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Robodog 13-08-2014 12:31 PM

Poll : Which HM has the biggest ego ?
Of course they are all a touch egotistical - or they probably wouldn't be on a show like this.

But the real sign of a big ego for me is someone who acts/looks/thinks like they are better than the others, someone who cannot be objective about themselves ever being in the wrong, and - the big teller - someone who never laughs at themselves !

In that respect - even big egos - Steven, Mark and Helen are able to drum up some objective and deriding humour and comments about themselves (calling themselves 'tw*ts' 'bitches' '****holes' etc)

The biggest ego HMs who never seemed to do that and never budge from their self appointed pedestals are Pauline and Ashleigh.

What do you think?

mrflibble 13-08-2014 12:38 PM

Steven. People with big ego's can certainly call themselves names. I have never seen anyone who is as self-obsessed and egotistical as Steven. Pauline, Zoe and maybe Kim and Toya would be next. I don't think anyone else in there is particularly egotistical (they have average-sized, or slightly above average-sized ego's).

FlippingEck 13-08-2014 12:47 PM

*******igh without a doubt!

Niamh. 13-08-2014 12:52 PM

Oh I voted Winston but then I remembered it's probably Steven

Niamh. 13-08-2014 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by mrflibble (Post 7163368)
Steven. People with big ego's can certainly call themselves names. I have never seen anyone who is as self-obsessed and egotistical as Steven. Pauline, Zoe and maybe Kim and Toya would be next. I don't think anyone else in there is particularly egotistical (they have average-sized, or slightly above average-sized ego's).

Yeah I forgot Zoe as well, she had a massive ego

JoshBB 13-08-2014 12:52 PM

Marlon. I wish people would stop using this poll as "who do you dislike", because I don't think neither Helen or Ashleigh have big egos.

kefln 13-08-2014 01:19 PM


Egotism is all about enhancing favorable views of oneself. It generally features an inflated opinion of a persons features, or their importance over others.

Of any of the HM's this year that describes Pauline the most. She was the most self righteous. She was in charge, as far as she was concerned. She forced her opinion on others and shouted down anyone that dared to whisper anything she didn't want to hear. Any vote against her was tactical, it could never be that she was in the wrong.

I know the same old arguments are going to come out, Ashleigh v Helen, but neither of these have massive ego's.

A massive ego tends to crave attention, Ashleigh spends too much time sitting quietly to be considered egotistical. And while Helen has a loud mouth, she is very self depreciating.

I'd class Winston and Ash as vain, but not annoyingly so.

Both Marlon and Steven had ego's, but they were so whipped by the other HM's they really didn't count.

LeatherTrumpet 13-08-2014 01:20 PM

Pauline and Steven

2 odious hms

HBB1508 13-08-2014 01:52 PM


Toy Soldier 13-08-2014 01:58 PM

Pauline by an absolute mile.

Steven is a narcissist but you could often see him being unsure of himself. Pauline, in her own head, was some sort of all-knowing oracle who was 100% correct about everything, 100% of the time, and anyone who disagreed was patronised by her as just "inexperienced" or "that they would understand once they've had the experiences she's had". It was constant. Her sense of self-importance was so huge that she literally didn't even bother to listen to anything that anyone else had to say... she assumed that they were wrong before they even opened their mouthes.

After Pauline, a close second has to be Zoe. That girl's idea of heaven is if she could clone herself and create a west end musical called Zoe, featuring Zoe, Zoe, Zoe, Zoe and Zoe all belting out show tunes (about Zoe), for an audience full of Zoeses, who would all sing along and do jazz hands.

None of the rest are hugely egotistical to be honest. Varying degrees but all within the "normal range".

Toy Soldier 13-08-2014 01:59 PM

Steven doesn't have a big ego, he's a HUGELY insecure little boy. It's all bluster and tantrums.

Lwize 13-08-2014 02:02 PM

Ashleigh is more apathetic than egotistical.
I voted Bianca - to think she could take a spin on Winston.

Niamh. 13-08-2014 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Lwize (Post 7163568)
Ashleigh is more apathetic than egotistical.
I voted Bianca - to think she could take a spin on Winston.

I would say more desperate then egotistical :hehe:

kefln 13-08-2014 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Toy Soldier (Post 7163551)
After Pauline, a close second has to be Zoe. That girl's idea of heaven is if she could clone herself and create a west end musical called Zoe, featuring Zoe, Zoe, Zoe, Zoe and Zoe all belting out show tunes (about Zoe), for an audience full of Zoeses, who would all sing along and do jazz hands.


GypsyGoth 13-08-2014 02:07 PM

I don;t think anyone comes close to Steven.

Achilles 13-08-2014 02:08 PM

100% Steven.

Sophiee 13-08-2014 03:04 PM

definitely biannca, she thinks every guy she meets wants to sleep with her :facepalm:.

smudgie 13-08-2014 03:08 PM


Steven was more delusional.

Shaun 13-08-2014 03:24 PM

Ash, Steven or Zoe

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