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Old 18-07-2010, 02:43 PM #4
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Originally Posted by angus58 View Post
When will people start waking up to Josie's game? It's no coincidence she gravitated towards Govan as a friend - they have identical modus operandi, load the gun, and let someone else pull the trigger.

Crispgate - this was started by Josie: When they were at the table eating pizza and Sunshine had crisps as well, after they had finished the pizza Josie said, Ooh I fancy some crisps now. She then spoke to others about the crisps till they made a fuss. The she said, "I didnt want any, but if they were mine I would have put them in a bowl and shared them out." Josie having planted the idea, then walks off and lets Ife and Keeva finish Sunshine off.

Josie, Nathan, Ife are in the garden. Josie waits till Shabby approaches from the house before saying "Nathan I want to have a word about last night" (the trashing-the-bedroom incident). Shabby immediately gets involved, and it all kicks off. She and Nathan are left licking their wounds, while Josie merely says "Sorry I didn't mean to start anything".

Caoimhe, JJ, and Josie are in the bathroom. No one's talking about Corin until Josie says, "I think all the housemates are genuine...except maybe one." Then she sticks her hand over her mouth, as if to say "Oooh, I have I gone too far?" JJ immediately twigs she means Corin, and soon enough a nice hatchet job is done on Corin, but it's JJ and Caoimhe left holding the hatchet. Josie has contributed nothing. She finishes the conversation with "I don't think bad things about any of the housemates because I'm not like that". Nice work!

The clash between Caoimhe and Dave. Who asked the question that sparked it off? "I'd like to know why you're against gay marriage, Dave". You guessed it - Josie. But that's the last we hear from her. Caoimhe and Dave are going at it hammer and tongs, while Josie lies back staring into space and sucking her thumb. Nice work again!

With the parrot ..instead of saying to Ife 'you'd better NOT ask JJ for that coin/token now after what the parrot has just revealed, , she TELLS Ife to get the token/coin from JJ. ( Knowing full well what JJ's reaction would be when he found out he'd given the coin to Ife after Ife had said what she'd said)...and what did Josie do? She waited for the fur to fly when JJ found out then walked away with a smirk.
Then when JJ 'apologises to her for giving the token/coin to Ife and not to her, she says with a sigh that 'it's okay', that she 'doesn't mind' . She did NOT say () 'It's okay I don't mind IN FACT I TOLD IFE TO GET IT FROM YOU'

JJ has expressed no attraction towards her at all, other than as a sister, but does that deter her? No, she is such a jealous cow she will do anything to prevent him spending time with any other woman. She almost managed to get Keeva to walk by putting her on a guilt trip - and then she goes to the diary room pretending she's not a bad person, she would walk rather than upset anyone, blah blah blah. She is trying so hard to isolate JJ from any potential competition - its embarrassing.

Josie is not the lovable country bumpkin BB have most HL viewers believing...
Josie is a sh*t stirrer who manages to get others to put the boot in whilst keeping herself smelling of roses. Watch her closely and you will see the way she operates.
I said all this ages ago Angus!!

But it's fun to watch!!.....P.S....I think that King Ben, Rasputin and Corange worked this out from the begining!....that's why they treat her with un-due reverence!!
Simply The Best!

Good job it's Big Brother!........Big Sister would be Evil!
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