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Amy 04-06-2005 08:37 AM

Mary Meets Davina

part one.....

After making her exit from the House tonight, mystic Mary joined Davina in the studio for a candid chat. Here's what she had to say about fake Saskia, Science the great and treacherous Makosi...

How are you feeling?

Absolutely fantastic. I'm really excited right now.

You said you wanted to leave the house an hour after you went in. Why?

I said I wanted to leave because I was overcome. I'm not a very showy person. I was overwhelmed. It took me up till today to settle, ironically. And to be used to being on camera and not be so nervous.

Who do you think nominated you?

Anthony, Saskia, Sam. That little group of them.

Davina then showed Mary a video of Makosi nominating her in the Diary Room.

What can I say! Snake in the grass. Completely shocked. I thought she was my friend in the house. I think why she did that was, she said to me, she thought I was a strong person.

You only got one nomination.

I'm shocked. Oh my god.

Who do you think it was?


Yes. What was it about you and Saskia?

I could see through her. There was something about her that I didn't quite trust. Of all the Housemates I didn't feel that I was communicating with her. I felt that was a barrier there, I tried to get to know everybody in the house and with Saskia there was a block.

You thought she was fake?

Fake is a strong word. Certain housemates I feel are a bit shallow.


Anthony is very focused on the physical, especially in women. I think he's a nice guy he just wouldn't be my kind of guy. Makosi disappoints me. Because of what she did.


Part two......
How do you feel about Roberto?

Roberto and me had the most messed up relationship. Very hot and cold. At times I hated him, at times I loved him.

What about Maxwell?

Maxwell surprised me. I went in hating lad's lads and he turned my head around.


Derek is an intelligent man, and I have respect for his intelligence.

Who was the most boring Housemate?

Vanessa is quiet. She's not boring, she just hasn't come out of her shell.

Who would you keep in touch with?

Kemal, I love Kemal. I really do. I thought Makosi, but now I'm iffy about her, couldn't trust her - respect her game playing but couldn't trust her.

Did you put any spells on anyone?

Didn't need to. They've enough rope in there to hang themselves.

Any love potions? Who fancies who?

I actually don't think anyone fancies anyone

I think Saskia and Maxwell...

I don't think so, I'll tell you why. I got to know Max in there. I think he thinks he fancies a certain type of girl but I think he's beginning to realise he wants more depth.

Why did you enter Big Brother?

I thought it would be good for personal growth and I needed the money! Yeah, I wanted money.

And what did you get out of it?

Personal growth. I'm not a very confident person and it's given a lot more confidence. It's shown me not to judge a book by its cover. And to give people a chance. And instead of just leaving a situation immediately like I wanted to, to say 'Calm down, you'll be grand, you just need to settle in.'

You're a psychic, who's out next?

I hope they don't put Science out. A lot of people are not giving him a chance in the House. Science has proven to me that he's an incredible guy. He's very intelligent, very mature, and very talented. He'll go a long way.
Article Channel 4

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