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Kate! 05-07-2012 10:38 PM

Lads V Lasses in the Diary Room.
I think Deana and Becky came across well in the Diary Room, the lads showed themselves up to be pathetic cretins. Also it shows their attitude to women that they were sat in the hair while the girls sat on the floor. :bored:

Conor is vile full stop but Arron was worse tonight, sticking fingers up to the girls behind their backs. Complete idiot.

Glyn on BOTS has just commented on the girls sitting on the floor. Gareth Thomas also said that Conor is a horrible man. :worship:

Any man that champions these twats ought to be ashamed, its hardly a nice attitude and doesn't reflect well on yourselves.

Vote in the poll.

Saph 05-07-2012 10:41 PM

I agree

although some people will probably think they're 'top lads' and all that crap

Amy Jade 05-07-2012 10:42 PM

Arron is pathetic, he is such a little lap dog.

Jordan. 05-07-2012 10:43 PM

Continuing to ruin their already tiny chance of both staying. Roll on tomorrow.

fruit_cake 05-07-2012 10:50 PM

Deana and Becks

Kate! 05-07-2012 10:51 PM

Becky and Deana got a much better "talk up" by friends and family as well (I'm sure one has been on this forum?!) Arrons friend didn't say much and Conors gf said he is misunderstood. No.

smeagol 05-07-2012 10:54 PM

do we really need a poll conor arron two of biggest arseholes in bb history. awful human beings. pond scum

Tourmaline 05-07-2012 10:54 PM

Becky was spot on when she said Arron is like a different person when he's with his sidekick Conor. Their behaviour was unbelievably childish

Black Dagger 05-07-2012 10:55 PM

Even the ArrCon fans can see that they were incredibly vicious and disgusting in there.

Jords 05-07-2012 10:57 PM

Deana and Becky were amazing.

They completely showed the 2 little bitchboys up, anybody that can stay cool, take the abuse and the charmingly deliver digs and get them twitching need some credit.

Deana suggesting Conor is Arron's brain and without him hed walk around clueless was absolutely spot on!

Doogle 05-07-2012 10:58 PM

Arron tries to act big to impress Conor, it's so cringey.

Doogle 05-07-2012 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Jords (Post 5275627)
Deana and Becky were amazing.

They completely showed the 2 little bitchboys up, anybody that can stay cool, take the abuse and the charmingly deliver digs and get them twitching need some credit.

Deana suggesting Conor is Arron's brain and without him hed walk around clueless was absolutely spot on!

It was brilliant. I would have loved to see Lydia in there too reacting to all of that.

MatthewS 05-07-2012 11:15 PM

The lasses definitely came across better, I don't think anyone can argue that.

I did find Aaron and Conor quite amusing though, but they certainly weren't being nice about it. The overall amount of face to face conflict this year has been pretty abysmal. People have been talking loads behind everyones' back though, yet we've seen very few instances where somebody has come out and told someone they don't like them directly. I'd rather see more of the Aaron/Conor (to the face) stuff, then the typical behind the back bitching. Well done to them in that regard.

Black Dagger 05-07-2012 11:21 PM

Why did they fist-pump every 10 seconds as well?


Amy Jade 05-07-2012 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Black Dagger (Post 5275700)
Why did they fist-pump every 10 seconds as well?


Arron was instigating each one of those, kind of like a dog begging for a treat for pleasing their owner.

Conor is the chav and Arron is his pit bull, and just like pit bulls in the right environment they can be nice animals but with thuggish owners they become vicious.

Kate! 05-07-2012 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Black Dagger (Post 5275700)
Why did they fist-pump every 10 seconds as well?


Because they are so aggressive. It was really horrible to see them sat in the chair while the girls sat on the floor. Disgusting. I don't think any other man in BB history would have done that.

joeysteele 05-07-2012 11:29 PM

I don't think anyone came out looking really good from the event, I do not condone the behaviour of Arron and Conor, I will still be voting for Arron but they should have had the sense to tone things down a bit.

I love the way Deana though,gets away with saying Arron had no brain while all the guys wrongs are pointed out to the finest detail.

BB will get what it wants from this, Becky saved, she is after all Jamie Easts choice, bbbots was like the Becky show tonight.
I am done with bbots, Emma is far too biased.

As I said, I do not condone Arrons behaviour but neither did I condone Deana's too,she kept as ever winding things up and the guys walked right into it.
I also was amazed that the guys took the chair and left the females on the floor, of course BB could have chairs brought in, they all wouldn't have got on that seat anyway but I did think that was very bad mannered,whether you like the women or not,they should have been offered the seat at least.

As I say I will still be voting for Arron,of course his critics here will now have a field day but even had he been the perfect gentleman in the diary room,(which he and Conor fell massively short of being), it wouldn't have mattered,they still would have been here with derisory comments as to him.

Let's see what happens tomorrow but tonight will have ensured Deana's and becky's safety for sure.
Of course as with the eviction with Chris it could be that Arron is far enough ahead already to still survive after this incident.

KingOfTheMods 05-07-2012 11:29 PM

I wouldn't even call either of them men. They're male and that's about it. They've obviously never been taught what it is to be a man and certainly not gentlemen. I can't stand Becky or Deana either tbh but I was brought up better than to carry on like that towards women. Divvies.

Brother Leon 05-07-2012 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Black Dagger (Post 5275700)
Why did they fist-pump every 10 seconds as well?


It's what we do when someone drops a par.

Get with the times Luke :idc:

Also, this went abit too far. Deana was making those silly faces before they started being pricks though If I remember right. For me letting them sit on the floor was worse than what they actually said though.:laugh:

joeysteele 05-07-2012 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by *Kate* (Post 5275716)
Because they are so aggressive. It was really horrible to see them sat in the chair while the girls sat on the floor. Disgusting. I don't think any other man in BB history would have done that.

I agree it wasn't nice to see,I also think the guys were wrong too however I have seen females sit on the floor by choice in previous BBs. I do think that the girls should have been offered the seats, they could have sat on the sides of the chair,it may well be that they didn't want to sit alongside the guys though,these people really dislike each other.

While it would be my way certainly to have offered the girls the chair, it still does amaze me slightly that people think still that women should always have the seat and men stand or go on the floor.

Novo 05-07-2012 11:37 PM

The 3 musketeers Carniala Daniel R and Myself against the 29 Jobbers

Brother Leon 05-07-2012 11:46 PM

armand.kay, Brother Leon, Carniala, Daniel R, joeysteele, Novo

The Elite squad :worship:

Novo 05-07-2012 11:49 PM

The Superb Six fighting against Evil Jords and his forces of evil

Jack_ 05-07-2012 11:51 PM

Well obviously the girls were in the right, I don't think there's any denying that Arron and Conor are two silly little boys, but from what I've seen this week they seem to be contributing a lot and it'd be very stupid to want them out or indeed to have them evicted.

Remember we're trying to cause conflict, not prevent it.

joeysteele 05-07-2012 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Brother Leon (Post 5275783)
armand.kay, Brother Leon, Carniala, Daniel R, joeysteele, Novo

The Elite squad :worship:

I really like Arron overall as a housemate though, if I turned against my family or friends for everything they did that I didn't agree with then I'd have no friends.
No the best night for Arron but I think he can recover from it, with the voting public I feel sure he can.Never on here though.

Deana was as ever from the very start sticking her nose in and winding it all up just as much as the guys were.
Miss perfect though has no faults and wouldn't dream of being nasty about anyone, she invented a new nastiness, all her own work.

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