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Sticks 24-07-2004 09:34 AM

Sadistic, vindictive and bloodthirsty - This time we are talking about BB fans
There is a lot of anti-michelle stuff around on the board, TiBB, TBB, C4, DS, BBFans etc.

It now looks like Jason is safe next week as it is a one horse race to evict Michelle (How dare she get close to beloved Stuart etc. :bored: )

The kind of stuff I have seen on the forums about wanting with glee, her to suffer separation from Stuart and go out of her mind, (who is capable of standing up to Michelle when he wants to as he did over the wedding task), seems to hark back to the gladitorial games of Roman times. There the crowd wanted to see blood and death in the arena.

What do you want next, something like this


This year Big Brother gets Lethal :eek:

This week the evicted house mate will be put to death, that's right put to death

Just text us your favourite method of execution

Text {number} followed by A for shot in the head by a sniper
Text {number} followed by B for cyanide gas in the passage between the outside and the housemates
Text {number} followed by C for Hung slowly by the neck with their hands cuffed behind their backs from a large crane
Text {number} followed by D for Electrocuted in their chair, when they think they will be interviewed by Davina

Who dies and How - you decide

Red Moon 24-07-2004 10:04 AM

I know isn't it great..... power to the people! ! !

BusyBee 24-07-2004 10:11 AM

Sticks nice to see you back on form. I want Michelle to go, but its nothing to do with Stuart. He is too much of a baby for me. I just dont like her bosy nature which is getting more and more apparent. Its chicken this, and princess that. Ugggghhhhhh

Though perhaps the 'nastiness' of some fans has come about because of BB turning Evil this year and the calibre of the housemates?

JC 24-07-2004 10:37 AM

The main difference between BB and Roman Gladiators, is that all the housemates signed up willingly. I'm betting also that there's no part of the contract that states:
"I agree to enter the BB house, just so long as the public are nice to me"

Yes I want to see Michelle cope without Stuart, yes it's an evil part of me that wants this. But I can quite easily justify it by the fact that Michelle willingly offered to entertain me for as long as she's in that house, I'll find their seperation entertaining. End of argument.

Plus, if they really are a good match, I'm sure they can get back together after a week!

Sticks 24-07-2004 11:14 AM

I just find that the idea of wanting people to suffer is degrading, and that is what I am reading all over the place. It is almost like the bad old days of cock fighting and bull baiting and it demeans us all.

I am also concerned that when she is evicted next Friday, there might be some sort of missiles thrown at her. It seems now that Ian Huntly and Myra Hindley are more popular than she is now

Adele got off lightly compared to the reception Michelle will get now :bored:

She Devil 24-07-2004 11:26 AM

Well I would perfer to see Jason go next week than Michelle. I don't like michelle because of her bossiness towards Stuart. I feel that she has taken Stuarts experience of the BB house away from him. He needs to be able to express his feelings freely instead of having Michelle telling him what to do, what to say, when to breathe etc. etc.

However, now that Victor has gone the level of entertainment has reduced to Michelle and Stuart sucking lips and idle banter from the other HM so if you want the entertainment to reduce further then vote for Michelle. Otherwise vote for Jason because as it is now he will not be missed.

N.B statement made excludes Nadia - Nadia to win.

xx_michelle_fan_xx 24-07-2004 11:29 AM

i hope michelle doesnt get evicted because even tho she has been bossy she has bought a lot of entertainment to us...and some arguments fro us to argue with.... Lets et jason out and see who wins outta shell stu michelle dan and nadia! ^_^

She Devil 24-07-2004 11:34 AM

I agree Michelle Fan.

JC 24-07-2004 12:03 PM


It seems now that Ian Huntly and Myra Hindley are more popular than she is now
Don't think things are quite that bad!

p2pnut 24-07-2004 06:38 PM


This year Big Brother gets Lethal :eek:

This week the evicted house mate will be put to death, that's right put to death

Just text us your favourite method of execution

Text {number} followed by A for shot in the head by a sniper
Text {number} followed by B for cyanide gas in the passage between the outside and the housemates
Text {number} followed by C for Hung slowly by the neck with their hands cuffed behind their backs from a large crane
Text {number} followed by D for Electrocuted in their chair, when they think they will be interviewed by Davina

Who dies and How - you decide


I refer to your earlier concerns relating to Health and Safety (upon which subject we have exchanged missives).

May I draw your attention to the implications inherent in option (B) - viz: the danger of said cyanide gas escaping and proving lethal to members of the BB crew. Members of the Corp of Media Hounds might also be affected, but this is of no consequence.

Whilst accepting that the sniper employed in option (A) would be a professional, who would benefit from the practice, I am deeply concerned about the possible consequences for the crane driver [option (C)]. There are more than enough cases of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder already (I believe it to be quite common amongst policemen and members of the armed forces, who joined without realising that their professions involved occasional violence).

