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BB11 Channel 4's last Big Brother series started June 2010. Josie Gibson was the winner. All the gossip about the Big Brother 11 house, series and housemates here!

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Old 17-08-2010, 02:38 PM #1
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Corin, Josie and Mario are in the garden talking about hair extensions

Corin says that when she leave the house she wants to get her hair dyed black and get hair extensions in her hair so that she can throw her "dead rats away." Corin tells Josie and Mario that before the show people didn't know that she wore a wig and now everyone does.

Sam has come to the diary room

Sam tells Big Brother that he stayed up until 4am to take Corin's wig. He says that he got "phase one" out of the way which was to steal Corin's wig and now he is going into "phase 2" which is "bad hair day." Sam says that they are going to have "shouting, screaming, flames out of eyes and scales *****ing up" when Corin realises the wigs have gone.

When asked how Sam will hide the fact he stole the wigs, he says "Denial, anger or silence." Sam says that Corin's eviction wig has a "holy glow" and that she needs that wig "it's her serious wig."


11:27am Sam and Corin are in the living room

In the living room Sam is looking through the window into the bedroom, Sam spots Corin's eviction wig and says "Bored, bored, bored."

Sam walks into the bathroom and tells Dave and John James that he has failed as he hid the wrong wig. John James tells Sam that he should get the eviction wig today and Sam says "yeah, do a day job."

In the living room Sam tells J.J that he got the wrong wig. Sam says "I got her day hair." Corin then walks from the bedroom and J.J asks what she is carrying, Corin says eyelashes and Sam says that that's a lot of effort. Corin says "nout wrong with effort" and walks into the bathroom. Sam tells J.J that he could steal her eviction wig now whilst Corin is doing her makeup

Sam enters the bedroom and takes Corin's eviction wig.

Sam runs into the kitchen and puts the wig in the cupboard above the oven. In the bathroom Corin does her hair as Sam talks to himself in the kitchen "she's gonna go off the Richter…I probably got pool hair; the lowest of the low."


Some of the housemates are in the Garden, JJ and John James talking about Corin

John James tells J.J that he would dislike it if Corin was in the final. J.J says that he thinks Corin is a nice person and John James says "can you imagine 'oh my god, oh my god' for four days? I'd rather go." J.J says that he doesn't think Corin liked it when he said she was scary.

Corin and Mario are in the Bathroom

Corin asks Mario if he believes in heaven and hell. Mario says that he thinks earth is heaven and hell and that's why bad and good things happen. Corin asks Mario if he is the King of Italy's grandson and Mario asks if she thinks he is. Corin then says "you look like him". Mario replies "you don't know what he looks like", she replies "it's what I imagine he looks like".

Corin then asks "There is only one pope?...What is a pope?" Mario explains that the pope is Christ's representation of the Lord and Corin says "oh my god, you're related to the pope." Mario says no and laughs. Corin asks why he is laughing if it isn't true. Mario says because it is so ridiculous. He then explains that the pope is elected by cardinals and Corin likens it to them picking someone for the "golden ticket." Corin tells Mario that everyone in the house is "so brainy" and that they could all go on Who wants to be a Millionaire but she would be sat in the audience…Mario looks awkward and silence descends on the bathroom.


Some of the Housemates are in the bedroom.

Corin asks Sam if he has taken her wig and Sam denies that he has and says that he always gets the blame. Josie points out that Sam was the only person "dressed as a ninja last night" and Corin says "its not funny, I want it now." Sam leaves the bedroom and Corin asks Andrew to go to the garden and tell housemates that she is crying.

Andrew enters the garden and tells housemates that Corin is getting upset, John James says that is the reason he left the bedroom.

In the bedroom Josie tries to get Corin to show her feelings and asks Corin if she hates Sam. Corin refuses to bitch and says that she just doesn't want her wigs to be "screwed up and matted."


Corin is in the bedroom, it's been 4 hours and 4 minutes since Sam hid Corin's eviction wig

Corin is looking for her wigs in the bedroom

Sam is in the Diary room

Sam tells Big Brother that Corin has just seen that her wigs are missing and thinks that she will "kick off" on Friday when she doesn't have them.

In the bedroom Steve says that he thinks it was a task from the tree. Corin says "What for? A reaction? I'm not going to give one."

In the Diary Room Big Brother asks Sam if he is likely to give in, Sam replies that he thinks Corin is 90% sure that he took the wigs but that he is going to "double bluff and make her feel bad. She won't find it."

In the garden Josie says that Corin is dealing with the situation and is "calm." J.J says that she must be "bubbling inside." Corin says that she isn't and will be going home in a week anyway.

Corin enters the kitchen and looks in the cupboard above the oven. Having found the wigs she tells the housemates gathered in the garden. J.J tells Sam that it was a "**** place" to hide the wigs. In the kitchen Corin says to herself "can't get one over on me".

In the pool J.J and John James tease Sam saying that he went to all that effort to dress up and picked the worst hiding place. Sam says that he will have to take them again and they laugh.


Most of the housemates are in the garden

In the garden Dave tells housemates that his friend "turned into a werewolf." John James asks if Dave was there and Dave describes what happened when his friend "morphed." John James says "like a power Ranger?" John James tells Dave that he is an intelligent man and surely he doesn't believe it. Dave says there are lots of stories to support him and he also knows people who would go invisible. John James laughs.


Josie and Corin are in the garden

In the garden Corin tells Josie that she doesn't know how she stays up until 5 am every night. Josie tells her that sometimes she and John James just stare at each other. Corin says that she would just be like "alright shut up now I'm going to sleep."


