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bananarama 14-07-2002 07:34 PM

Missing BB3?
I know most people missed BB2 when it had gone but will you all be missing BB3 when that has finished? :devil:

Amy 14-07-2002 07:40 PM

I will :spin2:
I know bb2 was great but i like bb full stop,I admit i found bb3 hard to start with but I'm well into it now,and as i've said it's bb:hello:
ROLL ON BB4:thumbs:

bananarama 14-07-2002 07:49 PM

To answer my own question...Yes I will miss it as I am simply a BB junkie..:laugh::laugh:

Mairi 14-07-2002 07:49 PM

Yes, I'll miss it but only very slightly.

It's not been a patch on BB2 but, in a way, I'm quite relieved as I missed Helen, Paul, Dean, Brian etc enormously when BB2 finished. At least I won't have that problem this year.

I too look forward to BB4 but I'm hoping it will be run along the lines of BB1 and BB2 again.


Romantic Old Bird 14-07-2002 08:05 PM

I am here to talk to old friends and perhaps make a few new ones. BB is a useful medium for this, and strangely enough I will be eternally grateful to my inability to come to terms with the end of BB2.

It led me to meet some great people.

I am not sorry though that I will be completely indifferent when it ends this year. I won't loose a moment's sleep over anyone of them.

I just haven't 'gelled' with anyone of them. I wish them no harm. However PJ's smugness and the normally discerning Dermot's sycophancy toward him tonight was nauseating.

I do hope PJ doesn't benefit from being an absolute s**t, but I fear he will. He has been fooled by the lack of boo's into thinking he is 'all that', and of course he has the gift of the gab, so that's him set up.

I am glad the chance of further degrading behaviour by the remaining housemates is lessening.

I will watch the omnibus each evening and tolerate smug PJ on BBLB all this week, and whoever else next week. I will watch the final with some excitement and anticipation.

And then I will forget all about it in no time at all, thank goodness.

Feebs 14-07-2002 08:47 PM

BB becomes such a large part of your life for so long that, in some ways, I'll be pleased when it's over and I can get my life back!

At the same time, it's brought me closer to friends, family and work colleagues who all watch it and want to exchange a few words about who's up for eviction this week, how many times they've voted, who's taken their clothes of now etc. etc.

Of course we'll miss it!:colour::colour::laugh::laugh::spin2::laugh::la ugh::colour::colour:

WILDCHILD 14-07-2002 10:43 PM

Like Amy said, - I like BB full stop!:thumbs:
Whether the housemates are boring or the format is different, I will miss BB cos it is suhc a regular thing. Its on every night and then I watch the live coverage and I talk about it all the time - I get hooked.
I will miss it but then I will be soooooooooooo excited for BB4!!:colour::colour::colour:

Oldgit 14-07-2002 11:05 PM

When BB3 is over, I'll be looking for something else to pass the time. Probably start using my computer for something constructive and probably get into work in the mornings and not yawn all day!

BB2 was special, and even for me, a cynical middle-aged straight male, the story was unfinished, because there was the little matter of Helen and Paul, because at that time we didn't know they would stay together. The Sun wanted H as a "glamour girl" and wanted her single, and did everything it could to put a spanner in the works of their relationship. Nobody knew what or who to believe.

Of course, we finally got answers, but it took some time, and even then, there were articles about Paul and a girl at a club, to try and undermine them. I lost count of the number of times I saw the headline "Paul in Big Bother" (geddit? - aren't newspaper editors witty -- NOT!).

When BB3 is over it will be over. I'll have to accept that I cannot laugh at Jonny's high jinks or ogle at Kate whilst Mrs Oldgit looks on disapprovingly, and that will be that!

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