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saj 16-07-2006 09:14 PM

im convinced jayne is a mole
she has literally about 5 strikes and has had no individual punishment!
big brother are doing everything to avoid her being up for eviction. they could easily chuck her out and bring jonathan in as a replacement.
just watch, this week she will not be up again because big brother will twist it again!

sol 16-07-2006 09:17 PM

No housemates are moles, I hope people don't start this mole paranoia like we had with Makosi last year. :rolleyes:

xGemmax 16-07-2006 09:18 PM

well good point but i dont think she is a mole - surely we would know about it:puzzled:i just think she is actually that big mouthed, rude, and inconsiderate!

saj 16-07-2006 09:20 PM

but if we know about it, all it will take it somebody to shout it over the wall or through the house on an eviction night and the housemates will know. this way that wont happen!

InTheFade 16-07-2006 09:20 PM

What would her purpose as a mole be? I don't think she is.

Slezer 16-07-2006 09:21 PM

Lets be honest. Big Brother cant afford to lose her. Thats the reason shes still in there. BB is full of empty threats.

Craiggy 16-07-2006 09:24 PM

She is not a mole, she is becoming my favourite HM though!

Mervi 17-07-2006 05:57 AM

Either she's a mole or completely crazy.

She has the concentration span of a gnat.

BB can't eject her, she produces so much drama. It's just that soon they'll run out of ways to punish them.

andybigbro 17-07-2006 06:18 AM

they could eject her and they should eject her

Mervi 17-07-2006 06:19 AM

Now I'm sorry I called her crazy. I think she has ADHD, wonder if she knows it herself. I feel sorry for her, it must be hell having to talk, burp, move, do something all the time and not be able to sit quietly at all.

Foebane100 17-07-2006 10:38 AM

If she is not nominated because of some BB twist, this is a joke they are obviously trying to work the public up to get more votes when she does go up, feel the money.

Come on its been a few hours now, what rules has she broken now.

She needs to go now.

here.comes.trouble 17-07-2006 11:16 AM

my mom said she thought jayne was a mole.
but maybe she just IS that stupid.

here.comes.trouble 17-07-2006 11:18 AM

maybe they are waitin 4 her to go friday because she most likely will. cus if they throw her out dus that mean sum1 else has 2 go in and thats just plain annoyin.
mayb they just want it 2 get entertainin cus the entertainers have gone.
hu knows
but im sure ders a reason:love:

rex3 17-07-2006 11:20 AM

I believe that jayne is a mole on behald of endemol, they probably told her what to do and how to act! becuase she is plain stupid, i mean she works in recruitment, and she dont know what ejected means???

Foebane100 17-07-2006 11:23 AM

They haven't thrown her out as they will make a fortune when she is up for the public vote.

I still think BB is being a soft serve with the punishment as it is not working and the wimp house mates aren't getting on to her like they should. How many times would you take punishment for someone's misdeeds and not complain about it?

rex3 17-07-2006 11:26 AM


Originally posted by Foebane100
They haven't thrown her out as they will make a fortune when she is up for the public vote.

I still think BB is being a soft serve with the punishment as it is not working and the wimp house mates aren't getting on to her like they should. How many times would you take punishment for someone's misdeeds and not complain about it?
yeah i think there all scared of her, she can win any one in a battle

Eloise 17-07-2006 11:31 AM

I dont know if she's a mole but it certainly seems a bit suspicious she can keep getting away with things and everyone else has to be punished for her loud mouth & disrespect to others. And I don't mean to make a personal statement but for her to be a recruitment consultant, I find that kinda hard to believe....:conf:

stoney12 17-07-2006 11:53 AM

There is no mole.She really is that stupid.How can she hold down a good job in the real world????

albie 17-07-2006 12:39 PM

She's more than a mole. She's a melanoma. Suppurating cancer squirt -streams, tiny faces growing on the ends of each wirey black melanoma hair.

A rising plug of soggy black flesh making noises in the dark.

*PlayGirl* 17-07-2006 06:14 PM

I've always thought she was a mole.
The most convincing evidence was the famous.. "I'm gonna get sacked for this, and not from my job outside."
And come on, no-one can genuinly carry on breaking the rules and not really get punished for it.

Err.. HELLO?!


Deep2 17-07-2006 06:33 PM


Originally posted by sol
No housemates are moles, I hope people don't start this mole paranoia like we had with Makosi last year. :rolleyes:
Too late.

Lil-Lindz 17-07-2006 06:35 PM

I doubt jayne is a mole she just cant help it

Its great entertainment though :joker:

Foebane100 17-07-2006 07:22 PM

I think the others are being too soft on her, she needs telling that what she is doing isn't funny to them and to pack it in, or are they just waiting for nomination day?

She has turned their lifestyle from cushy to crap, why is no one saying something about it?

Lil-Lindz 17-07-2006 07:29 PM

I know, tghey are far too easy on her

If i was in there i would have shouted by now Lol

xGemmax 17-07-2006 07:40 PM

Yes if the others should tell her off i have no idea why they all just let her get away with it!:mad::conf:

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