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bonzobravo 16-08-2002 09:33 PM

Best Big Brother Episode to watch?
Which episode of big bro 1, 2 or 3 was the best to watch?

Mine has 2b when Mel got evicted her face was a picture!!!!

susieq 16-08-2002 10:18 PM

My favourite episode was the 'date' in BB2 - especially Paul & Helen. Not just the time in the den but afterwards, when they were sat on the tyre chairs, singing along to 'Deluxe'. It was then that Paul has since said that 'Helen had me, I was gone'. I thought that was so sweet.

Mairi 16-08-2002 10:24 PM

It has to be Paul's eviction because I cried all the way through it!!

Their faces when Paul was just about to leave, Helen crying when Paul was evicted, Paul's face when he saw Helen on the big screen. So many reasons.

I've watched it so often since, that the tape's nearly worn out.

:paul: :helen:

steve_o 16-08-2002 10:51 PM

It's a hard choice there's a few good one's there, but I think for me it's got to be the time Nasty Nick was confronted. But the other good time's which haven't been mentioned where Paul and Helen having the meal in the den, and playing snakes and Ladders. :paul: :helen: Must have been the only time I'd watched bb through the night. :laugh: :blush:


:bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:

lyndy 16-08-2002 11:16 PM

best big brother episode to watch
i picked :paul: & :helen: I could pick loads of moments One that springs to mind is when :helen: was up for eviction with josh they were in the den just lying there then they look at one another for a few mins then :paul: breaks it by saying your skin looks good to-day.It was a look of :love: brill.

finch 17-08-2002 06:43 PM

I vted for nasty Nick but really my fav was the one where they painted the potato animals

BusyBee 17-08-2002 07:49 PM

I'm with Miriam - Paul's eviction was so emotional. It wasn't just the last few hours but the lead up throughout the day as it really began to sink in that they were going to be separated. What with the spooning on the bed with Paul saying it was so nice and he didnt want it to end, Helen's face when the announcement was made, Paul scooping Helen up and asking her if she was alright, Paul not being able to get to Helen quick enough to give her a kiss and a cuddle as he was about to leave, Helen's reaction afterwards and Paul trying to hold it together during this interview with Davina (poor lad) I couldnt take my eyes off the tv and all I could say to my family through the tears I was shedding was "I told you so". In fact I think I will have to put that on the video to have another wallow. :paul: :love: :helen:

susieq 17-08-2002 11:04 PM

You're so right BB - that was the most emotional eviction ever. I was trying to hold it all together when he kept seeing Helen's face on the screen, but failing miserably! I had a lump in my throat the size of a golf ball. Bless their little cotton socks!

bonzobravo 17-08-2002 11:28 PM

At the time I was slightly emotional, as I really liked Helen and didn't mind paul. But now watching it back I find it quite amusing.
I have to say I find Helen and paul a bit naff though.

The eviction I was most gutted about was spencer, but thats another story!!!!!!!!!!!

Romantic Old Bird 18-08-2002 11:03 AM

Bonzo, you have no soul!

I think what you describe as 'a bit naff' was the sweetness of watching the two of them together, falling in love. The best TV ever.

Falling in love does make you behave like a complete prat, but it's wonderful. They made me remember what it felt like and I am so grateful to them both for that.

Best episodes not optioned above for me were indeed the staring at each other on Friday week 7, and the 'Come here' moment in the den.

Lots of other P&H snippets not included in episodes which were magical:

The sleepwalking cuddle on the Wednesday afternoon of week 8, when the public were being led to believe Paul was a 'love rat'.
They managed to pull themselves apart and were lying staring into each others eyes on Helen's bed, Paul said (quelle surprise)

'This isn't cool is it? How do we keep getting ourselves in trouble like this?'

Then they stared at each other again for a few minutes again before Paul just had to turn his back to her muttering 'Nightmare!' :laugh:

And, then late on Paul's last afternoon when he was lighting the barbecue. Helen was in that dressing gown, hair in rollers, blobs of toothpaste on imaginary spots, and he held her as if she looked a million dollars. ......such a tender moment, followed by

'Have a nice life Mr Clarke' as she left him to go and get changed.

