserve better scientific scrutiny. "If UAP are foreign assets, we must respond appropriately. If UAP continue to defy conventional explanation — we must invest in scientific research," Graves said in a press statement.

This congressional hearing is only the latest in a long line of major milestones concerning UFOs/UAP and the U.S. government and its federal agencies. Nearly a year ago to the day, the U.S. Department of Defense created the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), which aims to collect and analyze all of the data available to the U.S. military and intelligence community related to UFOs.

In an April 2023 hearing, the director of AARO stated the office "has found no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, off-world technology or objects that defy the known laws of physics." Those comments now stand in stark contrast to the claims of the witnesses who will testify at Wednesday's hearing.

NASA also recently held a public meeting of its independent UAP study group, and a report from the group is forthcoming.

Zizu 25-07-2023 11:38 PM

End of

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bitontheslide 26-07-2023 05:13 AM

it won't stop the tin foil brigade :laugh:

Gusto Brunt 26-07-2023 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by Zizu (Post 11312071)

End of

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Brian Cox, he's supposed to be intelligent yet he dimisses life on other planets. The universe goes on forever. Look at those Hubble pics. Bilions of other galaxies.

And that is just one very small part of what Hubble zoomed in on.

And no life is there? Just us?:joker::joker:

How arrogant and stupid of Mr Cox.:hehe:

It's like a hermit living and having been brought up in the remote woods. After his parents died, he too thinks he's the only one.:joker::joker::hehe:

parmnion 26-07-2023 07:58 AM

The probabilities of the moon, earth and the sun lining up in perfect unison, with perfect rotations, angles and the likes are billions and billions to one..

Therefore only one thing could have happened and that is that god made this, and we are here to prove ourselves before we transverse to heaven

arista 26-07-2023 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by LeatherTrumpet (Post 11298897)
Wait did I just see that confirmed today by the USA military?


Yes it was Confirmed
but the Data not put into the Public.

LeatherTrumpet 27-07-2023 01:20 PM

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