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Aflamo 28-12-2006 11:09 PM

Use this topic to rant about anything you like e.g band, movies you hate, people's manners etc.
Un-opinionated people need not apply.

I would like to rant about: High School Musical

These days I dont know what kind of pretenious rubbish movie producers are creating.
Tonight I tried, oh how I tried to tolerate "High School Musical". I actually felt like vomiting constantly during the film..
Common phrases I used whilst watching the film:
"So... When's the movie going to start."
"Why does that girl sound like a computer?"
"Why is he singing while he's playing basketball?"

Quite frankly it's almost ironic how it's title is "High School Musical" yet the film doesn't depict a teenagers lifestyle at all and those computerised singing voices just promote the idea of falseness even more.
Please, give me a film that contains interesting characters, that has a strong, meaning-full plot which keeps you thinking for hours, that depicts life as it really is, that puts you through the whole spectrum of emotions, and please, please have actors who have real voices if singing is involved..

lily. 28-12-2006 11:10 PM

I think the film was aimed at the under 10s to be honest..

Aflamo 28-12-2006 11:14 PM


Originally posted by Stropz
I think the film was aimed at the under 10s to be honest..
Oh right,, that would expain a lot.

lily. 28-12-2006 11:14 PM

:laugh2: Aye.. I'd say so...

Nice rant though... I could use this thread quite regularly.. I shall post my rantings tomoro.. I'm too tired just now...


Aflamo 28-12-2006 11:24 PM


Originally posted by Stropz
:laugh2: Aye.. I'd say so...

Nice rant though... I could use this thread quite regularly.. I shall post my rantings tomoro.. I'm too tired just now...

Yeah, I knew this forum had something missing and I thought that a topic containing people's angry complaints about the world fitted just right. :thumbs:

Lauren 28-12-2006 11:27 PM

Oh I like this thread. There used to be one but it turned to arguments if I remember rightly. :wink: So pleeeease people, don't argue in this. :tongue:

My rant: The OC

My god. How can you cram so much "perfectness" into one TV programme?
Lets be honest here, it doesn't depict real-life happenings. How often does one of your close friends shoot another person, move to another school, get caught and thrown out. Thats just ONE character. Everyone else has got their own little thing going on including people dying here and there, a whole loada lovin, and a pure load of shi-.... Well you catch my drift.

It morphs my life into a boring inanimate object to be honest. Why can't all this jazz happen in my local town?


Princess 28-12-2006 11:36 PM

I love ranting!

My rant:Robbie Willaims
I am as you all properly know a HUGE Take That fan. Robbie however for me has onlys been a solo singer as I was 5 when he left TT. I was reading Gary Barlows book today and omg Robbie is just so bitter and twisted! And then I was top 50 TT vids and beyond. OMG just go away! There is something so annoying about him. When he gets succesuful he has to say he was the talented one! Ok Robbie what songs the hell did you write? Couldn't he just be nice instead of having to fight about it! Btw I know this was years ago but I'm catching up! And also he has always annoyed me anyways...

Aflamo 28-12-2006 11:36 PM


Originally posted by LaurenFah
Oh I like this thread. There used to be one but it turned to arguments if I remember rightly. :wink: So pleeeease people, don't argue in this. :tongue:

My rant: The OC

My god. How can you cram so much "perfectness" into one TV programme?
Lets be honest here, it doesn't depict real-life happenings. How often does one of your close friends shoot another person, move to another school, get caught and thrown out. Thats just ONE character. Everyone else has got their own little thing going on including people dying here and there, a whole loada lovin, and a pure load of shi-.... Well you catch my drift.

It morphs my life into a boring inanimate object to be honest. Why can't all this jazz happen in my local town?


I would have to agree with you! :thumbs:
I like the drama though simply because it's over-dramatic, but life resembles no-one's mbles this in anyway and if it did you would be possible driven to insanity due to the constant drama then again constant drama does happen on Big Brother in which case most of the HMs are slightly insane before they appear on the show anyway. . I like some of the music played during it though but that's about the height of it.

Nice Rant! :thumbs:

Aflamo 28-12-2006 11:40 PM


Originally posted by Princess
I love ranting!

My rant:Robbie Willaims
I am as you all properly know a HUGE Take That fan. Robbie however for me has onlys been a solo singer as I was 5 when he left TT. I was reading Gary Barlows book today and omg Robbie is just so bitter and twisted! And then I was top 50 TT vids and beyond. OMG just go away! There is something so annoying about him. When he gets succesuful he has to say he was the talented one! Ok Robbie what songs the hell did you write? Couldn't he just be nice instead of having to fight about it! Btw I know this was years ago but I'm catching up! And also he has always annoyed me anyways...
You forgot to add that he looks like a total scumbag in the video for RudeBox or whatever that piece of cr*p song is.

