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Old 16-06-2002, 08:13 AM #1
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Default Of Trolls and Troglodites

Phil Marlow meets Big Brother 3

This is a kind of sequal / Spin off from When Big Brother met Tolkien

It was another cold wet day in the wasteland known as Graeme's Land, and someone had broken into my office. I was kind of wary as I was unsure if that scum bag, the Lord Low Troll had sent another one of his goons to work me over.

As I stood outside in the acid rain I could tell from my security key fob, someone had entered the offices of "Graeme, Cyber Warrior and Devil's Advocate at law", and I had not been informed. The smell of brimstone hung thick in the air, inspite of the perpetual down pour, clear signs that an incursion from the Mystical Realms had occurred. It was a smell I never expected to experience again since the bother last year.

I dimly remembered how an old dame going under the name of "The Spirit of True Love" asked for my help. I had known her by reputation as Aphrodite, Greek Goddess of Love. She wanted me to help out with a couple that had met on a game show called Big Brother 2, they went by the name of Helen & Paul. After I did what I could on their behalf I had been surprised when we were taken by a bunch of trolls back to "The Mystical Realms" to be tried for unlawful interference in the affairs of mortals. (Another dame, one of the Greek fates, by the name of Lachesis was implicated) Those trolls were mean and nasty and nid not mind breaking a few laws, if not a few ribs to get what they wanted. They all worked for a big cheese known as "The Lord Low Troll" who ran all the rackets in the Mystical Realms.

The trial started ok, My client's brother showed up. He was Ares, God of War, although he was going by the nom de plume of "Guardian of Mortal Struggle". He and the Lord Low Troll had serious history. The judge threw the case out against me, as some kind of "nonsense in law" and I wound up back home. As for Lachesis, she was aquitted on the order of the Judge for "lack of evidence" . A comment about Helen and Paul in a rag called Heat, meeting being fate was deemed to be hearsay evidence. I had been following the case here, until the Lord Low Troll got an injunction to stop reporting of the trial being available outside the Mystical Realms.

What I heard was that the at the trial of the Spirit of True Love, there was a hung juury, and my former client was to go for a re-trial. In our world the couple Helen & Paul moved intogether and the last I heard was that they had been to Paris and were now writing a column for a trash Sunday rag. However a Big Brother wedding seemed to be quite far off . A break even result.

So here I was, getting soaked remembering all that had gone before, looking up at the window of my office, wondering what the Lord Low Troll had in for me.

Suddenly from behind a gun poked me in the back
"The boss wants to see you Mortal" came the gruff voice. It sounded like the guy was seven feet tall, compliance seemed the best option. I climbed the stairs to my office and entred to see a huge dark creature with the ugliest hog face ever.
Beside him were two equally charming and handsome goons
"Allow me to introduce myself " he grunted "I am Mr Traxor, the leader of the Troglodites, and I am here with an offer you can't refuse"
Traxor motioned for me to sit down as he sat on the corner of my desk.
"Mr Stickings" he went on "I have been a fan of your Big Brother programme for a while. Now deese contestents ain't usuually much to look at, so I never pick da favourites"
"Until now" I interjected, only for the goon behind me to smash me across the face "Don't speak to Traxor unless he say so" he grunted
"Please Marco, leave him alone" the large troglodite leader ordered in his soft but menacing voice, he then continued his explanation.
"This year, one doll caught my eye, as she looks almost like one of my daughters, the one called Jade"

I gave him a cold stare, as I did not want his goon to mistake me for a punch bag again. This seemed insulting to compare a contestant with a pig or a trogolidite. I had seen the images that had been going around, comparing her to a porscine creature, and they were cruel and vindictive for no good reason.

The troglodite continued "I have a small wager, which means each week she stays in, I get more doh, and I want my investment to be as fruitful as I can, if you catch my drift"
I nodded politely
"Now you may wonder, what's in it for me. Well the Lord Low Troll is coming up for re-election as head of Law enforcement, usually a mere formality, but I am building up a secret fund to run against him for the law and order franchise. Which is why I need da doh. And once I muscle in, I can produce the evidence of how the Lord Low Troll managed to prevent the jury from aquitting you former client, The wretched Spirit of True Love. Plus I will make it worth you while in straight mulers"

This was a tempting offer, I had briefly heard about this Traxor character, and he and the Lord Low Troll deserved each other. I wondered if anything would really be any different if Traxor booted out the Lord Low Troll. But to get one over on the sleeze bag actually running the Mystical Realms, and get my client "The Spirit of True Love" out of the slammer was too good an opportunity to miss.

"OK" I said "I'll take the case"
A huge grin broke across Traxor's face, "I knew you were an intelligent man, Mr Stickings"
"However" I interjected "I can not gurantee Jade will win. She has a load of rough edges that need to be smoothed out. She was the most unpopular housemate in week one. I can't manipulate a vote"

"Oh don't worry about that Mr Stickings" Traxor said with a sly evil grin, " I have my other agents in the field, more adept than the Lord Low Troll's goons. You just do your part. You scratch my back and I won't rub you out."

With that, Traxor and his fellow troglodites vanished into the night. This was gonna be my toughest assignment yet. With a lot to loose and a lot at stake. I just hope that I did not get caught up in what I feared was an impending power struggle as the Trolls went head to head with the troglodites.
Meanwhile, some how we needed to get Jade into winning form, a task which seemed doomed from the start.

How on earth would I succeed on this one ??

And what would happen if the Lord Low Troll found out ?

Stay tuned
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Old 05-07-2002, 11:07 PM #2
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Phil Marlow meets Big Brother 3
Part 2:

The Story so far….

