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Old 13-01-2020, 08:41 AM #575
Marsh. Marsh. is offline
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Originally Posted by jet View Post
It's hard not to connect Meghan in all this. She cut her father and family out of her life, she cut many former friends out of her life, she sent back her wedding ring by post to her ex husband, much to his dismay, she cut off many of Harrys friends, now I suspect she is cutting Harry off from his family. There is a pattern there.
The woman is trouble and it seems she can't keep relationships going. She gushes over the likes of the Clooneys and the Beckhams and Oprah as her new found buddies and advisors - but are they really her friends or just want to be associated with royalty? They were all at her wedding though she hardly knew them then while her old friends and Harry's were cast off. And will Harry adapt to that kind of life - Harry who said in the past he hated being thought of as a celebrity, all he wanted was to support his beloved grandmother.
Meghan will thrive and what is Harry going to do - trail after her round the glossy galas and celeb circuit and be overshadowed by her? He's not as savvy or as intelligent as she is, he's been in the royal bubble all his life...and those that know him well say he is a very sensitive and emotional guy whose heart rules his head.
This won't end well.
Oh my god what a load of baloney. You do realise they're real people? Three dimensional people, not characters in a movie? You get that, right?

Poor Harry Windsor not intelligent or savvy enough. Bless him.

Originally Posted by jet View Post
I've seen her in interviews blatantly lying through her teeth. I don't have time for that ****e.
I research and believe what has stood the test of time as true or not and the voice of long time royal commentators who have proved reliable and accurate over many years. Look them up and read what they have to say over the Meghan years if you want a proper education on the negative side of Markle - her mad ambition and attenion seeking, her lies, her coldness, her total self absorption, her poor me victim tricks, her casting off of anyone who is no longer useful
So nothing substantial or factual then?

You saw her lie in an interview because you're more intelligent than poor naive Harry?

Originally Posted by jet View Post
I've done my research so I can speak with knowledge
Your "knowledge" consists of pretending you know them as people behind closed doors, have any idea of their marriage, assumed you know her more than Harry, that your more intelligent than Harry for knowing this woman more than him despite having never met his wife and mother of his child and judged her based on tabloid stories about her first marriage and subsequent divorce. Ridiculous.
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