Lauren 28-12-2006 11:46 PM

I have another one! :hugesmile:

Rant: People who follow fashions for the sake of it

Ooh they rile up. Most of them just keep upping the anti, and in the end they end up looking like mis-matched persian orphans because there's so much fashion being pumped into them, and they keep following wacky fashion tips that by the end of things you look at them and the only thing that comes to mind is "Dear god, were you still asleep when you dress this morning".

Example, my cousin (who is a very nice girl) - follows fashion even if it looks daft. I went to hers on xmas day, and there she is sitting with a teacosy on 'er head and bracers, (YES, Old mens bracers!) on. Not only this, but she has tweed trousers. I'm like "Err... Nice, uhrm... Anyway". She looked a mess. It turns out bracers are the new "in thing", as are tweed trousers, oh, and so's the tea cosy hat thing. But all together? Over the top, you may say.
As if this wasn't bad enough but her friend complimented on her on her clothes choice. :shocked:

And anyway... it costs her like £500 a week to buy new clothes cos the old ones keep going out of fashion!

SAVE MONEY and wear what the christ ya like.

Aflamo 28-12-2006 11:51 PM

Honestly I think following fashion is a waste of time too. Like you said
"...wear what the christ you like"
This is a common practice of my and ironically what I wear normally comes into fashion after a couple weeks.

I am also very glad this topic is becoming a hit. :thumbs:

Arneldo 29-12-2006 12:03 AM

Rant: Gossip Magazine's (Heat/OK! etc.)

Right, I do regularly skip threw my sisters gossip magazines, mainly to see if there is any news stories on ExBB housemates because i find that they are the best place to look. Know i am not complaining about the whole magazines because i do find the TV guide in the back quite interesting, my main problem with them is they way they pick on Celebrities for the smallest reasons - also on celebrities weight. I mean Ive seen magazine with front covers telling people that so and so had piled on weight (not forgetting the big red circles they put around the Celebs, just so they can spot out exactly were). They criticize a Celeb if they have put on a weight and criticize them when the lose weight - It's Ridiculous! No bloody wonder there are people in this world with eating disorders. Also - I have never seen one magazine saying anything about male Celebs putting on a few pounds - Only Females. Oh and another thing .. I think this is in Heat they had a 2 page story on how this celeb sat on a table and it broke. 2 friggin pages!! i mean do people really care!!

Lauren 29-12-2006 12:09 AM


Originally posted by bb4eva
Rant: Gossip Magazine's (Heat/OK! etc.)

Right, I do regularly skip threw my sisters gossip magazines, mainly to see if there is any news stories on ExBB housemates because i find that they are the best place to look. Know i am not complaining about the whole magazines because i do find the TV guide in the back quite interesting, my main problem with them is they way they pick on Celebrities for the smallest reasons - also on celebrities weight. I mean Ive seen magazine with front covers telling people that so and so had piled on weight (not forgetting the big red circles they put around the Celebs, just so they can spot out exactly were). They criticize a Celeb if they have put on a weight and criticize them when the lose weight - It's Ridiculous! No bl***y wonder there are people in this world with eating disorders. Also - I have never seen one magazine saying anything about male Celebs putting on a few pounds - Only Females. Oh and another thing .. I think this is in Heat they had a 2 page story on how this celeb sat on a table and it broke. 2 friggin pages!! i mean do people really care!!
Woo! Completely agree!

Nice rant :wink:

Princess 29-12-2006 12:42 AM

Oh god I stand for everything this thread is complaining about!

I LOVE High School Musical. I'm a sucker for everything it holds-cheesiness,romance,dancing,catchy songs,predicatable. I just watched some of it actually!'Breaking Free' makes me all fell all fuzzy inside :laugh2:

The OC yes unrealistic but its exciting like who would what to watch what actually happens there! Oh wait thats called 'Laguna Beach'....

I always follow fashion trends. My wardrobe is full of old 'in' things. At the mo its grey and chunky cardigans. I don't however wear all the trends. I only wear trends if I like them and feel comfortable in them. Oh and Lauren your counsin is totally right. Braces and tweed are totally 'in' I would have said the same

Heat is my bible! I actually couldn't live without it! Anyone ever seen the heat ad? I'm like that seriuosly! I do argee with Aaron though they go on way too much about weight.Its beyond riduculious. Heat more though is more against skinny i.e Nicole and more for curves i.e Beyonce. Haha someone broke a table!

