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Oldgit 29-07-2002 02:48 PM

Didn\'t Kate Win -- Or am I missing something?
My TV must have been malfunctioning on Friday, because it looked like Kate won. It must have been on the blink, because otherwise I would have known that Jade was the actual winner. Ah well I've wanted a nice new Widescreen and maybe this malfunction will persuade Mrs Oldgit...

I didn't mind Jade in the house, I thought she was funny at times, but unbearably childish and spoilt at others. But I think that fourth was right for her. I never thought she deserved "Vote the Pig Out" and "Michelin" references, neither did she deserve the over-the-top adulation of the tabloids over the last weeks.

But can newspaper editors not get it through their thick skulls that their chosen one did not win? I don't want to pick up a paper and read about the person who should have won. I mean, when Arsenal finished second in the premiership for three consecutive seasons, where were the newpapers that reported that it was they who "really" won?

I hope the other three finalists keep their dignity. Nobody is going to pay them serious cash unless they slag off others, dispute the result, or add titillating angles to some of the flirty stuff that went on, which at the end of the day was alcohol fuelled and for the most part never really amounted to much.

Maybe someone ought to tell them a possible reason why Jade came fourth. Maybe it is because we all got fed up with them ramming her down our throats!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Princess Pink Pants 29-07-2002 05:14 PM

Last year it was the same, Brian won but Helen dominated the tabloids, its not the person that wins that will be in the papers, it will be th person who theres most to talk about!

Oldgit 29-07-2002 07:20 PM


Originally posted by Princess Pink Pants
Last year it was the same, Brian won but Helen dominated the tabloids, its not the person that wins that will be in the papers, it will be th person who theres most to talk about!
Yes, but there was a romantic angle... they never tried to pretend that Helen had won, and she wasn't being paid a fortune to slag off the other housemates.

And a lot of what was printed was just made up (Don't call me a tart, Paul). The theme this year is different. It is that "Jade really won". The tabloids are so far up their own ar$e$ that they cannot accept that the people did not follow their recommendation.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

OwnedByCats 29-07-2002 07:39 PM

I totally agree Oldgit. It really does irritate me no end. Jade had her moments when she was funny, but she could also be downright irritating and spoilt, and I think she finished where she should have. Now it's all *Jade should have won* *Jade, the real winner* and all this other c**p. They just like Jade because she's opinionated, and she would give them something interesting to print because apparently we all like to read about everyone slagging each other off!

God forbid the paper's choice didn't win, and now they are pretending she did. I wonder how much she's getting paid to slag off Kate? She may not have done an interview with all the papers, but I'm sure the one she did with the Sun was her.

At least Helen got attention last year for something positive that came out of the experience. This year it's just all about who can b***h the loudest and that is who will rule the tabloids and get paid for it.

Then people turn around and wonder why Kate has said a few bad things about Jade today, well I wonder why! Have someone slag you off to the nation, would you be happy about it??? Would you keep quiet? I don't think so!
Now Kate is a terrible person for slagging back. Oh, it's just gives me a headache. It's ok for Jade to do something, but not ok for Kate!

It's just like Jade complained that Kate flirted with the men. As if Jade never flirted??? Give me a break! In her interview before she went into the house she called herself a *big flirt*!
That's calling the kettle black if I ever saw it!
She flirted plenty in that house, and she was just jealous that the men responded more to Kate's flirting. She was upset because Alex didn't want to play *Follow the van* with her! If that's not being jealous, than I don't know what is!
Jade has one night of snogging with PJ, and the next day he didn't even want to talk to her! Anytime Kate and another bloke in the house did anything (which wasn't even as serious as what Jade did with PJ!), they seemed to like it! Jealousy, that's all it is!

I'm sorry, I could rant some more....but I better stop now or I may be here all night! LOL

Sticks 29-07-2002 07:52 PM

Kate is to be made to pay for her heanous crime against humanity. We all know Jade or Alex should have won it.

Jade shouts off

Kate responds and is the catty one. (Responding - so Jade must be right)

Let that be a lesson to us all.


and vote for the tabloid choice

The people read the tabloids

The tabloids choice is the peoples choice


and vote for the tabloid choice

The people read the tabloids

The tabloids choice is the peoples choice


and vote for the tabloid choice

The people read the tabloids

The tabloids choice is the peoples choice

Four legs good Two legs bad

Four legs good Two legs bad

Four legs good Two legs bad

(it is hard typing with one arm twisted up your back by enforcement agents of Her Majesties Tabloid press)
:mad: :devil:

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