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Old 28-06-2017, 07:22 AM #155
Toy Soldier Toy Soldier is offline
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Toy Soldier Toy Soldier is offline
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Originally Posted by jet View Post
Maybe the reason you think I had no objectivity is because you didn't want to believe what I was saying, pure and simple, and that goes for not just you but for everyone who thinks they know better than someone who lived here and knew of Corbyn personally and his activities in the 70's and beyond when most of you didn't know the man from Adam. Why the hell would I bother to post untruths? I have never participated in political discussions here regarding Cons/Labour as I have no interest or loyalty to either party. A simple search will verify that. So do you think I suddenly appeared in Serious Debates to run down Corbyn because I don't like his dress sense or whatever?

Don't tell me I couldn't have a reasoned, balanced and grounded discussion when everything I said was met with a brick wall of disdain and dismissal, and in some cases twisted (not by you in this instance, but by Dezzy ) to create a diversion so he/she didn't have to respond in a reasoned, balanced and grounded way to my posts.

And this is not for you TS, (unless I've missed your references to it) but for those of you who begrudge the 1billion windfall - can you not forget May and her motives and be just a little tolerant that it's going to a part of your country that suffered decades of bombing leading to the loss of thousands of lives, homes and businesses and still hasn't recovered?

Jeez, I never wanted a United Ireland, but the way some of you are talking about my beloved N.Ireland, (which is a beautiful and friendly place, despite it's history), as if it's a piece of **** on the map, I'm not sure I want to be a part of the UK any more. If some posters on this forum are representative of UK mindsets (and I would hope not) you clearly have no feeling or empathy or any understanding whatsoever for this part of your country.
When I say I think you're struggling for balance, it's not that I think what you're saying about Corbyn is wrong necessarily - I personally have seen another side to his character and have gone off him MASSIVELY since the tower fire - or that anything your saying doesn't have truth to it...

Its more that you've become so laser-focussed on Corbyn and his potential wrongdoing that you are less willing to hear or engage in criticisms of the Tories / the DUP / their alliance.

I guess it's important to remember that just because one side of something is bad... That doesn't mean that the other side of the coin is necessarily good. Even if you think it's "better", it's still OK to be able to criticise it... You don't have to Stan the opposition to "stick it to" the side you dislike more, I guess is what I'm saying.

In this case, I feel that increasingly, you're unwilling to look with a skeptical eye at the Tory/DUP deal because you immediately flip into "Corbyn would be worse!!" mode. But Corbyn isn't the discussion. Take Corbyn completely out of the equation and look at it in the most basic or terms... And the Tory/DUP alliance - even WITH the extra spending for NI - is potentially headed for real problems. It's not a good or desirable situation. What I mean by lacking balance is, it's gotten to the point where you are willing to pretend that it's all great, "because it isn't Corbyn". Your early posts on the topic included healthy criticism of the DUP too but that has all but evaporated now.
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