I'm off to watch the TT tour now.... :whistle:

Lauren 29-12-2006 12:48 AM

LMAO Laura, we're complete opposites! :shocked:

*goes off to listen to Robbie Williams*

Just kidding :wink:

Z 29-12-2006 01:25 AM

My rant: Music Of Today

Do not get me wrong. I am loving the fact the charts are full of indie bands, it's a refreshing change from the '90s and the endless "club tracks" that seem to pour into the charts are always thumped by The Kooks, Razorlight, The Feeling, The Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand, The Fratellis, The Killers, Kasabian, Muse etc. You know the drill. But now it's had the opposite effect. Whereas before I would complain about the lack of good music, I'm complaining about the lack of cheesy tunes! It's just terrible to have to listen to well written songs that mean something every week as number one on the charts these days. It's a bit depressing to be honest, don't you secretly long for the days when you could dance to another rubbish Steps cover song? I'm sick of hearing songs about another ex girlfriend who dumped somebody and is now suddenly walking past you for about two seconds and you can create a 3 minute long chart topper with this "experience". Agh, I shouldn't be complaining about it, but I'm annoyed at the lack of crappy girlbands and boybands to pad out our charts, instead of still seeing James Blunt's "You're Beautiful" in the charts about 20 years later.

Princess 29-12-2006 01:31 AM

OMG Lauren we kinda are! Oh well we still get along! :laugh: Completley well not completley but argee quite a lot! Wooo Boybands! Well manbands who I've just watched some of the tour of and now I'm too excited to sleep....

Tanser_Man 29-12-2006 01:32 AM

Rant: Chav's/Kev's

Why the hell doesn’t there parents put them on a pishing chain (and I don't mean a 9 caret gold one!). They prance about like there gods gift, covered from head to toe in designer labels which were in fashion in the early 90's, thinking there some kind of fashion icon with there bubbly springs helping them walk with an added zoink, forgetting the fact that walking doesn't involve you skipping/bopping or dragging your feet along the ground because ultimately it makes you look retarded. They scare and intimidate people in groups but when there alone there like little shriveled up penis's without an inch of girth, so stimulation for Sheba’s (women chav's) is nearly non existent. Back to the point. There brain capacity is up there with the brainiest of insects, although the line is drawn after ant's... anything brainier is bordering Einstein capabilities. They ride around on petrol driven bikes which are intended for 5 year olds but yet think there cool so they ride around the streets for hours on end narrowly missing cars, children and pets. There always outside the off license scavenging what they can from anyone who might seem vulnerable, asking for fags, drink and money. Haven’t you heard of a thing called a job?! Go and get a job and maybe you wont have to scrounge like hobos, you can live in the luxury of your own home, annoying yourselves! But no you choose to drink cider on every god given corner of this globe.

They are the scum of the earth and they need to be taught a lesson.

Lauren 29-12-2006 02:20 AM

I like these rants! :thumbs: Keep them coming!

Matt 29-12-2006 02:48 AM


Originally posted by bb4eva
Rant: Gossip Magazine's (Heat/OK! etc.)

Right, I do regularly skip threw my sisters gossip magazines, mainly to see if there is any news stories on ExBB housemates because i find that they are the best place to look. Know i am not complaining about the whole magazines because i do find the TV guide in the back quite interesting, my main problem with them is they way they pick on Celebrities for the smallest reasons - also on celebrities weight. I mean Ive seen magazine with front covers telling people that so and so had piled on weight (not forgetting the big red circles they put around the Celebs, just so they can spot out exactly were). They criticize a Celeb if they have put on a weight and criticize them when the lose weight - It's Ridiculous! No bl***y wonder there are people in this world with eating disorders. Also - I have never seen one magazine saying anything about male Celebs putting on a few pounds - Only Females. Oh and another thing .. I think this is in Heat they had a 2 page story on how this celeb sat on a table and it broke. 2 friggin pages!! i mean do people really care!!
I totally agree. My biggest rant would have to be obsession with weight. Not only are the celebrities obsessed with losing weight, but people are obsessed with criticizing them about it. And the current 'Size Zero' debate is ridiculous. Id rather see celebs with a bit of lard on them than ones that could snap like a wafer!

