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KKBL 01-07-2008 12:09 AM

i find it realy offensive when chavs use the word "packy" when there talking about people from the middle you?

Billy 01-07-2008 12:11 AM

I actually dont find it offensive. I dunno if that sounds bad, I just dont think that when people use it, they mean it offensively all the time, but more as an abbreviation.

Saying that, I dont use it, nor do many people I know.

Chrizzle 01-07-2008 12:11 AM

Not really.
I honestly dont find it a big deal, not when its not used offensively

People call British people 'brits'
So why cant people call Pakistani's '*****'

I sound racist, but I do it subconciously. We were reading in Sociology and it kept saying 'Pakistani & Bangladeshi' so I shortend it down to '***** and banglas' and it sounded really bad. My teacher did it to.

Saying it doesnt make someone racist imo.

Shaun 01-07-2008 12:14 AM

Of course, it depends in the context you mean it in. Saying "****ing ****" is different to shortening Pakistani :tongue:

Generally though, I think it's wise to just avoid using the word altogether - it's not too much of an effort to say Pakistani, and when it's used ignorantly and in a discriminatory manner, it's obviously a disgusting thing to say.

Lauren 01-07-2008 12:15 AM

In itself I'd say it wasn't an offensive term - it's just shortened their creed.

However, the way it's used usually insinuated aggression or ignorance. Usually anyone from an asian background is referred to as '****' even if they're not from Pakistan. Also, the only time I have heard it used is as an insult or in an offensive manner.

So although the word itself isn't bad, the connotations are -and I feel this is why we shouldn't use it.

KKBL 01-07-2008 12:16 AM

but the thing is you dont have to be pakistanian to be branded a "packy".you can be indian,eygptian,turkish,saudi arabian sometimes even brazillian.aslong as youve got the accent or your skin is that colour.

Chrizzle 01-07-2008 12:18 AM


Originally posted by KKBL
but the thing is you dont have to be pakistanian to be branded a "packy".you can be indian,eygptian,turkish,saudi arabian sometimes even brazillian.aslong as youve got the accent or your skin is that colour.
Well yeah, thats just stupid.
The people saying it are just worthless.

Wouldn't even acknowledge them to be honest

Lauren 01-07-2008 12:18 AM


Originally posted by KKBL
but the thing is you dont have to be pakistanian to be branded a "packy".you can be indian,eygptian,turkish,saudi arabian sometimes even brazillian.aslong as youve got the accent or your skin is that colour.
Exactly my point. People are ignorant in their use of it, and it's often used in an insulting way anyway.
If **** was used exclusively to people from Pakistani, and just to refer to their creed - it's not an issue. It's when people refer to people of a brown skin tone as it, or using it when in an argument that it becomes an issue.

_Audrey 01-07-2008 12:19 AM

Personally I don't find it offensive and I do say it sometimes. Like "**** shop". That might be racist but I would never say it offensively, or to someone who was Pakistani in case they got offended.

Lauren 01-07-2008 12:20 AM


Originally posted by _Audrey
Personally I don't find it offensive and I do say it sometimes. Like "**** shop". That might be racist but I would never say it offensively, or to someone who was Pakistani in case they got offended.
My local shop is owned by a Pakistani family, and he put a joke sign above the door saying "**** Shop" :laugh:

Chrizzle 01-07-2008 12:22 AM

People say **** Shop all the time here. I think its just a UK thing.

_Audrey 01-07-2008 12:22 AM


Originally posted by Lauren

Originally posted by _Audrey
Personally I don't find it offensive and I do say it sometimes. Like "**** shop". That might be racist but I would never say it offensively, or to someone who was Pakistani in case they got offended.
My local shop is owned by a Pakistani family, and he put a joke sign above the door saying "**** Shop" :laugh:
Haha that's quality!

I think it's great when people that are Pakistani can do things like that in jest, and not get offended and brand people racist or anything because I think it's so widely used now that the line between it being racist/being an acceptable term is really blurred!

Lauren 01-07-2008 12:24 AM


Originally posted by _Audrey

I think it's great when people that are Pakistani can do things like that in jest, and not get offended and brand people racist or anything because I think it's so widely used now that the line between it being racist/being an acceptable term is really blurred!
Yeah he is awesome, he hands out Christmas cards to his favourite customers at Christmas even though he is Muslim and doesn't celebrate it :laugh3:

_Audrey 01-07-2008 12:31 AM


Originally posted by Lauren

Originally posted by _Audrey

I think it's great when people that are Pakistani can do things like that in jest, and not get offended and brand people racist or anything because I think it's so widely used now that the line between it being racist/being an acceptable term is really blurred!
Yeah he is awesome, he hands out Christmas cards to his favourite customers at Christmas even though he is Muslim and doesn't celebrate it :laugh3:
Awww haha! That's so sweet. I remember my Maths teacher in school used to give me christmas cards right up until sixth year, even though he only taught me in first year, haha.