Electrocution (D) is worrying, less because of the H & S aspect than due to the environmental effect of increased electricity use (fossil fuel generated, as you must be aware)

I look forward to your views on this matter,

Yours quiveringly

Archibald Z Bladdnocker (Mrs)

AndyJK 24-07-2004 06:50 PM


Originally posted by Sticks


This year Big Brother gets Lethal :eek:

This week the evicted house mate will be put to death, that's right put to death

Just text us your favourite method of execution

Text {number} followed by A for shot in the head by a sniper
Text {number} followed by B for cyanide gas in the passage between the outside and the housemates
Text {number} followed by C for Hung slowly by the neck with their hands cuffed behind their backs from a large crane
Text {number} followed by D for Electrocuted in their chair, when they think they will be interviewed by Davina

Who dies and How - you decide
All perfectally acceptable for any Arab version of Big Brother I'm sure (didn't I reply with that joke before? No-one found it amusing then, so I doubt they will now! :laugh:)

Its true I do like to see housemates suffer which is why I've enjoyed this series so much. All the arguing and fighting have been great entertainment. That's why I'm sad Victor's gone as I was hoping he would kick off another fight in the final weeks. :bawling:

Red Moon 24-07-2004 06:52 PM

Can we have the the beheading of a Princess as a weekly task Live on national TV.... with Shell as the Princess.

Please Please Big Brother Producers

Sticks 24-07-2004 07:04 PM

As Charlie Brown says

"Oh how I weep for Humanity" :bored:

Red Moon 24-07-2004 08:02 PM


Originally posted by Sticks
As Charlie Brown says

"Oh how I weep for Humanity" :bored:
Don't we all.... it left these shores in the 1980's and when desire for material wealth and gain took over the country.

Bring on the Loins......

rachb 24-07-2004 09:25 PM

For me its not that I want Michelle to suffer in any way I just want her to be off my tv screen.
Its nothing to do with me being jealous either as I don't like Stuart at all.
The best case would be to have a double eviction and for them both to go together that would please everyone as they would stay together.
Davina could do a joint interview with them.Michelle could talk and Stuart could say ermm yeah:laugh:like he always does:thumbs:

Sticks 24-07-2004 10:13 PM

Sadly this scenario will not happen

Just like BB2 the lovers will be parted as Michelle is now the most hated women in Britain. Rosemary West and Myra Hindly are seen as saints in comparison, coutesy of all the hatred in various postings, including here on TiBB :bored:

The Cyber Devil's Advocate General has been in high level talks with the Spirit of Romance, who hired us. He talking about pulling me off this case as it is seen as a lost cause now. Apparently Shell's Cyber Devil's Advocate is going to be off for a while (The sick note turned up)

Red Moon 24-07-2004 10:19 PM

Come on she isn't the most hated woman in Britian... this is silly.

James 24-07-2004 10:56 PM

Funny moment in tonight's show: Big Brother playing the sound of dogs howling when Michelle was singing.

Nice one Big Brother! :hugesmile:

She Devil 24-07-2004 11:09 PM


Originally posted by James
Funny moment in tonight's show: Big Brother playing the sound of dogs howling when Michelle was singing.

Nice one Big Brother! :hugesmile:

That was funny James.

Julia L 24-07-2004 11:37 PM

I think the worst place for people being vicious about housemates it the Channel 4 forum - and it has members being rude to other ones too! The DS forum is also pretty bad at times - at the moment quite a lot of people are being baited for saying they thought Victor was a bully.

This is the friendliest board - no-one attacks other members here, regardless of differences of opinion. :thumbs:

Mike 24-07-2004 11:38 PM

Thats exactly why i enjoy posting here.

Red Moon 24-07-2004 11:39 PM


Originally posted by Julia L
I think the worst place for people being vicious about housemates it the Channel 4 forum - and it has members being rude to other ones too! The DS forum is also pretty bad at times - at the moment quite a lot of people are being baited for saying they thought Victor was a bully.

This is the friendliest board - no-one attacks other members here, regardless of differences of opinion. :thumbs:
Well said... I use to be on the Channel 4 forum... the moderators pulled everthing they didn't like and the people on the forum loved to attack each other.

p2pnut 25-07-2004 12:55 AM


Originally posted by AndyJK

Originally posted by Sticks


This year Big Brother gets Lethal :eek:

This week the evicted house mate will be put to death, that's right put to death

Just text us your favourite method of execution

Text {number} followed by A for shot in the head by a sniper
Text {number} followed by B for cyanide gas in the passage between the outside and the housemates
Text {number} followed by C for Hung slowly by the neck with their hands cuffed behind their backs from a large crane
Text {number} followed by D for Electrocuted in their chair, when they think they will be interviewed by Davina

Who dies and How - you decide
All perfectally acceptable for any Arab version of Big Brother I'm sure (didn't I reply with that joke before? No-one found it amusing then, so I doubt they will now! :laugh:)

my emphasis. p2pnut
Sorry to rain on the self-congratulatory parade, (completely justified tho it is generally) but I am surprised that Admin/Mods here are prepared to allow overt raceism of the kind expressed above (highlighted in red)

I've started to get used to the idea that a certain level of homophobia is tolerated here, (I've even been warned for being sarcastic to one of the resident homophobes) but I hadn't realised that we were expected to accept raceism as well.

Having just re-read the Board Rules, I notice that there is no mention of a prohibition on the use of racist or sexist language - or of attacking religious beliefs. Perhaps that explains why such things appear to be tolerated.

However, I may be being unfair (mistakes can happen) and I am always open to proof that this board will not tolerate such unacceptable views.

AndyJK 25-07-2004 01:33 AM

Are you acccusing me of racism?

p2pnut 25-07-2004 02:19 AM


All perfectally acceptable for any Arab version of Big Brother I'm sure (didn't I reply with that joke before? No-one found it amusing then, so I doubt they will now! )
What exactly would you call this? Sorry, but 'a joke' does not make racialy offensive views any more acceptable.

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