John James and Josie are in bed and she tells him that they have a week until she can "smooth him over."

Sam hides Corin's make up bag behind the chairs in the nest.


Housemates have been called to the living room for today's task 'Rate My Mate'. Earlier today Big Brother asked housemates to rate each other under a selection of categories

In the living room Corin asks Sam to give her make up back. Sam says that he hasn't taken the make up and Josie tells Corin that she saw Sam walk out of the bedroom with the bag. Josie says she thinks the bag is either in the garden or the nest. Housemates are told to gather on the sofa for today's task and Corin enters the garden. In the living room Sam tells Josie that she shouldn't tell Corin things that aren't true. Josie asks Sam how he felt when his hats were taken.

In the garden Corin tells Mario that she is not going to go into the living room until her make up bag is returned.

Mario tells housemates that Corin will not take part in task until her make up bag is returned. Josie says that she swears that she saw Sam walk out with the make up bag.

In the kitchen John James asks Josie if she was sure Sam took the bag and Josie says she is sure it's in the garden. Sam tells her to go and get it then. Josie enters the garden and sits with Corin. Corin calls Sam "a little ****" .

Corin gets called to the diary room. As she walks through the living room Corin says "its gonna be a long night" and enters the diary room.

Josie asks John James how he would feel if someone took his cream and John James says he would walk. Josie says "why should she walk…just because someone hid her stuff…" Josie says that joking is fine but "upsetting someone is different."

Corin enters the kitchen and says Big Brother has given them five minutes to find the make up bag. Josie helps Corin and suggests they should look in the nest.

In the nest, Josie suggests looking behind the seats and Corin finds the make up bag. Corin says "nice one" to Josie and "what a ******** he is."


Housemates each choose a category at random and must work out their fellow housemates over all ranking for that category. The housemate who finds the correct order in the fastest time wins

Housemates have to choose who they think is the most forgettable and Corin is at the top of the list, Josie says that she thought they said most forgetful housemate. J.J has to put the housemates in order of how fake they are, Sam is said to be most fake and John James repeatedly says that Corin would be at the top. John James put his in the right order in the shortest amount of time and wins the prize.

Full results are:

Rated by fellow housemates, on average, in the following order of most to least in each category.

John James
JJ (tie w/ Corin)

John James

John James (tie w/ Andrew)
Mario (tie w/ Corin)

John James
Steve (tie w/ John James)

John James (tie w/ JJ)

JJ (tie w/ Andrew)
Mario (tie w/ Andrew & JJ)
John James
Steve (tie w/ John James)

John James

John James

John James

In the game Housemates chose the following categories at random, and took the following amount of time to guess the correct order.

Josie picked most entertaining. In the time limit got 7 correct.
Steve picked most bitchy. In the time limit he got 3 correct
Dave picked most devious. In the time limit he got 7 correct
John James picked attention seeking. It took 2 min 10 sec
Corin picked desperate two win. It took 5 mins
Mario picked most arrogant. In time limit he got 2 correct
Andrew picked most forgettable. In time limit he got 2 correct
JJ picked fake. In time limit he got 1 correct
Sam picked most trustworthy. It took 4min 30 sec

Therefore, John James guessed the correct order in the fastest time and therefore won today's task. For their prize, he won a voucher for Big Brother to do 15 items of his laundry.


Mario and Corin are in the Garden Toilet

Mario and Corin talk about the task. Mario says that when John James was talking about Mario being fake that he thought of John James leaving through the fire exit and being friends with people he hated in the beginning. Corin laughs. Mario says that he doesn't think he wants to be in the house.

Some of the housemates are in the living room.

Sam tells housemates that he would love to see peoples faces if he was in the final with Josie. John James says that he would have voted for Sam to stay if Josie wasn't in the house.

John James says that he would be "pissed off" if Corin got to the final and that Sam is not forgettable.

In the toilet Corin and Mario continue to discuss task. Corin says that she was second most fake and Mario says he was voted desperate to win. Mario says that he doesn't have many friends in the house now. Corin says she only had Mario, Dave, Steve…and Josie. Mario says he likes Josie but wouldn't go to her for advice. Corin tells Mario that she thinks John James works hard to be entertaining.


Mario is lying in the nest alone.

J.J is in the diary room talking about Mario. He says that Mario took the task to heart and that it all didn't mean anything. J.J says he couldn't care less what was said about him.

Andrew enters the nest and tells Mario that he's "gutted" he got third most fake and Mario says he got "devious." Corin pokes her head in the nest door and says that when it came to most fake she couldn't deny anything as "...with my eyebrows, fake tan, nails…where's the argument." Mario and Andrew laugh and Corin says that she's not taking it to heart. Corin sings "fame I'm gonna live forever" and laughs.

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Old 17-08-2010, 02:56 PM #2
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Im glad they put that comment from Corin at the end... it was sooo funnny!
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Old 17-08-2010, 03:05 PM #3
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awesome. Plenty Corin airtime

The Thorn Cottage Crew
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Old 17-08-2010, 03:11 PM #4
ange7 ange7 is offline
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BB11: John James
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BB11: John James

cheers for that .. a good read
Corin sings "fame I'm gonna live forever"
fail. ... can't wait to forget her :P
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Old 17-08-2010, 04:07 PM #5
muchadoaboutnothing muchadoaboutnothing is offline
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I love Corin more and more and hating Sam and John James more and more. I'm not a fan of Josie's but good for her for telling Corin about Sam taking her make-up etc. I think Josie recognises bullying when she sees it and tries to nip it in the butt. She is slowly going back up in my estimation.
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