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Old 10-10-2008, 03:16 PM #12
AngRemembered AngRemembered is offline
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AngRemembered AngRemembered is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Day 1............ Thursday 8:12 pm


The familly have had a good day, Bathtime went to plan and Shaun got to his interview smelling nice at the Accountants firm.
Christina sailed through the double history lesson the rest of the familly had a normal uneventful day.
The Nomat'tes familly have had supper and just finished watching Eastenders, when Dad is disturbed by the endless thumping noise coming from the boys bedroom.

Dad..... FFS what are them pair doing now, cant we ever have peace in this house.
Mom.... Oh love don't spoil a good day, they're boys probably playing leave them.
Dad... I'm sorry I no can do... they got to learn discipline...(he shouts)
Oi you pair keep the noise down or I'll come up and bang your bl**dy heads together we clear?

there is no reaction, but the thumping continues...Dad rushes to to hallway door almost knocking Annie over.

Dad... Errrrrm Annie, can you explain to me why you are carrying what seems to me a bucket of blood round the house?
Annie.. It is blood Dad, its the boys they really have banged there heads together the bunkbed YOU alone put together from MFI has collapsed and Billys badly cut and I think Shauns broke his nose, Sia has been banging the floor trying to get some help but you ignored her.
MOm..Oh my god, my babies... why didnt anyone say anything... move out the way LuvaLuva (she shoves past) this is an emmergency.
Annie...Its only there heads Mom, its not like there going to get brain damage
Dad... Annie tip that blood in the outside drain quickly.... Christina !!!!! call the ambulance NOW!!!!
Christina..... Oh cant Hannah do it Ive got biology homework to do, she just texting people on Sia's mobile.
Sia... What?????!!!!!!
Mom... its nothing.. forget it we have this to deal with.
Dad... Christina I'm dissapointed in you its a phone call, I'm not asking you to do the familly shopping.. can we have some co-operation?
Hannah... its ok Dad I'll call
Dad. thankyou

Dad makes his way upstairs where Mom and Sia are tending to the blood bath in the boys room.

Hannah (on the phone) ..... Yes, ambulance please.. number 41 Nomat'tes.... ( theres a pause) no, its pronounced Nomatez not No mates (she rolls her eyes and mutters ******wit under her breath)
Ok, thanks...
They're on there way Mom

Mom... Thanks precious... you go and have a lie down now sweety, you must be exhausted with all this extra burden.
Hannah... awww thanks Mom
Sia... She made a friggin phone call for gods sake, not performed brain surgery like I have for the last 20 mins, how comes she gets a rest?
Mom.. lets keep her sweet hey, she doing well we havnt had a knock on the door from any strangers now claiming to be her fiance for what 3 weeks now?
Dad... yeah thats true.... she does deserve a lie down.
Sia (under her breath) lazy bitch

Billy starts to regain consciousness...

Billy.. what hit me?
Dad...It was your brother he fell on top of you when the bunk bed collapsed
just relax now you have a bad cut... ambulance on its way.
Mom... Awww look at shauny he's just like the day I gave birth to him silent and peaceful and covered in blood, awwwww bless

Dad...Sia (roll eyes, with a look of is she for real on there faces)

8:27 pm The ambulance crew arrive, and are let in by Christina (eventually).. (she sucks her top lip loudly as the ambulance crew pass her at the front door entrance)
They make there way upstairs, and are greeted by Mom Dad Sia and Annie (who is still holding the bucket of bood, as she went outside had a fag and forgott to empty the bucket)

Paramedic..... So we have 2 patients a Shaun and Billy Nomates, well its just as well we are here for you then hey..(he sniggers)
Dad...Actually the surname is Mexican royalty and its pronounced Nomatez.
Paramedic...Oh I am sorry..

The familly (stiffle a laugh, and all look to Dad knowing his kidding himself over the name will never ever change)

The end...........for now
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