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ferg_luvs_bb7 10-08-2006 09:13 PM

Why is water throwing such a bigdeal?
I wasnt on the forum last year, but did people make such a fuss when maxwell threw water over kemal. There were many water throwing incidents last year. Was their such a fuss. I suppose Grace's was cowardly but there has been alot of fuss over it.

(Sorry if im controdicting myself atall. Ive probably mucked up my point completely)

ferg_luvs_bb7 10-08-2006 09:14 PM

Oh and personally i thought it was entertaining

easypeasy 10-08-2006 09:27 PM

its the act of a spoilt child not an adult.

ferg_luvs_bb7 10-08-2006 09:28 PM

I disagree. It was bad yes, but Grace really want a chance to prove herself, and susie denied that chance after coming in 2 days.

Ollie! 10-08-2006 09:29 PM

I didn't like what Grace did, Susie had done nothing bad to her. She didn't know that her nominations were the only ones that were going to be counted. Glad that bore Snoozie is gone though! :sleep:

Slartibartfast 10-08-2006 09:30 PM

I loved it, best eviction ever. You get tired of seeing the same boring eviction where someone lies and says they loved everyone and really wanted to leave. Good to see someone storm outta the house in a strop!

ferg_luvs_bb7 10-08-2006 09:30 PM

Id much rather see grace than susie.

ferg_luvs_bb7 10-08-2006 09:32 PM

At least Grace was entirely honest and said she had no regrets, i hate it when they walk out and lie

Foebane100 10-08-2006 09:35 PM

Okay lets look at it this way how chuffed would you be if you were out and someone threw a drink over you?

I've seen fights start over less.

Slartibartfast 10-08-2006 09:35 PM

Science last year threw water in Kemal's face (i think it was Kemal) a lot more aggressively than Grace did. I don't remember as much of a big deal being made, (he did get warned by BB) although there were some complaints. But then Science wasn't as universally hated as Grace is.

ferg_luvs_bb7 10-08-2006 09:37 PM

I remember it was a bit of a trend to throw water last year LOL

Foebane100 10-08-2006 09:39 PM

I think the general idea is that it can lead to actual violence, as it nearly did with Maxwell and Science if I recall correctly.

Lauren 10-08-2006 09:40 PM

The main thing (for me) is that she did it while running away. That was cowardly. The way she ran aswell, it was like a desperate scuttle for the door and then once she was out she spouted her mouth off once again. :rolleyes:

Yeah she told the truth when she was OUT of the house, but while inside she lied to everyone and b*tched like there was no tomorrow. Thats not honesty.

ferg_luvs_bb7 10-08-2006 09:41 PM

The thing is dickie said it was an act of violence. It was in no way an act of violence.

Slartibartfast 10-08-2006 09:42 PM

She was a complete manipulative bitch in the house, thats why I liked her.

Lauren 10-08-2006 09:47 PM


Originally posted by ferg_luvs_bb7
The thing is dickie said it was an act of violence. It was in no way an act of violence.
Well it was grossly negligent and reckless. Although it was just water it was still a breach of safety, in my opinion.

ferg_luvs_bb7 10-08-2006 10:03 PM

How did it hurt her, it made her a little wet. Which was really what susie needed. It wasnt done with any force

easypeasy 10-08-2006 10:21 PM


Originally posted by Blanket&Crib
The main thing (for me) is that she did it while running away. That was cowardly. The way she ran aswell, it was like a desperate scuttle for the door and then once she was out she spouted her mouth off once again. :rolleyes:

Yeah she told the truth when she was OUT of the house, but while inside she lied to everyone and b*tched like there was no tomorrow. Thats not honesty.
well put blanket..... it was the cowardly way she did it.

ferg_luvs_bb7 10-08-2006 10:22 PM

susie needed it.

Slezer 10-08-2006 10:23 PM

lol I loved it personally. Suzie never got up to say goodbye and didnt say much to Grace all week, she wasn't even slightly guilty.

And we lost Grace for Suzie...

Lauren 10-08-2006 10:24 PM

I didn't say it did hurt her, but it had the potential to.

Plus it doesn't need to be physical harm. Non-physical harm is also counted at GBH if it is done with malice - which it was.

(I'm not saying she should be charged with it, LOL. I'm just saying technically it was an act of violence)

Robyn. 10-08-2006 10:24 PM

Well she saw the water there and ovbiously thought I can't be bothered with saying bye to Susie. I don't see what the big deal is. Cos she has admitted it was wrong.

blue_didi 10-08-2006 10:25 PM

"its the act of a spoilt child not an adult. "

you just called lea a slut..not very "adultish" was it..

Lauren 10-08-2006 10:26 PM


Originally posted by XRobynX
ovbiously thought I can't be bothered with saying bye to Susie.
So why not just don't say bye to her? It's easy.

Mike 10-08-2006 10:26 PM

It was pretty childish but it gave us a talking point, Susie played it clever because she knew the public hated Grace therefore her best move was to nominate Grace and gain public support, obviously she would deny this though.

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