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Ross 30-12-2009 10:36 PM

How many people that you know in real life do you trust with anyone? That's someone you can go to and tell absolutely anything, knowing it's kept between the both of you.
Trust is not something I do easily, I find it hard to trust people but on the other hand I am very trustworthy, I'd like to think anyway.

I think I trust about two people that I know in real life, with my life. My aunt and someone I work with. I could tell them anything and know I won't be judged and won't find out it's tomorrow's gossip or anything...

I say in real life because online you can trust anyone, you can be who you want. :hugesmile:

Braden 30-12-2009 10:38 PM

It's hard, i love my friends to bits, but some of them are just not trustowrthy, it's like you would tell them somthing but then they would have to tell somone close to them and it's so annoying. I trust my family but i don't really have issues to trust them with.

InOne 30-12-2009 10:39 PM

Don't really trust anyone irl, the things i'd tell them would scare them. Just keep myself to myself

Enid 30-12-2009 10:39 PM

I trust nobody. It's too fragile. It has taken years to build up trust and then destroyed in seconds. It's not worth it.

Fom 30-12-2009 10:40 PM

I trust a few to be fair, I don't like having lots of friends but the ones I do have are very good ones.

Smithy 30-12-2009 10:41 PM

no one
it seems if you tell someone something itl come back and bite you on the ass one day

Niamh. 30-12-2009 10:55 PM

I trust all of my brothers, my hubby, my mom and 1 of my friends

Billy 30-12-2009 10:57 PM

I trust my sisterrrrrr.

_Seth 30-12-2009 11:05 PM

I've trusted loads of people and they've abused it, so it's hard for me to trust anyone else. =/ I only really trust my mother and brother. And partially a friend of mine.

LemonJam 30-12-2009 11:06 PM

I don't trust anyone. As bitter as it sounds I just hate telling people things only for them to be blurted out.

lily. 30-12-2009 11:07 PM

Trust No-one...

The Truth Is Out There...

[/x files]

Patrick 30-12-2009 11:07 PM

Just my ma, but thats it.

If I told my best mate anything the little bastard would tell someone else and then before I know it everyone knows.

30stone 30-12-2009 11:08 PM


2 of my close mates.

And possibly my supervisor right now.

pinkmichk 30-12-2009 11:12 PM

i have a lot of issues around trust where its been given in past then abused but i trust my dad and stepmum and 2 of my friends although my friends prob know more than my dad and stepmum purely cos i dont want to upset them

Stu 30-12-2009 11:13 PM

I trust my family but none of my friends. I might trust them sober, but when the booze comes out, anything can happen. And I have friends who drink quiet a bit. So it's pointless divulging anything to them.

I'm a bit of a lone wolf with problems anyway. Both my own and others. I don't really like talking about problems, especially petty problems my mates have in their social lives. Most people seem to love a bit of gossip ... these wankers just come to me on MSN and by text everyday telling me their petty problems and I want nothing to do with them. I can't stand talking about others. My solution is to tell these guys 'just shut up and smoke this, things could be worse'.

And because I don't give a damn, they know they can trust me with them. So they all flee to me.

Christina 30-12-2009 11:23 PM

Well some family members.. not all given past events :\
And i'd say about 5/6 of my mates. I've not really been betrayed irl so i don't have any issues with trust except with some people (maybe 3-4)

Nicky. 31-12-2009 12:28 AM

One :)

I met her online, but we meet up loads... she doesn't know my other friends well enough to blab to them anyway.... but I know she wouldn't, even if she did...

Also, one other friend, who I've known for years... but she'd end up telling someone if it was something big :3 xx

Jords 31-12-2009 01:11 AM

Trust is a funny thing, you can be so close to somebody and yet they will spill the beans in seconds, and you can have somebody who your not so close to, but have them as somebody to talk to who you can trust. I get told things to be kept secret by a few who I wouldnt say I was that close to, so I would like to think im trustworthy :)

On the other hand, I tend to keep my feelings/thoughts and whatnot in my own head, although people pick up because I go quiet aha. Id say I could trust a good 4/5 people.

Deirdre 31-12-2009 01:23 AM

I don't really tell anyone anything but I could tell my mam, my sister and possibly my brother anything, a secret, a problem, anything and they wouldn't tell anyone else or judge me.
Whereas not in a million years I would tell anyone else anything. I've told friends secrets before and they've been told back so I'd never risk it with anybody other than family.

MarkWaldorf 31-12-2009 03:05 AM

That's one of my biggest flaws. My trust has been battered a lot in life, so it stops me from being open with people amost of the time. I'd say one friend. I can't even say my mum cause she'll be on the phone afterwards to a friend/family telling them about it.

Princess 31-12-2009 03:07 AM

I trust people too easily,although I think there's a difference between trust and thinking they're keep things a secret. I have loads of friends I trust who are just crap at keeping secrets,lol!

MrGaryy 31-12-2009 03:33 AM

I trust my sister completely. my other sister not very much. My dad, I guess though it just wouldn't occur to me to divulge info like that with him and I trust my mum if I specifically tell her that this is a secret and not to be shared. Unless I draw that line she'll blab no end.

I trust one of my friends. I have a best friend who I'd like to trust but I'm too scared to test her trust in case it backfires on me.

Alf 31-12-2009 03:37 AM

you cant trust anybody in this world

Z 31-12-2009 03:42 AM

I don't trust anybody. People tell me a lot of stuff that I keep quiet, but I don't tell anybody anything.

Tom4784 31-12-2009 03:42 AM

I agree with Laura, trust and divulging secrets are two different things. I trust my family and my closest friends but I prefer to keep my secrets to myself.

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