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beanny 27-08-2007 12:29 PM

Ordinary Boys To Split?
CBB4 Star Prestons band The Ordinary Boys havnt released new material in a long while. A few months ago a new single called BUSY WASTING TIME was rumoured.

I spoke to Simon (the drummer) and he said nothing will happen this year. He doesnt know whats in store next for TOB and says fans should hold their breath for anything to happen next year either. Doesnt sound good for The Ordinary Boys Does It? :(

(wasnt sure whether this should go in music or celebrity big brother section)

Ruth 28-08-2007 06:45 PM

I so hope this is true! It wouldn't surprise me - they were going to be dropped by their record label until Preston went on CBB, which obviously generated more interest in the band. However, people are losing interest in them again now.

the_stillness 28-08-2007 06:48 PM


Originally posted by Ruth
I so hope this is true! It wouldn't surprise me - they were going to be dropped by their record label until Preston went on CBB, which obviously generated more interest in the band. However, people are losing interest in them again now.
One/two/three hit wonders at most. It is a changeable industry where music is concerned, especially today where it is mostly downloads and ringtones. I think that Preston is old news now. Bye, Bye Preston, hello X-Factor

Princess 28-08-2007 07:03 PM

The single was rumoured before the whole break-up fiasco. I don't know whether they are slipt up. Preston has gone off to Philadelphia for quite a while to 'get away' so they might be having a long break.

Personally I havn't listened to TOB since the spilt but I wouldn't like them to spilt

beanny 30-08-2007 06:05 PM

Hes not in Philadelphia coz my friend mest BOTH preston and chantelle 2 days ago in Brighton - together!

Princess 30-08-2007 07:04 PM


Originally posted by beannyy2k7
Hes not in Philadelphia coz my friend mest BOTH preston and chantelle 2 days ago in Brighton - together!

No way!!!! Chantelles in in Spain isn't she :puzzled: Oh god those 2 confuse me!

Chrizzle 30-08-2007 07:06 PM

Yeah that can't be right, your friend cant have met them because Chantelle is on holiday with Nikki:conf:

beanny 30-08-2007 07:21 PM

Nope Trust Me!
He Got Pictures an' all !

spacebandit 31-08-2007 11:20 PM

A bunch of nobodies given a crack at supposed fame by one of them appearing on a reality tv show...

wow, the music industry must be fighting back the tears

ThisIsMarie 31-08-2007 11:37 PM

^ They were going way before that, idiot. :rolleyes:

rachb 01-09-2007 08:54 AM


Originally posted by beannyy2k7
Hes not in Philadelphia coz my friend mest BOTH preston and chantelle 2 days ago in Brighton - together!
Have you seen your friends pictures beannyy2k7?
As his latest diary entry says he's in Pihiladelphia so does his dad and also there are lots of pictures of Chantelle on holiday with Nikki around about that time.
Unless he came back for a couple of days for something but his diary was posted around that date.
Oh and just to set a few things straight they weren't being dropped before CBB they simply changed their label as many other bands do.
I think the official line is that they're trying separate things for now -that probably means there'll be nothing else from them together but who knows.

spacebandit 03-09-2007 09:34 AM


Originally posted by ThisIsMarie
^ They were going way before that, idiot. :rolleyes:
Yes they were going "before" that -
Got nowhere
Getting nowbere

So they got a crack at fame and still are a bunch of nobodies who are nothing more than wannabe's who never will be, at least one hit wonders can claim a semblance of success.

