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Old 24-11-2018, 12:14 AM #529
Ant. Ant. is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2014
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Favourites (more):
CBB17: Tiffany Pollard
CBB16: Natasha Hamilton

Ant. Ant. is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 17,838

Favourites (more):
CBB17: Tiffany Pollard
CBB16: Natasha Hamilton


  • Honestly I think Rick leaving was for the best. While 9x01-9x05 was great, it sorta felt weird having Rick live for Judith, as odd as it sounds. There was more emphasis on him living for Carl than Judith than anything, and Rick living for Carl's message isn't as impactful as him living for alive Carl. I think them shifting to a Michonne/Judith dynamic was the best choice, even if it wasn't like they had a choice lmao
  • I really love how badass Judith is. It's just so in character for Michonne to raise her like that lmao
  • RJ!! I'm so glad Michonne isn't alone, even though she lost Carl and Rick
  • Daryl's been... good this season? wtf
  • Carol is still badass and a mum again. And while I don't doubt she and Ezekiel became parent figures to Henry, it is a tad jarring to hear him call them mum and dad
  • Aaron being a dad is GREAT. all I needed was to her gracie to call him dad to wanna cry. I really hope we see more of Aaron, he's one of the few Alexandrians left standing
  • Him and Jesus ninja training is cute
  • Talking of Jesus, it's in character for him to not take the leadership role given how he's always been the assistant, but it's also in character since he definitely would do it for Maggie. Kind of a shame he's not grown into a true leader, but...
  • Tara being the true leader of Hilltop is GREAT! I've loved Tara and always thought the idea of an 'enemy' turned friend was cool (even if a good number of Saviors have done the same). Would never have imagined the sister of the Governor's girlfriend would end up leading a community 8 years in the future
  • on that note, I like seeing people's new roles. Enid being the Hilltop doctor, for example
  • I don't think I've ever warmed to a group as quick as I have with Magna's group. Magna and Yumiko are cute, I actually enjoy a comic relief character for once (sorry Eugene, but I refer Luke) and the inclusion of a deaf character is great. Also they managed to make me care and feel for them in the last episode, which is cool, given how short I/we have known them for
  • Part of me isn't looking forward to more villains being introduced. I sorta enjoy Soap Opera-y it's gotten. I wouldn't want it to go on forever, but it'd have been nice to see some more of the Kingdom after the long timejump... and even Alexandria to an extent
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