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Benjamin 18-03-2011 10:00 PM

Your view on abortion?
Just seen a few comments in another thread in regards to abortion. I just wondered what people's views on it were.

I'm not one for it, but I believe in certain circumstances it is acceptable.

Ramsay 18-03-2011 10:02 PM

nah im not for it
if you dont want the kid just give it up for adoption

Smithy 18-03-2011 10:04 PM

I have nothing against it, but I think the period of time where you can have an abortion should be shortened

Benjamin 18-03-2011 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Karl (Post 4163802)
nah im not for it
if you dont want the kid just give it up for adoption

What about if the woman was raped? Would you still expect her to go through with the pregancy?

Kerry 18-03-2011 10:11 PM

Completely a circumstance thing but those who use it as a form of contraception are beyond disgusting

Princess 18-03-2011 10:11 PM

I'd never have one but I'm not gonna shove my opinion on anyone else,obviously circumstances come into account. Argeed about the cutoff time though,it's ridiculous.

MTVN 18-03-2011 10:12 PM

Yeah I'm for it, for a couple of reasons really. Firstly I think there is a big difference between a fetus and a human being and they shouldnt be treated the same, a fetus is not a living entity.

I also think the ownership of body argument is important; I think we all have aboslute control over ourselves and our own bodies. So I would think that woman have the right to abort what is essentially an unwanted parasite living within them.

And if we want to go to extremes, then in cases of rape and even forced incest or something like that, not allowing the woman to abort her baby could shatter two lives as it isnt fair on the mother or the baby to be brought up in those circumstances, while aborting a fetus I would consider to be the lesser evil.

Although I can see the arguments against it. Like I said in the other thread, considering how contentious an issue it is I think it is best to be free from government involvement, and not have either view imposed on anyone. It should be left to the individual to make a personal decision on whether they consider it right or wrong.

Ramsay 18-03-2011 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by ukturtle (Post 4163805)
What about if the woman was raped? Would you still expect her to go through with the pregancy?

yeah i understand that but still its not the babys fault to be denied life like

Jords 18-03-2011 10:13 PM

Shouldnt be used as a form of contraception.

Obviously I wouldnt stop anybody having an abortion, but there are preventions, use them.

Shaun 18-03-2011 10:16 PM

totally for them.

Obviously people having them willy nilly is irresponsible but it's a far more disgusting thing to force people to have babies they don't want to have. (And yes, of course contraception would be the answer to that, if all women (and men) were responsible...)

Benjamin 18-03-2011 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Karl (Post 4163820)
yeah i understand that but still its not the babys fault to be denied life like

But there is a difference between a week/few week old feutus and an actual baby. As much as it's harsh, I would rather the woman abort than have to bear another 9 months of constant reminder of the pain as it's not her fault either.

'Conor 18-03-2011 10:17 PM

depends how old the mother is and what life the baby will have if she does have the baby

Kerry 18-03-2011 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by ukturtle (Post 4163826)
But there is a difference between a week/few week old feutus and an actual baby. As much as it's harsh, I would rather the woman abort than have to bear another 9 months of constant reminder of the pain as it's not her fault either.

A lifetime reminder if she didn't give the baby up for adoption. Not good for either the baby or mother

Ninastar 18-03-2011 10:20 PM

Depends on the circumstances. If your having a baby thats going to be brought up with parents that can't financially support the baby then I think they should be able to abort it. Or if the baby is a result of rape then it should be allowed.

I agree with smithy though, the period of time should be shortened.

Stu 18-03-2011 10:21 PM

You are dealing with a life here. I hold life as something sacred that clearly starts when Mr. Sperm meets Mr. Egg. That's where it starts and that's where it continues from. If you are basing your argument on things like 'well a baby and foetus are two different things' then you are looking at it from - in my opinion - a weird 'how many cells does it have? how intelligent is it?' standpoint. It's a life. Any arguments about how well the baby could be brought up etc are answered by adoption. Plenty of couples are crying out to take in and love a child.

I'm pro choice though. I'm not going to force my beliefs on others. That's how I would describe my views. Anti abortion, pro choice.

GypsyGoth 18-03-2011 10:23 PM

I'm pro choice.

joeysteele 18-03-2011 11:24 PM

I have altered my view on this,I was dead against it but always felt it had to be the Woman's decision and that her wishes should be supported.
I now find myself more in step with the view expressed by MTVN above and he makes very valid points very eloquently.

Stacey. 19-03-2011 12:14 AM

I'm for it, like for whatever reason an abortion might be the best thing.

Vicky. 19-03-2011 12:31 AM

Pro choice. Forcing a woman to have a child she doesnt want will never end well. Even if said child is put up for adoption (after the woman is forced to carry it for 9 months)...theres a lot more to it than just giving a baby away, and it could cause the child stress later in life too. That said, it should never be used as a form of contraception. Thats just sick :/

Tom4784 19-03-2011 12:48 AM

I'm pro choice, can't say anything more then that really. It's the individual's choice at the end of the day, no one else's (unless the father is around, then it should be a joint decision). I don't judge either way.

Shasown 19-03-2011 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by Dezzy (Post 4164000)
I'm pro choice, can't say anything more then that really. It's the individual's choice at the end of the day, no one else's (unless the father is around, then it should be a joint decision). I don't judge either way.

Interesting point there you raised Dezzy, about the father I mean. I can see a day coming that the father whether he is around or not has to be consulted as to his opinion. Farcical I know but it would be fair under equality laws, after all he is financially liable simply by fathering the child.

My own opinion, its the womans decision, so long as there is a valid reason for it and not just used as a form of failsafe contraceptive. Though I agree the current time limits should be amended

Angus 19-03-2011 06:33 AM

I, personally, would never have had an abortion under any circumstances, but I don't think anyone has the right to insist that a woman should carry a baby against her wishes. The only thing I would have an issue with is the gestational age at which a fetus can be aborted which, in my own opinion, shouldn't be any later than 20 weeks. There does come a point when a fetus becomes an actual baby, a potential, viable human being, and I can't see why it is not possible to decide on an abortion long before that point.

However, to say that a woman should go through 40 weeks of carrying a child just to have it adopted is ridiculous. There are not necessarily suitable parents just waiting to adopt. There are also so many complications to the mother's health that can occur during a pregnancy that also have to be considered. I find it repugnant that other people feel they have the right impose their own set of beliefs on anyone else about such a very personal and emotive decision.

I am totally repelled by women who just use abortion as a means of birth control, there is no need for that in this day and age when we now have so many methods available to prevent pregnancies occurring. However, the one thing we all possess, that are ours alone, are our bodies and women should have the right to decide whether they wish to carry a baby or not.

Pyramid* 19-03-2011 08:45 AM

A totally personal choice. Whilst I understand the 'pro life' agruements - that's forcing that opinion onto others in the hope that a massive guilt trip will stop women from chosing that option.

Am I against them? Absolutely not - that choice is for the woman concerned (and the man if they are still involved). Outside of that - it's nothing to do with anyone else.

(I am speaking from non medical reasons such as extreme disability detected, pregnancy from rapes etc - of which I firmly believe others who are not, or have never been in that situation, should really back off critising anyone who has found themselves in that situation) - Not targeted to posts here necessarily - I mean generally.

BB_Eye 19-03-2011 11:24 AM

I don't think there should be an absolute limit on the time of the abortion, but that different circumstances should be considered.

I'd like to think a good GP would refuse any such consultation unless all other options would mean serious harm to the mother.

I think the system is fine as it is.

Rob 19-03-2011 12:01 PM

I'm against it, unless you get information that having the baby would pose a large risk to your life or it would be born severely disabled.

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