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Alpertinator 07-07-2010 07:05 PM

Why are they staying on the grass?
Why don't they just stand on the platform which the mini pool is on? Sit on one of the horses? Sit legs up on the bench? Go in the nest?

I'll bet the answers are cos' it's the rules, but personally I'd just say fuc- k that and go chill in the nest.

Also Ife and JJ are idiots for putting it back up. It's not their responsibility to upright their enemy if it falls over, just leave it it'd be so funny if nobody uprighted it and everybody refused to do it so it'd be there all day and then in the night some BB staff would have to come and sort it out haha.

Oh and I kept thinkin' to myself "JJ's gonna' look like a complete idiot when he gets it" cos' he was bein' all cocky and that, and sure enough it got him and now JJ has to be a robot haha shame.

Alpertinator 07-07-2010 07:07 PM

Haha I just thought about Steve. Imagine him being chased by the chasers, haha I'd love to see that he'd have no chance. I bet he's gonna' try and stay inside all the time until the final battle.

Wait I bet he can't even get turned bot cos' the outfits wouldn't work for him, awww man I'd love to see him as a robot be really funny. Maybe they could just do one but without the legs...

They probably won't ever let the chasers out when Steve is outside.

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