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Shaun 12-08-2008 02:52 PM

This is probably quite strange for an 18-year old to ask, but basically I have a job interview for Subway tomorrow morning and I've never had one before...

So basically I was wondering what it involved, and thought I'd make a thread for you all to describe pleasant / unpleasant interview experiences :tongue:

BigSister 12-08-2008 02:54 PM

Ive only had 2 interviews for jobs but what ive experienced is they asked me questions about differeent experienced what would you do if you had a rowdy customer strenghts and weaknesses and other things like team building etc
And good luck

Z 12-08-2008 02:59 PM

I've never had one either, I got given a summer job 'cause I was on work experience :dance2:

However, I think the key thing would be to avoid nervous laughing, biting your nails, fidgeting or anything that shows signs of nervousness. Obviously you'll feel nervous, just don't show it on the outside. Try and maintain eye contact too (try not to stare the interviewer down though...) because it comes across better IMO.

Good luck! You'll be fine! :thumbs:

AngRemembered 12-08-2008 03:03 PM

Shaun simple be yourself, dont act up just be you as you are obviously keen and you definatley care to get the job, that will shine through.

Enthusiasm always does, answer all questions naturally and never in a word, always go for the longer (but not boring) answer, with a smile and keen to go look.
Be extra confidant, almost answer a question as if you are working there, but not in a cocky way, just speak as though you have given every question they ask prior thought, that will show you do care and want the job.

As big sister suggests try to think out questions both of which you might expect them to ask, (her examples are very good) and questions you might want to ask them too.
Above all Shaun, be on time, look smart and be lucky... you have made a great start already sweet heart by caring enough for this job to post your thoughts here on tibb.

I know you will do well my friend :kiss:

hanny08 12-08-2008 03:03 PM

Yeah, they'll probably ask about different situations that may arise with customers and what you would do, just make sure you sound confidant in all your answers. I've often found it helpful to know a little bit about the company cos I have been asked what I knew so just look them up on line and just find out where the company has come from and how it's grown and so on. Ask a few questions as well, show an interest to learn more about them. And finally because you'll be dealing with customers, smile alot in the interview and relax as much as you can, even thogh I know thats difficult when your nervous. Good Luck!!

Shaun 12-08-2008 03:23 PM

Thanks for the advice everyone :bigsmile:

Nurse57 12-08-2008 03:24 PM

I have interviewed a few people.

1: Be on time. If you get held up, call them as soon as you know and keep them informed

2: Be smart. As it is going to be a food based job get your nails short and spotless.

3: As has been said make eye contact. Speak clearly.

4: If you are not sure what they mean on a question, don't be afraid to ask for clarification. It is better to know than bodge your way through.

5: Be ready for questions that don't have a yes and no answer. Things like "what are you looking for from this job" Obviously a wage. But they would rather hear things like. "to work in a busy team environment where I can improve my skills whilst working with the public." It sounds sucky, but would you employ someone who "just wants a job" that they have no interest in?

6: Ask them questions about their organisation and what they would expect from you. It shows you are thinking about the job and not just the wage.

7: Try not to worry. If you get nervous and start to cock up explain it is your first interview and you are nervous. They should appreciate your honesty.

Just a thought. Have you got time to pop to a Subway before your interview and ask the staff their what sort of things they were asked? (if they are not busy)

Finally, good luck.

Marc 12-08-2008 03:27 PM

Subway will employ anyone... you can slap the boss around the face and it you'd still get it... some of the people I've seen working there!

Shaun 12-08-2008 03:29 PM

Lmao, perhaps I won't slap the boss just in case.

Thanks Nurse57, that's a great help :D

Nurse57 12-08-2008 03:42 PM

Oh, I forgot. Clean shoes. I would not employ someone with dirty shoes.

My first ever interview was short but sweet. It was for a job as a bench hand in a kitchen manufacturers.

The boss came out and it went like this.

Boss: "are you religious"

Me: "no"

Boss: "do you mind having the piss taken out of you"

Me: " I could live with that"

Boss: "well you have the job as far as I am concerned. When can you start"

That was it.

Fom 12-08-2008 03:45 PM

I hate job interviews, one of the main reasons I dont have a job :P

rayheartbliss 12-08-2008 03:58 PM

i need a job now!

i want MONEY XD

BigSister 12-08-2008 04:35 PM

thanks for that advise toonurse as i have a few interviews coming up too

Nurse57 12-08-2008 04:39 PM

Good luck with them.

BigSister 12-08-2008 04:42 PM

thanks ^_^

Tom 12-08-2008 04:48 PM

1) Remember whats on your CV
2) Look like you're confident, don't avoid eye contact
3) Try not to take yourself seriously/be too serious
4) Expect the unexpected (they sometimes throw in random questions like "if you played in a football team where would you play and why?")
5) Because its a job for Subway ... don't dress up, but down dress down either. Smart casual is the best for that :tongue:

Shaun 12-08-2008 10:15 PM


Ross 12-08-2008 11:07 PM

Just be you.

I've had 1 interview and I got the job and I'm still here. As Tom said, they do throw random questions at you.

Good luck! :kiss:

BigSister 12-08-2008 11:23 PM

oooh ive never had random questions so thanks for that ill bear that in mind too when i go for my next interview

30stone 12-08-2008 11:53 PM

just think about what there asking and use basic common snece.

Shaun 13-08-2008 11:17 AM

Back from it...was really quick :| 15 minutes.

I think it went pretty well actually :bigsmile: I got on with the guy interviewing me and I answered his questions pretty well I thought...

I'll get a call later :tongue:

Nurse57 13-08-2008 12:01 PM

Sweet. Were you asked any random questions?

BigSister 13-08-2008 12:07 PM

yeah any random questions
glad it went ok though

Shaun 13-08-2008 02:31 PM

No, no random questions...just asked how I'd cope with an upset customer, etc.

And I didn't get it =\

Ah well. I've applied elsewhere so never mind.

Nurse57 13-08-2008 02:37 PM

Don't let it get you down. Now you know what to expect the next one will be easier.

Another thing, don't be afraid to ask them the reasons you did not get the job. If you ask in a polite way saying you want to know what you need to improve on , then they may give you the feed back. Then you can work on that.

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