I suppose fleeting fame is far more desirable to long term failure, and "The Ordinary Boys" will never rise above playing to the Prestelle Big Brother fan audience - so it kind of limits where they can play to their audience - anywhere with age restrictions can be ruled out. In other words, their "appeal" has a tiny demographic, and even in the jaded music biz, where the one hit wonder is temporarily elevated to pseudo god status- that equals failure

I had the misfortune of "seeing" them a few weeks ago at an outdoor arts festival, until we decided to move to where we couldn't see or hear them, though I did take a few moments to watch the rather dire turn out - and watched the "crowd" streaming away to other parts of the festival area just like we did, leaving only the children behind.
It was quite amusing - especially the kids with the "Chantelle and Preston forever" banners - because, with that kind of hard core audience, long term success is assured :pat: :laugh2::laugh2:

Meanwhile the bulk of the crowd wandered off to the high street to watch a guy do a high wire walk - infinitely more entertaining

Idiot ?? :rolleyes:

Ah yes the level "debate" from the Prestelle fan set never ceases to rise above the expected

the_stillness 03-09-2007 10:27 AM

I hear of boy/girl bands splitting regularly and it is sad news sometimes. The Ordinary Boys picked the perfect name really. I like the [Ordinary] word, in the bands name. That really says what they are, Ordinary! They did a few catchy songs, only one for me personally - Boys will be boys, which had a reggae feel about it, but I still only ever saw them as being a poor example of a boy band and nothing more. That youtube live recording was from HMV - I love the t-shirt he is wearing - sale sale sale - How sad and pathetic really.

Preston was the main celebrity and because of his inclusion in the Big Brother house - that is really the only reason why they got on. If they are splitting, then it won't be long before each and every band member will be doing some mundane 9 - 5 job earning very little. But perhaps that is where they belong? A boy band today means nothing, unless they are like Westlife or Take That, who were and still are giants in that field - but IMO their cover-version successes just disgust me:yuk: I prefer talent - original songs written by the band or artist themselves, I do realise and understand that bands like the Ordinary Boys will write their own stuff, but they are still going to fail miserably in the long run, as they just don't cut it in todays industry, but still these bands are pretty poor in comparison to some genuine bands and artists who are like Elephants in reflection to Westlife and Take That - but the Ordinary Boys are soooooooooo much less than even that. [A boil on an Ants backside - sizewize]

Princess 03-09-2007 04:17 PM


Originally posted by the_stillness
I hear of boy/girl bands splitting regularly and it is sad news sometimes. The Ordinary Boys picked the perfect name really. I like the [Ordinary] word, in the bands name. That really says what they are, Ordinary! They did a few catchy songs, only one for me personally - Boys will be boys, which had a reggae feel about it, but I still only ever saw them as being a poor example of a boy band and nothing more. That youtube live recording was from HMV - I love the t-shirt he is wearing - sale sale sale - How sad and pathetic really.

Preston was the main celebrity and because of his inclusion in the Big Brother house - that is really the only reason why they got on. If they are splitting, then it won't be long before each and every band member will be doing some mundane 9 - 5 job earning very little. But perhaps that is where they belong? A boy band today means nothing, unless they are like Westlife or Take That, who were and still are giants in that field - but IMO their cover-version successes just disgust me:yuk: I prefer talent - original songs written by the band or artist themselves, I do realise and understand that bands like the Ordinary Boys will write their own stuff, but they are still going to fail miserably in the long run, as they just don't cut it in todays industry, but still these bands are pretty poor in comparison to some genuine bands and artists who are like Elephants in reflection to Westlife and Take That - but the Ordinary Boys are soooooooooo much less than even that. [A boil on an Ants backside - sizewize]
Ok just to say on the t-shirt thing he had anothet op on and spilt coffee on it and was gievn that one by HMV.

Also I'm not sure if you mean TT and Westlife or just stool-boys but TT right a good 90% of their songs. Espically today. They've done like 3 covers out of around 23 singles.

rachb 03-09-2007 06:20 PM


Originally posted by the_stillness
I hear of boy/girl bands splitting regularly and it is sad news sometimes.