In the **** shop up the road from me, my dad always buys his cigars in there and one time I went up to buy a bottle of vodka and my dad was there. The guy ID'd me and although I had ID because I'm 18, my dad just went "it's OK - she's my daughter" and he's never ID'd me since, haha. Wish my Dad had done that years ago :laugh2:

MrGaryy 01-07-2008 12:31 AM

Yes I find it offensive. I know someone who constantly uses it in refernece to a Pakistani kid in our school, in a derogatory way. I always pull him up on that and tell him that it's a racist term and that he needs to more careful using such words in public places

Xander 01-07-2008 12:38 AM


Originally posted by KKBL
i find it realy offensive when chavs use the word "packy" when there talking about people from the middle you?
You can't really say that Chavs use the word "**** or Packy" as its there are a lot of people other than those type of people that use, I don't find it very offensive, its offensive depending who your saying it to. Yes I have used it a couple of times before but in a non-offensive way. "****" is just short for Pakistan, so its like someone calling me a Aussie if I was from Australia, I wouldn't find it offensive.

KKBL 01-07-2008 12:40 AM


Originally posted by Xander

Originally posted by KKBL
i find it realy offensive when chavs use the word "packy" when there talking about people from the middle you?
You can't really say that Chavs use the word "**** or Packy" as its there are a lot of people other than those type of people that use, I don't find it very offensive, its offensive depending who your saying it to. Yes I have used it a couple of times before but in a non-offensive way. "****" is just short for Pakistan, so its like someone calling me a Aussie if I was from Australia, I wouldn't find it offensive.
would you find it offensive if somone called you a packy when you where infact from India?

Lauren 01-07-2008 12:43 AM


Originally posted by KKBL

would you find it offensive if somone called you a packy when you where infact from India?
Exactly! My friend is Indian and he gets called "****" from random people and apart from it being said in an aggressive/insulting manner - he gets moreso annoyed by the completely ignorance shown by the person shouting it.

Xander 01-07-2008 12:47 AM


Originally posted by KKBL

Originally posted by Xander

Originally posted by KKBL
i find it realy offensive when chavs use the word "packy" when there talking about people from the middle you?
You can't really say that Chavs use the word "**** or Packy" as its there are a lot of people other than those type of people that use, I don't find it very offensive, its offensive depending who your saying it to. Yes I have used it a couple of times before but in a non-offensive way. "****" is just short for Pakistan, so its like someone calling me a Aussie if I was from Australia, I wouldn't find it offensive.
would you find it offensive if somone called you a packy when you where infact from India?
Yes, I would find it offensive because I was in fact from Pakistan not India.
That would be racist in my eyes, but if someones from Pakistan and you call them a "****" then your just giving a name for there heritage. It depends on how you use the term.

Ross 01-07-2008 02:58 AM

No, I always say "I'm going to the 'Packy' Shop."

Tom 01-07-2008 10:55 AM

I think it depends in what context its said. If its said just referring to a group of people then its OK because its just like saying Brit or Scot etc but if its directed as an insult then I think thats were it gets a bit offensive ...

Its a very grey word so I choose not to use it.

Ruth 01-07-2008 11:06 AM

It depends on the motivation for saying it. If you are simply using it as an abbreviation, then that's one thing, but a lot of people use it as an insult. That is unacceptable. Also, a lot of people use it in completely the wrong situation, labelling people from India as '****'s' for example.

I personally don't use the word - I would hate for someone to misinterpret my intentions when I was saying it, so it's better to avoid it.

Nurse57 01-07-2008 12:12 PM

Ok, what one of you was put up to this by Nodis?

I find it amusing that a couple of you that defend the use of the word ****/paky still chose to ** some of the letters out. Why if it is not offensive?

bigbrotherman 01-07-2008 12:27 PM

i have no idea

GiRTh 01-07-2008 12:29 PM


Originally posted by Nurse57
Ok, what one of you was put up to this by Nodis?

I wouldn't be surprised of he did. This is the kind of nonsense he thinks about.

Basically, the word is an offensive word when used in certain circumstances. Given that I dont think anyone who says - 'I'm going down the **** shop' should ever think it fine to talk like that. Such a sentence may cause offense if said in the wrong conversation to the wrong person amnd causing such offence is best avoided. Can I ask the people who use the word freely - Do you use it in front of Asian people?

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