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Callum 11-09-2011 12:25 AM

10 Years Ago Today

Hard to believe 10 years has passed since the September 11th attacks. The day that changed the world.

Where were you on 9/11?

InOne 11-09-2011 12:26 AM

I was at my grans house watching it live on tv

Patrick 11-09-2011 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Callum (Post 4550609)

Hard to believe 10 years has passed since the September 11th attacks. The day that changed the world.

Where were you on 9/11?

In school playing with play dough. :sad:

Vicky. 11-09-2011 12:27 AM

At school. In RE. We got dragged out into the hall to watch the news and then sent home :o

Josy 11-09-2011 12:27 AM

At home watching it all happen on sky news.

Locke. 11-09-2011 12:28 AM

In the street playing football when I first heard about it

Novo 11-09-2011 12:28 AM

I was at home getting ready for School watching it on TV i must have been in year 7 at the time

Roy Mars III 11-09-2011 12:30 AM

I was at school, I still remember the assistant principal coming into each class and telling us.

MTVN 11-09-2011 12:31 AM

Think I got back from school and the news was on which was unusual, I knew that something big had happened but I didn't really fully comprehend it

InOne 11-09-2011 12:32 AM

I was 10 so didn't really understand properly I think

Niamh. 11-09-2011 12:32 AM

I was on my way back to work after my lunch break. I heard on the radio that a plane had crashed into one of the towers, then a few minutes later they called out that a second plane had crashed into the other tower, I thought it was some kind of joke, terrorism never even entered my head.

Maia 11-09-2011 12:35 AM

I was on a family holiday in France. I have vague memories of everyone there watching it on a public TV.

Ryan. 11-09-2011 12:36 AM

I was 5 and angry that there was nothing but "news" on and I was missing CiTV

King Gizzard 11-09-2011 12:37 AM

Was at school and only heard about it when I got in my mums car

Was it about 2pm our time if it was 9am ish over there?

Glenn. 11-09-2011 12:38 AM

I had just got back home from school and my nan phoned and said something was happening in New York and to put the news on.

When I put it on the second plane hadn't hit and the newsreaders were on about a small plane hitting the tower.

I had just gone back to school from my summer holidays and I had just started a new year at school so I was doing my Science homework:bored:

I remember looking up from my workbook, just as the second plane slammed into the side of the second tower and I knew this was really bad.

And then to watch the towers collapse, live along with the rest of the world was horrific. I felt sick. I didn't sleep well that night. I was 12.

GypsyGoth 11-09-2011 12:40 AM

I remember being out with a friend and my mom telling me to come in to watch it.

Lee. 11-09-2011 12:40 AM

I was getting ready to go on holiday the following day... I went into town to get some things. The first place I went was my work (dixons) to buy batteries and the dreadful gossipy woman I worked with was trying to chat to me and was telling me something about new York and airplanes and terrorists but I was just so bored talking to her that I was just like "yeah, I know... whatever :rolleyes:"

I went to superdrug, then as I was walking back down past ky work, there was a crowd outside watching the tellys and I joined in, just in time to see the first tower falling. I remember standing, not believing what I'd just seen and phoning my mum in confusion.

My flight to Greece the following day was surreal... I had a good holiday but found the whole 9/11 thing hard to get my head around when I came home.

Kerry 11-09-2011 12:41 AM

Sat at home watching it live on the news with my toddler laid fast asleep on the settee beside me

Stu 11-09-2011 12:41 AM

Got picked up from school by my mum and we drove to get new lightbulbs or something in an electrical store and just like the movies we stood outside with about a dozen other people watching it on a giant bank of TVs in the store window.

Pyramid* 11-09-2011 12:46 AM

I'm watching something on tv just now about the German Cell.......

hard to believe it's ten years on. I was off work, was faffing about the house, and when I went to the shops: everyone was standing listening to the radio........there was a real sense of "christ, where is going to be next" and we thougth London.

Came home, managed to call a few friends I'd met on holiday to ensure they were okay (they were NY coppers & their wives) - and sat for hours & hours in front of the tv with tears streaming down my face - mixture of shock, horror, sadness and complete disbelief that it was real life.

King Gizzard 11-09-2011 12:48 AM

My dad thought it was the russians kicking off WW3..

Pyramid* 11-09-2011 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Nathan (Post 4550663)
My dad thought it was the russians kicking off WW3..

I have to confess: my parents were alive then and we all thought the same thing....that this was going to be 'it'.

It could so easily have started.

Kerry 11-09-2011 12:55 AM

I'm not even sure what I thought. It's one of those moments in life your mind just cannot work around. You ring people, you watch the news (check every channel just to see if one knows more than the next), you look outside expecting things to be different..... very surreal... sad..

Firewire 11-09-2011 01:00 AM

School, I don't remember it though.

Lee. 11-09-2011 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Pyramid* (Post 4550662)
I'm watching something on tv just now about the German Cell.......

hard to believe it's ten years on. I was off work, was faffing about the house, and when I went to the shops: everyone was standing listening to the radio........there was a real sense of "christ, where is going to be next" and we thougth London.

Came home, managed to call a few friends I'd met on holiday to ensure they were okay (they were NY coppers & their wives) - and sat for hours & hours in front of the tv with tears streaming down my face - mixture of shock, horror, sadness and complete disbelief that it was real life.

Because I was on holiday during the aftermath, I missed the media coverage of the whole thing... I don't know if it would have helped to have sat and watched the 24 hour coverage after it happened, but I still feel a need to watch what happened that day as I can't really take it in (still)

I also wonder if anybody had the same strange feelings I had after it happened? I am really really laid back about everything, but after 9/11 I turned into a bit if a psycho... I couldn't bear to be apart from any of my family for any length of time... it got quite ridiculous: if my mum went to the supermarket and was quite a ling time, I used to get panicky and end up in tears... I basically couldn't bear for any of my loved ones being away from me.. it was horrible. :bawling:

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