Preston was the main celebrity and because of his inclusion in the Big Brother house - that is really the only reason why they got on. If they are splitting, then it won't be long before each and every band member will be doing some mundane 9 - 5 job earning very little. But perhaps that is where they belong? A boy band today means nothing, unless they are like Westlife or Take That, who were and still are giants in that field - but IMO their cover-version successes just disgust me:yuk: I prefer talent - original songs written by the band or artist themselves, I do realise and understand that bands like the Ordinary Boys will write their own stuff, but they are still going to fail miserably in the long run, as they just don't cut it in todays industry, but still these bands are pretty poor in comparison to some genuine bands and artists who are like Elephants in reflection to Westlife and Take That - but the Ordinary Boys are soooooooooo much less than even that. [A boil on an Ants backside - sizewize]
All these comments make me laugh because they in no way set out to be a boyband! I'm sure eac h and everyone of them would find it a compliment that you don't consider them up there with the 'greats' such as Westlife!
The Ordinary Boys already had decent music careers before CBB.Just because you hadn't heard of them does not mean they didn't exist they had two albums and plenty of tours before.They did well in Japan also and had a number one album there.
It's all down to opinion if you like them or not.But to me it says it all when you measure their appeal to the likes of Westlife who are at opposite ends of the musical spectrum.

As for your experience of them Spacebandit well you saw them at a mixed festival.In that situation there are bound to be younger fans there that may be on the 'Prestelle' bandwagon but maybe if you saw them at one of their own gigs and experienced that you'd see that the younger 'we love Preston' lot only make up a small proportion of their fanbase largely out-numbered by the more mature follower.

the_stillness 03-09-2007 06:56 PM


Originally posted by Princess

Originally posted by the_stillness
I hear of boy/girl bands splitting regularly and it is sad news sometimes. The Ordinary Boys picked the perfect name really. I like the [Ordinary] word, in the bands name. That really says what they are, Ordinary! They did a few catchy songs, only one for me personally - Boys will be boys, which had a reggae feel about it, but I still only ever saw them as being a poor example of a boy band and nothing more. That youtube live recording was from HMV - I love the t-shirt he is wearing - sale sale sale - How sad and pathetic really.

Preston was the main celebrity and because of his inclusion in the Big Brother house - that is really the only reason why they got on. If they are splitting, then it won't be long before each and every band member will be doing some mundane 9 - 5 job earning very little. But perhaps that is where they belong? A boy band today means nothing, unless they are like Westlife or Take That, who were and still are giants in that field - but IMO their cover-version successes just disgust me:yuk: I prefer talent - original songs written by the band or artist themselves, I do realise and understand that bands like the Ordinary Boys will write their own stuff, but they are still going to fail miserably in the long run, as they just don't cut it in todays industry, but still these bands are pretty poor in comparison to some genuine bands and artists who are like Elephants in reflection to Westlife and Take That - but the Ordinary Boys are soooooooooo much less than even that. [A boil on an Ants backside - sizewize]
Ok just to say on the t-shirt thing he had anothet op on and spilt coffee on it and was gievn that one by HMV.

Also I'm not sure if you mean TT and Westlife or just stool-boys but TT right a good 90% of their songs. Espically today. They've done like 3 covers out of around 23 singles.
Okay Princess, I didn't know that he had spilt coffee on it? I wasn't at HMV on that day and time. But it just seemed funny, sale, sale, sale - that's all.

I do agree that Take That are better than Westlife IMO. Gary Barlow is a great songwriter and he is the real leader in that Boy Band - I never liked Robbie, sorry:sad: Westlife are more into Cover Versions and many make me cringe. But they are both really successful and I don't doubt their financial wealth and situation. However, the Ordinary Boys are sooooooooo small in comparison and as they are going to split, or have split, it is no loss to the music industry. Take That and Westlife will always be there - But Ordinary Boys - you are just that - Ordinary

the_stillness 03-09-2007 07:18 PM


Originally posted by the_stillness
I hear of boy/girl bands splitting regularly and it is sad news sometimes.