Siouxsie 29-12-2006 08:34 AM


Originally posted by Tanser_Man
Rant: Chav's/Kev's

Why the hell doesn’t there parents put them on a pishing chain (and I don't mean a 9 caret gold one!). They prance about like there gods gift, covered from head to toe in designer labels which were in fashion in the early 90's, thinking there some kind of fashion icon with there bubbly springs helping them walk with an added zoink, forgetting the fact that walking doesn't involve you skipping/bopping or dragging your feet along the ground because ultimately it makes you look retarded. They scare and intimidate people in groups but when there alone there like little shriveled up penis's without an inch of girth, so stimulation for Sheba’s (women chav's) is nearly non existent. Back to the point. There brain capacity is up there with the brainiest of insects, although the line is drawn after ant's... anything brainier is bordering Einstein capabilities. They ride around on petrol driven bikes which are intended for 5 year olds but yet think there cool so they ride around the streets for hours on end narrowly missing cars, children and pets. There always outside the off license scavenging what they can from anyone who might seem vulnerable, asking for fags, drink and money. Haven’t you heard of a thing called a job?! Go and get a job and maybe you wont have to scrounge like hobos, you can live in the luxury of your own home, annoying yourselves! But no you choose to drink cider on every god given corner of this globe.

They are the scum of the earth and they need to be taught a lesson.
Fantastic rant tanser man>I hate the idea of these hooded chavs as well. They stand in gangs hanging around the local fishop frightening everyonr. Hate them. All you chavs out there get a life.

BigSister 29-12-2006 09:58 AM

mine is similar to arrons but its about tablod newspapers who just slad people off for no reason at all it just winds me up and annoys me:mad:

Corkie 29-12-2006 10:17 AM

This is a rant that you properly didn’t have in your school but I’m going to do it anyway-

X & Y band..... Meaning students in X have lessons with one another while people in Y have lessons with Y kids. I'm in Y. I have a 2 friends one of them has left :rolleyes: at break and lunch I finally have friends, all my friends are in X and you know what makes it worse we asked to move into X but our head of year said were going to changing forms in year 8 so I bit a lip and let it be... start of year 8 were still in y band and my friends now have a form with each other

So basically I feel an outcast in y band and when I go back to school I will a Billie as I have any real friends in y band

Now I know people are starving in poverty countries and dieing for a education but I’m aloud to rant even if it is a pointless rant

lily. 29-12-2006 10:21 AM

ok, this is an old rant.. I've said all this before, but here goes in it's own thread...

Rant: The law is a joke

What’s the point of creating laws then not enforcing them?

There are laws against drinking in public here. So how come I can barely get into the shops of an evening for the masses of neds/chavs hanging around outside (and sometimes right in the doorway) with their bottles of Bucky/Alcopops (*Delete as applicable).

“Where are the police?”, you may ask! Well, this is where it goes from the sublime to the ridiculous. According to the laws of our great nation, they can stand around with the bottles in their hands and as long as the police don’t see them actually taking a sip from the bottle, they can’t be arrested for it! So, most nights, the police pull up in their nice heated vehicle, roll down the window, and chat to them. CHAT TO THEM? WTF? Stick them into the back of the paddy-wagon and kick the chit out of them. That’s what they used to do when I was young!

I think it’s a bit bleedin obvious that they are drinking! What else would they be doing standing on a street corner holding a half empty bottle of alcohol? Oh, sorry, maybe they were just holding it for someone else who, on their return, will take it back and go home to drink it in the comfort of their own living room. Or, maybe it’s a new fashion accessory. They don’t actually intend to drink it. No! No! They merely have it to compliment their Kappa baseball cap and their Burberry scarf! Or better yet, the bottle might be empty, and they are merely waiting for the next passer-by to look at them the wrong way, so they can bottle them with it. Nothing wrong with that is there? Far be it from us to stand in the way of some mindless chav violence.

And, to add insult to injury, the average age of the local chav population here is 15. Surely they can be arrested for underage drinking? Or will they claim to be holding it for their dad (assuming they know who their dad is)?

Meanwhile, law abiding citizens (that be me ) have to shove their way past these useless little bastards just to get in the shop door. What a great society we live in. And this is our future? The future of our country is in the hands of the youth of today. I might as well just end it all now.

*Rant over*

lily. 29-12-2006 10:23 AM


Originally posted by corkie
This is a rant that you properly didn’t have in your school but I’m going to do it anyway-

X & Y band..... Meaning students in X have lessons with one another while people in Y have lessons with Y kids. I'm in Y. I have a 2 friends one of them has left :rolleyes: at break and lunch I finally have friends, all my friends are in X and you know what makes it worse we asked to move into X but our head of year said were going to changing forms in year 8 so I bit a lip and let it be... start of year 8 were still in y band and my friends now have a form with each other

So basically I feel an outcast in y band and when I go back to school I will a Billie as I have any real friends in y band

Now I know people are starving in poverty countries and dieing for a education but I’m aloud to rant even if it is a pointless rant
It aint pointless corkie. Seperating the year groups is alright for the "popular" kids but it's rubbish for the rest of us. It's hard enough at high school without bein stuck amongst ppl you don't really get along with, when all your friends are in another group.

Nice rant! :thumbs:

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