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Old 24-08-2014, 04:59 AM #65
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Ammi Ammi is offline
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“In any case, you would probably be condemning yourself as a mother (or yourselves as a couple) to a lifetime of caring for an adult with the needs of a child. Your child would probably have a short life expectancy but, if she did outlive you, you would have the worry of who would care for her after you are gone. No wonder most people choose abortion when offered the choice,” he writes.

..I've only just read what he said...I worked with a Down's Syndrome child for several years...she was cheeky, she was funny, she was lazy, she was intelligent, she was affectionate, she was hateful, she was happy, she was angry, she was one step forward and a million steps back some days but those one step forward days were some of the best in my life...she exhausted her fairly much like every other child...I don't know how much going to mainstream school will benefit her in the future, maybe not at all.. but her presence at a mainstream school benefitted everyone else there/children and adults...she was very vulnerable to illness and that caused and will cause many health issues..maybe she won't have as long a lifespan as her parents would like her to...and maybe her presence in their life has many restrictions on them, a bit more than the average parent..and I know that circumstances in their case meant they didn't know their child would be Down's Syndrome before she was born ...but I do know that even if she were never to reach adulthood and no matter how difficult it's been for them to parent her ...whatever time they've spent with her and however much time they will all have in the future, they would not have been without her in their lives for one split second ..she's lucky to have amazing parents but they know how lucky they are to have her as well...
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