Preston was the main celebrity and because of his inclusion in the Big Brother house - that is really the only reason why they got on. If they are splitting, then it won't be long before each and every band member will be doing some mundane 9 - 5 job earning very little. But perhaps that is where they belong? A boy band today means nothing, unless they are like Westlife or Take That, who were and still are giants in that field - but IMO their cover-version successes just disgust me:yuk: I prefer talent - original songs written by the band or artist themselves, I do realise and understand that bands like the Ordinary Boys will write their own stuff, but they are still going to fail miserably in the long run, as they just don't cut it in todays industry, but still these bands are pretty poor in comparison to some genuine bands and artists who are like Elephants in reflection to Westlife and Take That - but the Ordinary Boys are soooooooooo much less than even that. [A boil on an Ants backside - sizewize]

Originally posted by rachb

All these comments make me laugh because they in no way set out to be a boyband! I'm sure eac h and everyone of them would find it a compliment that you don't consider them up there with the 'greats' such as Westlife!
I don't think the Ordinary Boys would care what they got labelled as, as long as they became a massive success and made loads. If they prefer to be labelled as something else, then good for them. They just fell by the wayside. Welcome to the music industry of 2007


The Ordinary Boys already had decent music careers before CBB.Just because you hadn't heard of them does not mean they didn't exist they had two albums and plenty of tours before.They did well in Japan also and had a number one album there.
It's all down to opinion if you like them or not.But to me it says it all when you measure their appeal to the likes of Westlife who are at opposite ends of the musical spectrum.
I had never heard of the Ordinary Boys - before Celebrity Big Brother - it never registered on my wavelength. I guess I was too interested in other bands and artists who measured up IMO. It is like - Northern Line with that Zigman at the helm - Another Ordinary band, which will also fall fall fall or perhaps fell fell fell - I haven't monitered whether they are choosing to continue their massive career?? Naturally if Ziggy is there, we have another Ordinary Boys on our hands - ooooooh whoopie, NIT...I mean NOT, ha! I understand that Japan is a good place to go and make it. There are many others that do the same in other countries. If I searched carefully - I could make a list? Remember the band Modern Talking? probably NOT? Do the Ordinary Boys choose to be thankful of NOT considering themselves as being up there with the 'greats' such as Westlife? - that is lucky actually - that would be a dream - financialwise/famewise/anyotherwise - [I made up them words - but they suffice, ha!]

DANii--X 03-09-2007 07:24 PM


rachb 03-09-2007 07:54 PM


Originally posted by the_stillness

Originally posted by the_stillness
I hear of boy/girl bands splitting regularly and it is sad news sometimes.

Preston was the main celebrity and because of his inclusion in the Big Brother house - that is really the only reason why they got on. If they are splitting, then it won't be long before each and every band member will be doing some mundane 9 - 5 job earning very little. But perhaps that is where they belong? A boy band today means nothing, unless they are like Westlife or Take That, who were and still are giants in that field - but IMO their cover-version successes just disgust me:yuk: I prefer talent - original songs written by the band or artist themselves, I do realise and understand that bands like the Ordinary Boys will write their own stuff, but they are still going to fail miserably in the long run, as they just don't cut it in todays industry, but still these bands are pretty poor in comparison to some genuine bands and artists who are like Elephants in reflection to Westlife and Take That - but the Ordinary Boys are soooooooooo much less than even that. [A boil on an Ants backside - sizewize]

Originally posted by rachb

All these comments make me laugh because they in no way set out to be a boyband! I'm sure eac h and everyone of them would find it a compliment that you don't consider them up there with the 'greats' such as Westlife!
I don't think the Ordinary Boys would care what they got labelled as, as long as they became a massive success and made loads. If they prefer to be labelled as something else, then good for them. They just fell by the wayside. Welcome to the music industry of 2007


