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Smeggypants 21-08-2006 03:01 AM

Craig Phillips slams BB7
I've always thought Craig Phillips was a DORK so I am shamelessly bias, but I don't think it's unfair to accuse Mr Phillips of wanting to get some cheap publicity with the news item below......



BB1's Craig slams "over-complicated" series
Saturday, August 19 2006, 10:49 BST - by Daniel Kilkelly

Craig Phillips has admitted that he wants Big Brother to go back to basics.

The show's first winner is unhappy that so many contestants enter the house hoping to find fame rather than wanting to enjoy the experience.

"You see so many magazine covers with Jade Goody and I can't help thinking people must be sick of her by now," he told The Mirror. "When I went into the house I had no desire to be on TV.

"Everyone who was in the first series just went in for the experience. Whatever came after that was obviously a bonus but now you see people obviously wanting to be famous on the back of the house. It shouldn't be like that."

Craig also believes that the show's producers have alienated some fans by introducing so many twists to the format.

"They've over-complicated things," he added. "A lot of people I have spoken to have switched off because they found it too hard to follow. When I was in there, there were just the 10 of us and people could get to know us more easily. This time they have brought in more than 20 different people and had separate houses and all sorts."
Craig Phillips is old news, He should get over it!



Ella 21-08-2006 03:08 AM

He is a dork, of the biggest kind!

Smeggypants 21-08-2006 03:50 AM


Originally posted by Elz_Belz
He is a dork, of the biggest kind!
Elz you keep my pussy groovin!!!! :wavey::love::wavey:

Ruth 21-08-2006 08:22 AM

Whatever you think of him, it doesn't change the fact that he is right!

Sunny_01 21-08-2006 08:52 AM

I agree with Craig - they made this BB so complicated that I couldnt even be bothered to watch the highlights every day - I only watched it a couple of times a week! I was never really sure who was going to be there when I next tuned in lol

Slezer 21-08-2006 10:08 AM

He's obviously pissed with the fact nobody remembers his name lol

Boyzie44 21-08-2006 10:11 AM

Craig Phillips
He Is Just So Jelous Because This Years House Mates Were All Betta Than Him

Smeggypants 21-08-2006 10:15 AM


Originally posted by Ruth
Whatever you think of him, it doesn't change the fact that he is right!

These are all opinions not facts.

Foebane100 21-08-2006 10:23 AM

He is partly right there are too many wannabes, who are there to be famous rather than to take part in BB. Some of the twists are on the public not really the housemates which isn't right.

Louella 21-08-2006 10:34 AM


Originally posted by Smeggypants

Originally posted by Ruth
Whatever you think of him, it doesn't change the fact that he is right!

These are all opinions not facts.

Looks like he is trying to get some publicity on the back of BB7. Ah well at least the wailing Ash didn't win, her fans became very cocky on Friday ha ha pride comes before a fall as they say.:dance:

Chrizzle 21-08-2006 10:35 AM

Craig, theres a reason why BB7 got the biggest ratings of Big Brother, and yours didnt

Ruth 21-08-2006 10:38 AM


Originally posted by Smeggypants

Originally posted by Ruth
Whatever you think of him, it doesn't change the fact that he is right!

These are all opinions not facts.
As you stated already, you are very biased.

The show's first winner is unhappy that so many contestants enter the house hoping to find fame rather than wanting to enjoy the experience.

This is a fact. Most of the housemates in the past couple of years have made no secret of the fact that they hope the show will be their ticket to becoming famous.

"You see so many magazine covers with Jade Goody and I can't help thinking people must be sick of her by now," he told The Mirror. "When I went into the house I had no desire to be on TV.

This is a fact. Plenty of people are sick of Jade Goody - note that he does not say everyone is sick of her.

"Everyone who was in the first series just went in for the experience. Whatever came after that was obviously a bonus but now you see people obviously wanting to be famous on the back of the house. It shouldn't be like that."

This is a fact, for the reasons I have already stated above.

Craig also believes that the show's producers have alienated some fans by introducing so many twists to the format.

This is a fact. Many people complained of there being too many twists this year.

"They've over-complicated things," he added. "A lot of people I have spoken to have switched off because they found it too hard to follow. When I was in there, there were just the 10 of us and people could get to know us more easily. This time they have brought in more than 20 different people and had separate houses and all sorts."

This is a fact. There were over 20 housemates and seperate houses. And as I said before, many people complained.

