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lily. 03-01-2006 02:30 PM

Chav Babes Calendar 2006
This is unbelievable. At first I thought it was a wind-up, but apparently not.

CLICK HERE to be shocked and stunned :shocked: Click on the thumbnail to get a bigger view. Or CLICK HERE to read The Sun article.

Note: I take no responsibility for damage to the eyes whilst viewing any of the above links!

Princess 03-01-2006 02:31 PM


lily. 03-01-2006 02:50 PM

While we are on the subject of Chavs. I was at my local Kwik-Fit the other day, and I saw one of them getting a new exhaust fitted :joker: ...

Sunny_01 03-01-2006 02:56 PM

Right one of them is an imposter!!!! there is a girl in the slide show that does NOT have a belly button ring - she is not a real Chav she is an imposter ( no not everyone with a belly button ring is a chav before i get jumped on but it is part of the uniform for those that embrace the chav culture lol )

sol 03-01-2006 03:12 PM

hehe v. funny
i dont see the point in doing things like that to cars because it means you have to inform your insuarance company, and you have to pay more on your car insuarance because you have altered the original car.
I think a spoiler "non OTT one" is the limit when it comes to modifying, past that it just gets stupid :shocked:

Legend 03-01-2006 03:33 PM

Is there such thing as a chav babe? - nope didn't think so! :rolleyes:

Fangz 03-01-2006 06:05 PM


SMC 03-01-2006 06:21 PM

some of those are mighty fine..

Lance 03-01-2006 06:57 PM


That's gotta be one of the worst calendars around.:rolleyes:

XZaNyPwInCeSSX 03-01-2006 07:14 PM

Whats wrong with chavs? Im not a chav..But a couple of my mates are chavs

Legend 03-01-2006 07:28 PM


Originally posted by SMC
some of those are mighty fine..
Insult edited out

ThaGazBoi 03-01-2006 07:29 PM

omg what a distater that calender is

SMC 03-01-2006 08:57 PM


Originally posted by Legend

Originally posted by SMC
some of those are mighty fine..
Insult edited out
Insult edited out

Red Moon 03-01-2006 09:01 PM

OK guys cool it!

Insults aren't allowed remember.

Next time we start handing out the warnings!

SMC 03-01-2006 10:26 PM

Changed..Legend started it

lily. 03-01-2006 10:30 PM

*smacks SMC for saying they are fine!*

Shoulda gone to specsavers mate!!!! :joker:

Red Moon 03-01-2006 10:30 PM

It's how other people see it SMC. If you and legend can exchange insults (or light hearted banter) then everyone one will be at it and some of it won't be light hearted banter.

Let's leave it at that and get one with the fun.

If you want to talk more about this please send me a U2U.

lily. 03-01-2006 10:31 PM

dammit, does that mean I can't insult you anymore RM?

Red Moon 03-01-2006 10:37 PM

Yes, according to the rules.

It's very hard to know were banter ends and insults start. It's a very fine line. You tend to fall on the side of banter. Legends and SMC post was on the line. That why I just edited the posts and asked them to cool it.

Sorry if that seems hard Legend and SMC but there has to be some sort of line.

lily. 03-01-2006 10:42 PM

Sucks to have responsibility sometimes doesn't it RM?

Red Moon 03-01-2006 10:45 PM

Yes.... lol not a job I would recommend at times.

But you are all a lovely lot :bigsmile:

SMC 03-01-2006 10:46 PM


Originally posted by Red Moon
Yes, according to the rules.

It's very hard to know were banter ends and insults start. It's a very fine line. You tend to fall on the side of banter. Legends and SMC post was on the line. That why I just edited the posts and asked them to cool it.

Sorry if that seems hard Legend and SMC but there has to be some sort of line.
Don't apologise sweet cheeks, i'm used to having my posts edited by now

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