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Old 03-07-2020, 08:43 PM #79
Toy Soldier Toy Soldier is offline
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Toy Soldier Toy Soldier is offline
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Originally Posted by Swan View Post
True, however it's not about race for everyone. I'm a proud anti-royalist and have absolutely no time for any of them, their race, hair colour, gender means nothing to me.
I'm 100% anti-royalist too but I can still see that Megan Markle has been taking a ridiculous level of flak and abuse from certain people compared to the rest of 'em, and there has to be a reason for that. For some it's her race. For some it's that they don't think she's "royal material" because she's "just some yank actress". For some it's a varying combination of the two (black from money would have been ok, white american actress would have been OK, but the combination of the two is too much).

For some others it's simply that she talks too much and they want their royal women quiet and compliant.

Either way... there's a huge number of people that have their knickers in a twist about Megan getting on with her day whilst not giving a stuff that the Queen is using her privilege to defend her probable-sex-predator son. Really dystopian stuff tbh.

But yeah... I feel like Megan Markle is being unfairly singled out, AND at the same time I think the whole thing is a sad mess that should have ended over half a century ago.
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