The Ordinary Boys already had decent music careers before CBB.Just because you hadn't heard of them does not mean they didn't exist they had two albums and plenty of tours before.They did well in Japan also and had a number one album there.
It's all down to opinion if you like them or not.But to me it says it all when you measure their appeal to the likes of Westlife who are at opposite ends of the musical spectrum.
I had never heard of the Ordinary Boys - before Celebrity Big Brother - it never registered on my wavelength. I guess I was too interested in other bands and artists who measured up IMO. It is like - Northern Line with that Zigman at the helm - Another Ordinary band, which will also fall fall fall or perhaps fell fell fell - I haven't monitered whether they are choosing to continue their massive career?? Naturally if Ziggy is there, we have another Ordinary Boys on our hands - ooooooh whoopie, NIT...I mean NOT, ha! I understand that Japan is a good place to go and make it. There are many others that do the same in other countries. If I searched carefully - I could make a list? Remember the band Modern Talking? probably NOT? Do the Ordinary Boys choose to be thankful of NOT considering themselves as being up there with the 'greats' such as Westlife? - that is lucky actually - that would be a dream - financialwise/famewise/anyotherwise - [I made up them words - but they suffice, ha!]
Again you chart talent as being record sales,no respect for live music,people that write their own lyrics or can play an instrument.
I can say without doubt that yes they'd probably want to jump of the highest cliff than be considered a boyband.
Some things are more important than record sales and money to people that are serious about making music.By music I mean the kind where an artist writes the tune,the lyrics and plays an instrument or two whilst singing live.Not the kind where they sit on stools looking pretty.
It's a bit pointless me going on as the difference in tastes of music is apparent but it's a bit like comparing The Smiths to Chico really.

the_stillness 03-09-2007 09:40 PM


Originally posted by rachb

Again you chart talent as being record sales,no respect for live music,people that write their own lyrics or can play an instrument.
I can say without doubt that yes they'd probably want to jump of the highest cliff than be considered a boyband.
Some things are more important than record sales and money to people that are serious about making music.By music I mean the kind where an artist writes the tune,the lyrics and plays an instrument or two whilst singing live.Not the kind where they sit on stools looking pretty.
It's a bit pointless me going on as the difference in tastes of music is apparent but it's a bit like comparing The Smiths to Chico really.
I look at OASIS and I see the words [Talent - Genius - GODS - Superior - Brilliant - Great Songwriters - I could go on & on, but I champion them on the Oasis forum and I don't want to champion them too much on t.i.b.b - as I expect massive disagreements, ha!]

I know that [image] is everything and also know how Liam and Noel view things and in fact - The name [boyband] is demeaning to many groups and fair enough - if Preston and the rest hate the name [boyband] then good for them. But even the simplest of minds can work out that financial gain is better than a band that fails and falls and ends up nowhere. I would love to be successful and make loads of dosh. I play Guitar and play in a group - but I really don't expect much to come from it, when our female lead singer is very shy and wouldn't dare go beyond what we do already and that is very limited really.

Regarding tastes in music - I am actually very varied in music tastes. I love a lot of music by Take That, Blue, Five, Another Level, 911, I could continue. But that is usually individual songs - rather than buying the CD album. I do love the Smiths and also Chico's - It's Chico Time. My mum loves that, ha! - Not soooooooo much me. BTW - last year Chico switched on Blackpool's Xmas lights - I didn't go though, but I would have:wink:

rachb 03-09-2007 10:15 PM

Well you don't need to champion Oasis really they do that all by themselves with their music alone.I doubt you'd get many that could knock their music but then I don't spend time looking for people that would.
It seems that Oasis might be where our musical taste meets but I have to draw the line at Chico:laugh:

the_stillness 05-09-2007 09:20 PM


Originally posted by rachb
Well you don't need to champion Oasis really they do that all by themselves with their music alone.I doubt you'd get many that could knock their music but then I don't spend time looking for people that would.
It seems that Oasis might be where our musical taste meets but I have to draw the line at Chico:laugh:
I know that Oasis are the band to kneel down to, ha! - [I almost do actually rach. ] Many do look at Oasis and think that they are just too overated, that is their opinion - if they wish? but from my view and perspective and also, having seen them in concert five times - I can only applaud the Gods that they are. Anyone knocking their music for anything less than pure brilliance - just doesn't know great music when it's staring them in their face or should I say - ears, ha!

I am not a fan of Chico - just like that song - c h i c o t i m e

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