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Old 11-03-2023, 03:58 PM #435
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The Slim Reaper The Slim Reaper is offline
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Originally Posted by Alf View Post
If our borders are protected then why have hundreds of thousands landed on our shores, most in dinghys, over the past couple of years? And why are my taxes paying for them to live their lives while my bills are through the roof that I have to budget every penny to make ends meet? Do I deserve this? What have I done wrong?
So then...

Firstly suella herself in an interview on the beeb admitted the number was around 45k.That's a touch more than an Everton crowd when they're playing one of the big teams. And you think that amount of people can cause society to collapse?

You are completely right that you don't deserve this, no one does. But the state of the country was a choice made by those in power. What we are seeing now can be traced back to Cameron and Osbourne's austerity that stripped services back so much, that any crisis that came after them has left the country completely on it's arse.

As always with these things, there is always a kernel of common sense and truth in what you say, but if you've watched the liars in charge for 12 years promise you things that haven't materialised then those are the people to hold to account, not fvuking boats for gods sake. There is a huge amount of wealth in this country, more than enough to go round, but choices have been made to keep funnelling it upwards in the pretense that it will trickle down eventually. It's a lie that's been sold for decades that's so pervasive we have working class people defending billioniaires.

The only man with solutions to address the structual issues was hounded out by the same establishment you believe are just about to cure the ills of the country by stepping on other peoples necks instead of your own.

Don't get me wrong, voting labour at the next election will keep you in exactly the same place you are now - a party in thrall to capital and corporations as much as the tory party.

Basically we had 2 chances to avoid this in 17 and 19, and course correct, but what you are seeing now is the ultimate end game of capitalism. You can blame anyone you want, but the liars that sold you a dud brexit to stop immigration are getting the band back together to sell you a story about the boat people invading us.

People bang on in this country about WWII and the greatest generation. Well they came back from the horrors of WWII and chose a socialist fair society that created the NHS, free education, a welfare state to help those struggling, and that has now been taken apart bit by bit, so I'm not saying everyone should think like I do, I'm just saying maybe we should respect the aims and wishes of the "greatest generation" that actually went through through the **** that the Galahads constantly bang on about?

I like you, Alf. I think you're genuinely a good dude, and if ever you want to run through ideas, then my PM's are always open to you.
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