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TOXICHUNK 06-08-2012 01:37 PM

being judged on looks.
i have watched big brother 13 from the start and im realy baffled to why there is so much hate for ashleigh. she has been bitchy and 2 faced at times but so have all the other housemates. it appears to me that luke s is the reason, jealous girls who like luke s are hating ashleigh.

i think calling her dobby and ugly are just nasty things to call someone and i think its rancid that people are hating her because they find her ugly or becase of luke s

Kate! 06-08-2012 01:42 PM

No, I find her a repulsive person, because of her actions and nasty ways. Nothing to do with her appearance, or Luke S whatsoever. If a person is horrible, then I find them ugly in general.

aman201 06-08-2012 01:43 PM


the way ppl treat her is a joke.

exoticrosebud 06-08-2012 01:44 PM

i dont thinks shes that bad looking...just great beauty but i dont think that deena and sara are either.......none of the blokes float my boat either.......

TOXICHUNK 06-08-2012 01:48 PM

but kate what has she done? my argument is for example conor caroline becky have done so much worse than ash yet all people seem to say about ash is shes a tramp or ugly or *******igh which is vile. how can the public give the like of conor becky and caroline more support when they were just nasty people. i find ash to be a normal down to earth girl...

smeagol 06-08-2012 02:01 PM

ashleigh isnt as bad as a lot of them. no one is as bad as conor caroline and becky.
but her speech is vile. she basks in the glory of being foul and disgusting much like becky did over food.
she's far too jealous and nasty to other people to make herself feel better. i.e lauren deana. she has no desire to change or look at her self if something is wrong its always the other persons faut they are the nasty ones not her according to ash.
she treats luke s really bad. just isnt a nice person. common as muck and proud of it.
her playing the im thick look at me thing is just sad.
but most of all she is so boring cant think of anything she has done in there. she has coasted her way through on the back of the fake r ship.

lostalex 06-08-2012 02:04 PM

if ashleigh was being judged on looks she should be on death row.

Jezzy 06-08-2012 02:07 PM

Ashleigh I think always wanted to play the game as a couple, she's just lucky that Luke S latched on to her because he didn't think anyone else would give him the time of day.

Add to that her ridiculous entrance to the house with all the p**sing on people stuff, her general ignorance, and her unwillingness to embrace anything out of her comfort zone, and to me you have a fail on every level.

Her looks? Yeah, she's fugly. It's not a deciding factor for me.

Jordan. 06-08-2012 02:22 PM

I know who Ashleigh looks like now after an episode of American Dad last night

hijaxers 06-08-2012 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by TOXICHUNK (Post 5377945)
but kate what has she done? my argument is for example conor caroline becky have done so much worse than ash yet all people seem to say about ash is shes a tramp or ugly or *******igh which is vile. how can the public give the like of conor becky and caroline more support when they were just nasty people. i find ash to be a normal down to earth girl...

Are we watching the same show - she has behaved like a tramp- she is permanently scrounging other peoples things, like Deana's lippy (when she had herpes allover her mouth) she was totally vile to Lauren , because she knew Luke liked her and did everything she could to get rid of her- whilst she really fancied Conor - the girl is rancid !

Patricia4 06-08-2012 02:27 PM

I dont think she is anything has bad as some of them in there she is OK.

Kate! 06-08-2012 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by TOXICHUNK (Post 5377945)
but kate what has she done? my argument is for example conor caroline becky have done so much worse than ash yet all people seem to say about ash is shes a tramp or ugly or *******igh which is vile. how can the public give the like of conor becky and caroline more support when they were just nasty people. i find ash to be a normal down to earth girl...

ok, she's not so blatant as the others you have mentioned, but she is trampy I'm afraid. Nice girls don't wank blokes off on tv :shocked: Plus she's been quite vicious in her treatment (jealousy) of Lauren, and now that Lauren has gone, she has turned it on Deana instead. She's sly as well. Prime example - using Deana's lippy on herself with her coldsores round her mouth. Disgusting cow.

Vanessa 06-08-2012 02:38 PM

How about she's bitchy and not very classy? :pipe:

optimisticcynic 06-08-2012 02:40 PM

Ashleigh has been complicit in the evil machinations of Caroline, Conor AND Becky which is a lot of side-kicking, as well as being individually vile to Lauren, Deana and Luke S. The non-threatening bimbo act is to detract from her vitriole, but all it does is make me weep inside for the teenagers that watch and aspire to be this "famous" herpetic vector. She knocks down moral standards so that her lack thereof would not be as evident and even had the gaul to criticise another housemate's dancing after volunteering her mid-section as a petri-dish for Luke S' seed on national television.

But if you'd rather blame her unpopularity on the notion that teenage girls across Britain wish that they were in a fake, loveless relationship with a man with the depth of bottle-top, hypothesise away...

Jake. 06-08-2012 02:41 PM

Whem you dislike someones personality, their looks are brought into the euation. Sad, but it happens. :pipe:

Munchkins 06-08-2012 02:44 PM

She is being judged on her personality and her language - both are equally repulsive

Mumbles 06-08-2012 02:45 PM

Ashleigh is just an awful, awful person. Just her treatment of Luke S, slagging him off to all the girls in the slumber party is reason enough to think she's an awful person. And I don't even like Luke S but thought that was really harsh and not something a decent person would do to a friend/lover/partner/whatever. Add to that her revelling in her own stupidity (each country has it's own sun") and lack of manners and decency and you've got all the makings of a truly awful person.

Withano 06-08-2012 02:46 PM

It's the pretending to be dumb and fake relationship that does it for me. She'd be in love with Conor if he was single. She's not into Luke, she's just a better actor than he is.

Jimrod 06-08-2012 02:50 PM

I think I made my mind up on her (regardless of looks, intelligence and vocabulary) when she had her heart-to-heart with Luke A, then couldn't run fast enough to the rest of the house to let them know what he said. Skank all round.

lostalex 06-08-2012 02:51 PM

Adam said it best when he observed "Alsheigh hasn't looked like her pic (referring to her picture on the memory wall) since the first night" lol

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