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Old 09-06-2013, 08:22 AM #1
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Default Jesus and the bloc vote

I took no part in any bloc vote. That bollocks came from Kate to Kizzy to Zee. Kate & Kizzy already knew I had no part in it but decided to stir it anyway. Kate was actually grassing up one of her close friends, which says a lot about her.

I did show Kates post on RTV to Zee, but people were talking about it constantly around here, people were writing "#teammollie" in the ML thread, and as always, no one did anything about it. I thought Greg had a right to know what was going on, so if I've been blamed for her exclusion, then that's because I'm easy, not because it's true.

Does anyone remember the election when I used KKK, because it was similar to Kates party name, and everyone lost their s**t, and started pm'ing James about how terrible I am?

Well there's a difference between me showing someone I like, the potential damage being done to a game he runs brilliantly, to some women pettily trying to get me in trouble?

I spoke to Zee only to show him that post, and the decision to exclude her came a long time after I had any dealings with him, and I actually said to many people it would be better if she'd been allowed to enter as it built her up, rather than treating her with the contempt she deserves.

People can and will twist this into whatever they like in the 2 or 3 minutes before it's deleted and I get infracted, but those are hard facts.