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Old 21-11-2020, 01:44 AM #8243
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Kizzy Kizzy is offline
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Originally Posted by Toy Soldier View Post
As much as it pains me to say it; LT's logic is actually sound, here. Isolated examples of healthy younger people dying happen but are very rare (usually an extreme immune response rather than the respiratory failure that kills older people) and those rare examples don't change the facts of the illness, much as LT says, just like a car wreck (or even a 20 car pile-up) on the motorway doesn't mean that driving on the motorway is suddenly more dangerous.

Covid deaths are 80% in the over-75's, and the VAST majority of deaths under 65 involve a complicating condition of some description (usually heart, lung, immune disorder or diabetes).

Those are just the statistical facts. I know it doesn't necessarily make it less scary, nor does it lessen the impact of any death, but the numbers are what they are. Unbiased, non-political fact.
I don't believe that logic is that sound tbh... It's been strongly suggested there are 2 strains with one more aggressive than the other affecting younger healthy people too, there is also ' long covid' which may or may not be yet another strain. Neither should be downplayed as just an anomaly.
Repeating as you do regularly that it is primarily the elderly affected is not helpful, 1/5 of all deaths is still a considerable amount of people.
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