Cry, I thought I'd never stop. THEN, the eviction....
:bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:

Mairi 18-08-2002 11:09 AM



:paul: :helen: :love:

Amy 18-08-2002 11:17 AM

I voted for when Nasty Nick was confronted! There are quite a few though that i would have voted for but this one will always stick in my mind :wavey:

bonzobravo 18-08-2002 01:12 PM

oh contraire ROB, I do have a soul. I was 'slightly' emotional at the time, but even b4 the romance started to blossom, I thought Paul was a bit naff. Helen, well shes just Helen. I am glad though that they are still together.

chilledbootz 18-08-2002 01:43 PM

R.O.B you're so right everything you said I couldn't put any better. Another of my favourite moments was when H was watching Paul shave on 'the Friday'. They had cut out what was said before, but he said "you look absolutely gorgeous don't you". I thought this was the first time he'd really vocalised anything about her being physically attractive to him. He after all had stated that he fell for her 'personality' :thumbs: :dance: :elephant: :love: :paul: :helen:

Romantic Old Bird 18-08-2002 01:48 PM

I'm glad you are glad Bonzo.

As for PC being naff, well, f he is, that's what I LIKE about Paul Clarke! :blush:

Oldgit 18-08-2002 09:56 PM

I really thought Paul's eviction was an emotional night, but I felt that Bubble's eviction was more dramatic in that it was just so unexpected. Nobody was prepared for Bubble to go. Even Paul, and his family. And had it not been for Bubble's eviction, something else may not have happened!

In terms of the Paul and Helen romance, I liked some of the things that went on after the romantic meals. Paul and Helen following Josh and Brian into the girls bedroom to see what they were up to and finding that they had hidden some cider in there! That led to a row P&H vs J&B.

Brian, Helen and Paul discussing P&H's situation in the bedroom later that same night. Then Brian going off to lie on Josh's bed so that Helen speak to Paul from the next bed, but then they got into the beds and fell asleep, and Josh came in later and found Brian in his bed, and teased him mercilessly!

That night had everything, romance, laughs, fights, it was brilliant!

:laugh: :laugh: :spin2: :spin2: :laugh: :laugh:

bonzobravo 18-08-2002 10:06 PM

I missed that week was on holiday, but I saw some of the highlights of that week on the big brother reveals more.................. but of course you don't get a true picture unless you see the live stuff.

Lucy 19-08-2002 10:31 AM


it's a tough one, but I've voted for Nasty Nick getting his come uppance (sp?)... that was a classic moment.

BigSister 19-08-2002 05:50 PM

Ive voted for Nicks eviction but I would have voted 4 Pauls eviction as well

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

BusyBee 19-08-2002 08:48 PM

All these Pand H reminders have set me back from my BB2 recovery. As I was reading them, I was going ah that was lovely and I remember that. I had to go and watch some of my videos yet again and even get out the BB2 book for a quick read.

susieq 19-08-2002 10:12 PM

Oh BusyBee - I've been doing that same thing for a week now. I'm even starting to search the internet for pictures and everything. I thought I was cured too!!! Oh well - Nurse, stronger drugs please!!

WILDCHILD 20-08-2002 03:36 PM

My fave episode HAS to be Paul & Helens eviction!
Even though I didbnt want them to be split up, it was so eventful, watching them say goodbye to each other and then Paul being told Big G had finished with Helen and then admitting to the crowds that he DID fancy Helen!!
OH - HOW I MISS IT!!!! :bawling: :love: :bawling: :love: :bawling: :love:
:paul: :helen: :paul: :helen: :paul: :helen: :paul: :helen: :paul: :helen: (sorry, went a bit mad then!)

denise_lovesbubble 21-08-2002 03:51 PM

mine would have to be bubble its was so sad when he left he should have beaten paul :paul: .Bubble was crying as he wanted to win the money for his daughter to give her a better life and it was so sweet when he was saying what he thought of every one and when he told brian wat he thought of him he look like he was going to cry :bawling: :bawling: and it was sweet when he hug amma she was crying
:bawling: :bawling: and i loved it as he left every one one of his hats
Bubble he is so sweet i just want to give him a BIG HUG :hugesmile: :love:
i want one of his hats lol

bonzobravo 21-08-2002 03:58 PM

I have to admit I wanted Paul to stay over Bubble, just because the house was so sure bubble would stay. and paul was funny to watch, as he was very nice and sweet, but was 'naff' and often suffered from verbal diarrhoea. Plus even I have to say it was funny watching Helen and Paul flirt. It was very genuine, but they weren't the best at flirting! (controversial)

denise_lovesbubble 24-08-2002 12:24 PM

it was a fix i tell u lol BUBBLE He was very funny when he was with brian

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