Foebane100 21-08-2006 10:40 AM

Because it is older and the original one, not a pale imitation.

J.C. 21-08-2006 10:55 AM

The show has to evolve naturally ,all is good, as long as they don`t lose control as they did with the Jerry springer show. most of the critisisms
are wide spread and the level we feel it probably depends on who we wanted to win!

Ruth 21-08-2006 11:17 AM

Interesting thread - bump...

EXODUS 21-08-2006 11:44 AM

Who is he to say BB should go back to basics i been watcvhing BB since it started and i think the way BB is now is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY BETTER than previous series. Hes just saying this to grab few extra mins of fame.

Sunny_01 21-08-2006 12:55 PM

I am still of the opinion that the first BB was the best - it was new, it was fun and nobody knew what to expect. Yes BB7 got more viewers but isnt that because it is now an established show and people are drawn to something like that. There is more marketing abotu BB now than there was then, the profile is raised and the standards appear to have been lowered.

Chrizzle 21-08-2006 12:59 PM

The first BB's are actually my least favourite, because they just werent as exciting.
I think it really got good at BB3.
The twists, and stuff just make fantastic TV.

chrisking 21-08-2006 01:17 PM

I well remember first watching Big Brother. It was fresh and exciting. There had never been anything like it on television before. It soon became compulsive viewing. Its profile was raised by Nasty Nick who tried to scheme his way to the 70K prize. He didn't do it particularly well which only added to the fun. Who can forget him telling the other housemates that he had spent 3 years in the Territorial Army and then making a complete hash of the Assualt course? And then of course that was the dramatic showdown when the housemates rumbled him and virtually put him on trial. It was incredible drama and nothing since has really rivalled it.It's worth remembering that Craig went into the house to raise cash for a friend with Down's Syndrome who needed a vital operation. The other housemates were mostly down to earth people there for the experience. They were very easy to relate to. The emphasis of the show was on working together as a team to complete tasks to gain shopping. It was fun viewing. Big Brother 2 was also run on the same lines. This time with Brian and Helen it was a lot funnier and there was genuine romance as well. Then of course came Big Brother 3 and it was never the same again. The producers actively sought to pit the housemates against each other. They effectively took most of the fun of it. Big Brother 4 tried to go back to basics but it wasn't particlarly interesting although it had its moments of charm and humour. Since then the housemates have become more and more extreme, the result being it that it is difficult to relate to them. I can understand what Craig is saying. It would be great to have just 9 weeks again instead of 13 and have more down to Earth housemates. What do you think?

stoney12 21-08-2006 02:49 PM

I agree mostly with Chrisking,although there are some aspcts of the new format such as well worked twists and Big Bro having a sense of humour.We need to keep a lot of the wannabees out of the show,a couple is acceptable,but we need more normals in there too.

Ratings of BB1 don't come into the argument it was barely advertised and tucked away late night ,with no sky,pc or tabloid support.However the Nasty Nick episode launched the show to a wider oublic and I think still remains C4's highest ever watched program.

franky1 21-08-2006 03:42 PM

Craig is right nearly all the HMs this year were unbelievably fame hungry, except for Glyn. It was not reality TV just look at Nikki she represents and proves that it s no longer reality TV with her acting and telling all the original HMs what people think about them and who is popular and unpopular etc ruining the whole concept. This BB has been the most contrived and acted out of the lot, BB4 was the most boring, BB5 was the best for action and BB1 was the most original and was really close to true reality TV, every year on BB it gets further and furter away from it.

The producers are **** they need to get more people in who dont know what BB is like Ahmed, and Stallone in the celebrity one

Smeggypants 21-08-2006 05:46 PM

IMO there is no such thing as reality TV.

sol 21-08-2006 05:48 PM

I agree with him, it would be so much better if they went back to basics.

chickenthing 21-08-2006 07:50 PM

It's a game show at the end of the day not an experiment, yes there is experience to be had but there is a prize at the end so of course they are going to compete, i think it would get boring if it was the same as BB1 the whole time especially towards the end with fewer people, in my opinion the more twists the better - it makes it harder for the contestants to stick to their game plans and we love it:hello:

InTheHood 22-08-2006 11:47 PM

The last 3 BB's have been alot worse.

The idea's of the last 3 BB's have been very cheesy and commercial.

BB twists it too much these days, to who they want to win. They always have, but when it's not going there way, they do something else to make sure it happens.

We will never see a true winner again, as they mess with it too much.

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