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LEE 31-05-2002 08:45 PM

Official Press Release: First Eviction Voting Figures
Over One Million Viewers Vote in the First Big Brother Eviction

During tonight’s 8.30pm show, the housemates finally learnt that one of them would be leaving the house tonight. DAVINA McCALL informed the shocked housemates that the nation had been voting all week to select two nominees for eviction. Which one, was entirely up to them.

By the time phone lines closed at 8pm this evening, 1,214,014 viewers had nominated*.

Of the votes cast, 509,062 (42%) chose Jade and 303,770 (25%) chose to evict Lynne.

Of the total votes cast, 70% (853,643) were made by phone, 27.5% (333,082) were made up of interactive votes and 2.5% (27,289) were made by text.

Jade and Lynne were immediately asked to go to the boys bedroom whilst the remaining housemates had the agonising task of deciding between them live on air. They had only 3 minutes to make their decision. Once the decision was made, Kate, the chosen spokesperson for the group, went into the diary room to tell Big Brother their decision. They had decided unanimously on Lynne.

Davina then informed the whole house of the decision. On hearing the news Lynne said, “I’m fine. It’s not a problem” whilst Jade burst into floods of tears. But Lynne stayed dry-eyed saying “it’ll take a lot more than that to make me cry”.

Lynne will be leaving the Big Brother House at 10.00pm this evening.

* Excluding votes cast for Sunita.

susieq 31-05-2002 11:51 PM

Thanks for that LEE. What interesting reading. So Lynne and Jade got 67% of the total vote between them? AND Jade was the people's choice!

Just goes to show how perceptions are different - those of us on the outside see things very differently from those on the inside. We learned that last year though didn't we when Paul was continually nominated by the housemates but the public refused to vote him out!!

I bet Jade picked up most of her moninations in the first few days and Lynne in the last few days. Just a thought.

Mark 01-06-2002 12:15 AM

Quite Impressive stats for the first week!!!

Imagine what it will be like in the last week....

In a way those stats aren't a true reflection as some people ring 20-30 times and boosting the %. It would be interesting to see what the votes would be like if it was one vote per person? :thumbs:

Mark :hello:

Sticks 01-06-2002 05:08 AM

So what did the others get ?

LEE 01-06-2002 10:02 AM


I bet Jade picked up most of her nominations in the first few days and Lynne in the last few days.
I think you are probably right. The producer woman on BBLB yesterday said that they had more people voting on the first day than they had for the whole of the first eviction last year, and I reckon most of them will have been for Jade.

Sticks, I'd like to know what the others got as well, but the only information we got sent was what I posted up here. C4 didn't say.


Sticks 01-06-2002 02:00 PM

would you be able to use your contacts to find our ?

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