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Old 14-08-2015, 11:25 PM #1
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Default Andy Herren drags/exposes Ragan and other houseguests



He deleted the posts but here's what the first link said (thanks Pete):
I’ll start this by saying, as I did in my post about Ragan, that I am the EASIEST person to get along with. In my personal life, I don’t have bad blood with anyone. Hell, I ruthlessly backstabbed my entire Big Brother cast and the vast majority of them still love me. I am rational. I am sane. I am easy to talk to. If you have a problem with me, just let me know what I did to upset you, and we can talk through it. The problem is that most Big Brother players are not rational and sane. They are the type of people whose egos will not allow them to be calm and collected; instead, they tend to fly off the handle and hit BLOCK or UNFOLLOW without actually acting like thoughtful adults. I should also add that I am a jokester, as I don’t take anything in life (including myself) too seriously. I have learned that many former Big Brother players don’t share this philosophy, as they are completely unable to take jokes/even slight criticisms about their games. This brings me to the meat of this post. Many fans continuously ask me what I have done to be blocked by so many former players, so I’ll go case by case and explain:

Nick Uhas – This one I understand. I was pretty mean about Nick, but it wasn’t unmerited. You see, GinaMarie had a very deep, psychological crush on Nick while he was in the house. Call it whatever you want (irrational, unmerited, etc.), it was there. My problem wasn’t with Nick not reciprocating GM’s feelings, my problem was with how he handled them after the show. Nick wants to be YouTube famous, which I also don’t fault him for, but I think there is a line between searching for fame and exploiting another person, and he crossed it. He WAS ABLE TO SEE THE FEEDS all summer, and he knew how GM felt. She was deeply, deeply in love with him. If he was a kind person, he would have ripped the band-aid off after the show and immediately told her that he only wanted to be friends. He didn’t do this, though. He very cruelly exploited her for YouTube views. He filmed a video with her after the show in a desperate attempt to stay relevant, and then he basically stopped talking to her. GinaMarie is a human being with feelings, and I can attest that he hurt her very badly, and he did so for YouTube views. I thought this was despicable, and when GinaMarie ranted about him online, I supported her, as I lived with her for 90 days and I knew how critically he hurt her. Do I think Nick is a bad guy? No, not really. Do I think he crossed the line in this instance? Yes. Thus…I vocally supported GM and was immediately blocked.

Will WIkle – As a houseguest who has gone through internet hate after the season, and as a gay man who has dealt with being called numerous horrible terms for being gay, Will’s crime really, really offended me. After I won, Will tweeted that I was the “fugliest, worst gay” in Big Brother history. What an asshole. He’s been on the show, and he knows what it is like to be called every name in the book by fans, yet he still fed into it. Any former houseguests who attack the physical appearance of current houseguests are very disappointing, as they should know better. Even so, I took the comment in stride, writing back something snarky like, “Yeah! I hate that guy! What a terrible winner!” He apparently didn’t like this, and thus…I got BLOCKED. Addendum: Will is especially disappointing to me, as I actually think I handled myself very well on the show and represented the gay community strongly, but apparently taking out Will’s favorites made me ugly and terrible.

Jeff Schroeder – I don’t understand this one, to be honest. Jeff and I always got along whenever we did live chats together. I’ve made jokes about his and Jordan’s relationship, but hasn’t everyone? I don’t harbor ill will towards him, and I understand that his comments from season 13 that offended me weren’t likely from a place of hate as much as from a place of ignorance. I don’t think Jeff hates gay people, for the record. What I do think is that Jeff probably hasn’t had extended periods of time with them, either.
Derrick and Cody – I tweeted that Big Brother 16 was boring, BECAUSE IT WAS, and was unfollowed by both of them. This is especially disappointing to me, as I figured they could take innocuous criticism, but I guess I was wrong. I’ll be the first person to admit that I was TERRIBLY BORING on Big Brother 15, but being boring usually equates to great gameplay. Derrick played a phenomenal game, but in doing so, he robbed Big Brother 16 of any entertainment. I genuinely think the season was the worst in Big Brother history from an entertainment perspective, but that isn’t an insult to Derrick or to Cody as players. I have no ill will towards them, sans the fact that I think their egos may be a bit too big and I wish they could take a joke.

