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Old 27-02-2010, 03:48 PM #2
Jack_ Jack_ is offline
oh fack off
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Jack_ Jack_ is offline
oh fack off
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There's a difference between a child having a non-sexual relationship with an adult and having a sexual relationship with an adult.

Personally, I don't see a problem, no matter how 'sick' it may seem, with a child dating an adult, but when it comes to sexual relationships, especially aged twelve, they're not old enough, mature enough or developed enough to consent to such acts, and any adult wishing to participate in a relationship with a child should understand that.

What you have to remember though is that children can be very naive, and can be sucked into things very easily, especially when it comes to relationships. Paedophiles know exactly what things to say and how to say them, they're not stupid.

All in all, I believe a child, at least of twelve can consent to a relationship with an adult, but not sexual acts.
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