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Old 09-03-2016, 08:21 AM #85
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kirklancaster kirklancaster is offline
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Why is there a propensity among certain members on here to always 'shoot the messenger' just because the message does not fit in with their own skewed and ILLOGICAL ideologies?

Comparing Trump to Hitler is odious, and says more about the inner prejudice of those making the comparison than it does about any prejudice Trump stands accused of purely because he speaks the TRUTH about SOME immigrants.

(Some of us on here suffer the same irrational and unfair attacks for speaking that same truth)

So Trump is 'Stupid', 'Trump is like Hitler', 'Trump is 'prejudiced'?

So to examine that truth, let's see how Hitler and Trump REALLY compare:

Hitler was a physical non-descript who suffered from a massive inferiority complex due to his poor background and Father's illegitimacy.
Trump was a "Star Athlete" in his 'college years', and certainly does not suffer from any inferiority complex.

Hitler had merely a 'comfortable' working class early home life.
Trump enjoyed a privileged childhood.

Hitler was a failure who cowardly 'stopped trying' at school because he could not compete against other bright students. He left school with no qualifications having failed his exams.
Trump was a “star pupil” and graduated from, both the New York Military Academy in 1964, and 'Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania 4 years later where he gained a degree in Economics.

(Trump stupid? Don't make me laugh.)

Hitler dreamed of being a famous artist but was again a failure when he was rejected by the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts.
Trump is a multi-billionaire who has been successful and maintained his wealth throughout his life, overcoming the reverses which all ambitious people inevitably encounter.

Hitler - an abject failure and misfit - became a "bum" and "drifter" prior to 'finding' politics.
Trump - a 'winner' in anyone's language - is a multi-billionaire who has been successful and maintained his wealth throughout his life, overcoming the reverses which all ambitious people inevitably encounter.

Hitler illogically and wrongly blamed the ENTIRE Jewish race for ALL Germany's and the world's ills – from causing the Russian Revolution to being solely responsible for the collapse of the German Economy.
Trump is NOT blaming ALL immigrants for America's problems but RIGHTLY pointing out that ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and even THE UNSUSTAINABLE HIGH LEVELS of LEGAL immigration, contribute to its problems - including its massive out of control drugs problems and the growing threat to its security from covert immigrant terrorists.

Hitler scapegoated millions of completely innocent Jews and perpetrated the most heinous, inhuman catalogue of degradation against them culminating in his 'Final Solution' - still the most incredible and sickening evil event in recent history.
Trump is NOT proposing one act of violence against ANYONE.

Hitler - little inadequate toerag that he was - had that insane 'corporate jealousy' known by psychologists as 'Othello Syndrome' - named after Shakespeare's insanely jealous Moor - where one's actions are dictated by a deep seated jealousy resulting from the success of others. He resented the business acumen and success of the Jews who owned half of all German private banks, 'dominated' the stock exchange, controlled half of the nation’s newspapers, and over 80% of Retail Businesses.

Their success only highlighted pathetic-little man Hitler's own total failures and inadequacies, and he conveniently 'forgot' when it came to scapegoating them, that although these remarkable people were indeed Jews, they were - unlike him - also GERMANS.
Trump has NO corporate jealousy and does NOT suffer from 'Othello Syndrome'.
Trump is HUGELY successful in his own right.
Trump LOVES, RESPECTS and WELCOMES successful people - no matter what race, colour, or creed. These entrepeneurial people ALL worship at the same altar of commercialism that he does, and Trump recognises the need for such wealth makers.

Unlike turd Hitler, Trump is not 'grinding' any 'personal axe' when he voices concerns about unfettered legal immigration or unchecked illegal immigration, or the high percentage of criminals, benefit seekers, or subversives among such immigrants.

He is SPEAKING THE TRUTH - a truth corroborated by the FACTS and FIGURES.

Dislike trump all you want. Hate him all you want. But to try to liken him to Hitler and to label him 'stupid' speaks more about your own stupidity and prejudice - in my (always very unpopular) opinion.

As a footnote - and also in my (always very unpopular) opinion; to trivialise a despicable, evil bastard like the psychotic Hitler in such a willy-nilly manner to aid in lambasting people we do not like - also demeans, disrespects, and trivialises the 6 million innocent victims of the Austrian ******'s evil.
"Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts". Daniel Patrick Moynihan (1927-2003)
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Last edited by kirklancaster; 09-03-2016 at 08:48 AM.
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