Zach Rance – I actually unfollowed Zach, and was promptly unfollowed back. His entitled, “I’m FAMOUS!” attitude was very off-putting to me. Do I think Zach is a bad guy? No. He was adorable and sweet in the house. I just wish fame hadn’t gotten the best of him and turned him into a monster. I think there is hope, though. In a few years, once he’s older and wiser, maybe he will realize that he is not famous and he will come back down to earth.

Evel Dick – This is another super confusing one. Evel Dick HATES ME, even thoughI have only spoken to him on a handful of occasions. I did his show after Big Brother 15, and the two of us actually got along quite well. We joked around and he didn’t seem to hate my guts. Then, a few months later, I tweeted that he lucked into his win because of America’s Player, Eric Stein. Anyone who watched Big Brother 8 will know this is true, as Dick WOULD HAVE GONE HOME if it wasn’t for Eric being FORCED to save him. I don’t think Dick liked this, as it bruised his ego. He then went on numerous rants against me, saying what a terrible person and winner I am. Number one: He doesn’t know me as a person, so his argument here is invalid. Number two: His only criticisms of my game are that I’m a “pussy” and a “floater.” If you actually bring up how strategic I was, he reverts to his pedestrian arguments that are nothing but superficial fluff, as we all know that if he’s as BRILLIANT at Big Brother as he constantly boasts about, then he completely understands what a complex game I played. If not, then maybe he isn’t the Big Brother supernova he claims to be. The only other reason I can think of for Dick hating me so much is that I’m very, very close with his estranged daughter, Daniele, who is a kind, funny, rational person (a RARITY in the Big Brother world). I love Daniele, and his rants against her only make him look terrible and her look better for cutting him out of her life. I could go way deeper into this, but I love Daniele and I respect her privacy, so I won’t. Long story short: I think I hurt his feelings by casually talking about his game, and now he HATES me. Like…HAAAATES. He banned me from a charity event earlier this month after I raised lots of money for it last year. I just wish he would grow up, but the truth is that he is a lost cause; he will always be Evel Dick, the man who will start fights and revert to cruelty to stay relevant. I feel bad for him.

Ragan Fox – I’ve already covered this one. He’s a sad man who never gave me a chance, even though I loved him on the show and was nothing but kind to him afterward. I feel bad for him in the same way that I feel bad for Dick. My beef with him could have been settled by a rational phone conversation, but he chose to be angry and bitter, and there is nothing I can do about that. He’s another person who thinks he knows everything about my personal life (I’m sad, pathetic, and obsessed with Big Brother) when in actuality he knows nothing. Yeah, I LOVE Big Brother, but I ALWAYS HAVE.

Danielle Murphree – I tweeted a joke about her and she unfollowed me. Plain and simple. Another Big Brother player who can’t laugh at herself, which is a shame. I don’t have any ill will towards her, though. She has always been sweet when I’ve been around her in person.

There ya have it. I bet I’ll get criticism for sharing this, as people will certainly think I’m doing it to “stay relevant,” but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m doing it because I am asked about it constantly, and I think many of the reasons why I’m blocked are ludicrous. Evel Dick will probably go on a horrifying rant against me, and I won’t respond, as that is precisely what he wants (I guess I probably shouldn’t have even given him attention on here, but whatever…it needed to be said).

To the Big Brother players who are rational and lovely and can find humor in the whole experience: THANK YOU. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Your company is an absolute pleasure to keep.

When it comes to Big Brother 17: WIN THE WHOLE THING, BECKY.
The second one was a whole page dragging/exposing Ragan


Last edited by EspeonBB; 14-08-2015 at 11:40 PM.
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