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Old 05-05-2018, 02:57 AM #11
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Originally Posted by Twosugars View Post
Not most of the us, just the Yellowstone region. But the effects of such eruption would affect all of the continent and rest of the world for decades.
On the plus side it erupts every 600-700 mln years and the last one was app 600 mln years ago, but some think the plume is weakening. The magma chamber is there all right and usgs monitoring reports on it 24/7.
There was a great BBC series a few years ago about a Yellowstone blowing up, recommended.
Plume volcanoes are called supervolcanoes, their sizes are enormous. They're dotted around the world. The most worrying atm is the one in Italy, campi flaegrei.
She was counting the area of effect of the plume rather than just the actual size, since the immediate fall out zone would be rather large and big enough to effect most of the US directly. There were some other details that I can't recall directly... She compared the after effects would be similar (but worse) to Krakatoa (I think it was), seeing that the ash blocked sunlight for the rest of the world, causing mass famine, extinctions, etc...

I'd read articles where scientists had stepped back claims of the effects of it being world-ending, i.e. killing us all (but it's certainly possible). Personally, I don't go about life worrying about any of it. Any number of things could take our lives at any time and super-volcanoes are the least of our problems... statistically speaking. Who knows, by time that even comes, we may even have technology to prevent it/limit it's area of effect...

Krakatoa – No plant growth for 2 years

Last edited by Maru; 05-05-2018 at 02:58 AM.
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