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Arneldo 29-01-2007 02:42 PM

Shipwrecked: Weekly Rankings
Rank your fave Shipwrecked contestants after each weekly show.

1. Will
2. Lianne
3. Sophia
4. Lorenzo
5. Stuart
6. Terri
7. Stevie
8. Paul
9. Joe
10. Fiona
11. Lucy

Fave Island: The Sharks

Legend 29-01-2007 05:43 PM

1. Lianne
2. Sophia
3. Terri
4. Stuart
5. Will
6. Fiona
7. Stevie
8. Lucy
9. Joe
10. Lorenzo
11. Paul

Thus, the Tigers are my favourite island.

nikki-grahame-rulez 31-01-2007 02:29 PM

1. Lianne:wink:
2. Lucy
3. Joe
4. Lorenzo
5. Will
6. Fiona
7. Stevie
8. Sophia
9. Paul
10. Stuart
11. Terri

BBFan91 03-02-2007 06:37 AM

1. Lorenzo
2. Lianne
3. Sophia
4. Will
5. Paul
6. Terri
7. Stevie
8. Stuart
9. Joe
10. Fiona
11. Lucy

Noopie 03-02-2007 09:17 AM

1. Terri
2. Fiona
3. Will
4. Stevie
5. Sophia
6. Paul
7. Lianne
8. Stuart
9. Joe
10. Lorenzo
11. Lucy

Favorite Island - The Tigers

Chrizzle 10-02-2007 12:11 PM

After watching the repeat:

1. Lianne
2. Sophia
3. Stevie
4. Fiona
5. Terri
6. Will
7. Paul
8. Joe
9. Stuart
10. Lucy
11. Lorenzo

Arneldo 18-02-2007 06:46 PM

After 18/2 show:

1. Amy
2. Sofia
3. Will
4. Stevie
5. Lianne
6. Terri
7. Ben
8. Fiona
9. Stuart
10. Joe
11. Jo
12. Lucy
13. Paul
14. Lorenzo

Fave Island: Tigers

GlitterEyes 19-02-2007 12:54 PM

After 18/2 show:

1. Amy
2. Will
3. Terri
4. Fiona
5. Lianna
6. Ben
7. Stevie
8. Joe
9. Sophia
10. Stuart
11. Jo
12. Lucy
13. Paul
14. Lorenzo

Fave Island: Tigers

Arneldo 25-02-2007 07:04 PM

After 25/2 Show ...

1. Amy
2. Ben Lunt
3. Sofia
4. Terri
5. Will
6. Fiona
7. Lianne
8. Stevie
9. Stuart
10. Fiona
11. Lucy
12. Joe
13. Jo
14. Ben
15. Paul
16. Lorenzo

Fave Island: Tigers

Noopie 04-03-2007 04:15 PM

1. Stevie
2. Will
3. Sophia
4. Terri
5. Ben Lund
6. Fiona
7. Lianne
8. Stuart
9. Joe
10. Paul
11. Amy
12. Jo
13. Ben (Scottish)
14. Lorenzo
15. Lucy

Chrizzle 04-03-2007 06:49 PM


1. Lianne
2. Amy
3. Sofia
4. Naomi
5. Stuart
6. Terri
7. Lucy
8. Paul
9. Fiona
10. Stevie
11. Ben Lunt
12. Will
13. Joe
14. Ben (cant remember him)
15. Jo
16. Lorenzo

Arneldo 11-03-2007 07:51 PM


1. Amy
2. Sofia
3. Terri
4. Ben Lunt
5. Fiona
6. Lucy
7. Will
8. Stevie
9. Naomi
10. Lianne
11. Jo
12. Joe
13. Stuart
14. Ben
15. Paul Green
16. Paul
17. Lorenzo

Fave Island: Tigers

Arneldo 25-03-2007 06:39 PM

1. Fiona
2. Amy
3. Sofia
4. Ben
5. Will
6. Lianne
7. Stevie
8. Elisa
9. Allen
10. Lucy
11. Jo
12. Joe
13. Naomi
14. Terri
15. Ben
16. Stuart
17. Paul
18. Paul Green

Fave Island: Tigers (If there any of them left.)

Chrizzle 25-03-2007 06:44 PM

1. Lianne
2. Fiona
3. Sophia
4. Stevie
5. Naomi
6. Terri
7. Allen
8. Lucy
9. Will
10. Paul
11. Amy
12. Stuart
13. Joe
14. Jo
15. Ben
16. James
17. Elisa (want to see more)
18. Ben Lunt

Fave island: Tigers

GlitterEyes 29-03-2007 10:47 AM

1. Fiona
2. Lianne
3. Will
4. Stevie
5. Joe
6. Terri
7. Quiet Ben
8. Loud Ben
9. Elisa
10. Amy
11. James
12. Jo
13. Lucy
14. Naomi
15. Allen
16. Stuart
17. Paul
18. Sophia

Fave island: Tigers

Arneldo 01-04-2007 11:02 PM

1. Fiona
2. Sofia
3. Amy
4. Lucy
5. Terri
6. Joe
7. Ben Lunt
8. Stevie
9. Elisa
10. Naomi
11. Ben
12. Jo
13. Will
14. Ella
15. Stuart
16. James Green
17. Paul Harris

Departed: Lorenzo & Allen.
New Arrival: Louis

Fave Island: Can't Decide.

Im stuck for who to choose for my fave island. Ive supported Tigers from day 1 but now its becoming over driven by annoying planks. All the originals have gone. From this point on i think New Arrivals will begin to move to the bigger island so to get a sum of the 70K. The Sharks have it in the bag, the Tigers will fall :sad:. I think Ben Lunt will move to Sharks, as will James Green and of course Will. I can only see Sophia moving back to Tigers, to get away from Ben. The Sharks have a pretty equel number of boys and girls now and a larger number of both so now have a much better chance of getting new arrivals.

I'd like to see Amy and Terri move back to Tigers but i dont think it will happen. Amy has Stevie over there and Terri looks like she is having a blast. I can see new arrival Louis picking Sharks newxt week aswell. Fiona, Lucy & Lianne are all very attractive but there are the boy's Boy's and some prett foxt ladies on Sharks, and all the new male new arrivals will coming running.

Chrizzle 02-04-2007 04:21 PM

EDIT: I see youve edited it.

I'll do my rankings soon

Arneldo 02-04-2007 04:28 PM


Originally posted by Chrizzle
Aaron, Paul Green doesnt exsist, I think your talking about James:thumbs:

Ooops, yeah, i meant James. I dont know why i keep calling him Paul. Thanks Chris :thumbs:

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