My former client, the Spirit of True Love is rotting in some slammer over in the Mystical Realms, because The head honcho, The Lord Low Troll fixed her trial so there would be a hung jury and a miss-trial.

To complicate matters, the Lord Low Troll's arch-rival, Traxor, leader of the troglodytes has been raising dosh on the Q.T over in our world of mortals, by some betting scheme that pays more, the longer a certain dame by the name of Jade Goody continues on some game show called Big Brother. Traxor, you see wants to be top dog and give the Lord Low Troll a pair of cement boots, if you get my drift.

What's in it for me ?

Staying alive and evidence that my client, the Spirit of True Love's trial was rigged by the Lord Low Troll. (If she got free, maybe a certain couple might see sense and get spliced. We can but dream)

As I watched the late-night café's TV flicker with the broadcast of another Big Brother eviction interview, I sighed with relief as somehow that a dame by the name of Miss Roberts had got the boot. My "client" Miss Goody, had survived a vote that she was expected to loose. It had been one of the toughest weeks as a practising Cyber Devils Advocate at Law, convincing people to spare my "client". I felt my ribs, remembering how I was once worked over by the trolls. Somehow the idea of comparing their handy-work with that of a troglodyte did not seem to appeal.

"Look the kitchens closing, the till is closing and, my eyes are closing" came the shrew like voice of the waitress as it scattered my thoughts.
I finished my cold coffee, grabbed my coat and left and headed back to my apartment in the pouring rain

As I was passing fifth and third street, a large paw grabbed my shoulder, it was unmistakably that of a troll. He never spoke, just grunted. Trolls do that, only a few speak with their mouths, the rest use what every limb of their body does the most damage.

The shot from silenced gun was a surprise, as was the identity of the shooter, it was Marco, one of Traxor's henchmen
I managed to dodge from the body of the troll as it slumped lifelessly to the pavement. "Thanks I uttered"
"Mr Traxor does not want anything to happen to his hired Cyber Devils Advocate" grunted the Troglodyte henchman, "well not while he is being successful" he added menacingly
I looked at the dead body of the troll, I recognised the uniform, it was from the elite bodyguard of the Lord Low Troll. Technically these creatures from the Mystical Realms were banned from our world, but that never stopped the Lord Low Troll, or indeed his rival Traxor the Troglodyte.

It was as if Marco could read my mind, even though telepathy is impossible for a troglodyte. "We will send a clean up crew to hide the stiff". He then threw down a wad of notes at my feet.
"A present from Traxor" he grunted
I picked them up and put them in my pocket, no sense in annoying a seven foot troglodyte
"I'm glad the vote went the way we wanted" I uttered nervously
"With a little help from a few friends on our end" Marco growled in a smug way.
"So you fixed the vote" I asked
"Not quite, we just made sure that things did not kick off until you mortals saw things our way."
"so you organised the meltdown at the text voting system" I ventured
Marco just grunted in a self satisfied manner and came over to pick up the dead troll. "Just not the Lord Low Trolls day" he grunted "The Lord Low Troll had a bet on that Adele chick to go all the way"

With that he picked the dead troll up and disappeared into the night.

I just stood there as the rain washed the trolls blood down the sewer. I did not dare let on that there had been a rumour that this Big Brother 3 was going to have a shock eviction, and Traxor's choice of contestant was hot favourite to get the boot on the Sunday. What disturbed me even more, was that The Lord Low Troll had sent one of his elite guards after me. Had he heard that I was reluctantly on the payroll of his arch rival. Was I now piggy in the middle (excuse the expression) in what would be a vicious turf war for the Mystical Realms. Would our world of mortals be dragged in.

I did not know.

All I knew was that I was shaking, and getting wet, and unsure how Traxor would react if Miss Goody exited the Big Brother House before he had raised his mooler.

Stay Tuned
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Old 13-07-2002, 02:00 PM #3
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Old 14-07-2002, 08:07 AM #4
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Enter the dryad

The Story so far….

So here I am.
Acting as a Cyber Devil's Advocate at law to a broad on a game show called Big Brother 3 which is about as popular as a surprise snow blizzard at a nudist colony.


One the paying client is one mean troglodyte from the Mystical realms, raising dosh to take over some law and order franchise from the even meaner Lord Low Troll, One crosses neither of these dudes and lives. Usually. I had a run in with the Lord Low Troll, which takes me to two, he has my former client, The Spirit of True Love locked away for getting some couple called Helen and Paul together on a game show called Big Brother 2.

It had been a nice day walking through Central Park. The past week had seen my client out of the line of fire as two others faced the bullet, one a good looking dame and the other a guy who was one of the lads. I had even indulged in supporting the dame, as the guy took the fall.

I became aware of two large figures behind me.

"Mr Traxor ?" I asked
"Keep walking" came the gruff voice of his henchman Marco.
As I kept walking through the park I looked up at the birds in the blue sky wondering if this would be how it would end. Marco seemed very cross. Not a quality you want in a seven foot troglodyte.
"I see ya campaigned for another dame called Kate" Traxor said with his usual air of menace
"Jade was not up for eviction I did not think there would be a problem" I said nervously
"Your supposed to be working for Jade" Marco Grunted
"Ya did right kid" Traxor said butting in on Marco
"But boss" Marco insisted.
I stopped at the lake and took out the bread I was due to feed the ducks. I so wanted to turn and face the paymaster I was reluctantly working for.

Traxor went on "Dat PJ guy, he took advantage of my Jade and dumped her. I feel like sending the boys round to see if he can swim with half a ton of lead, if you get my drift"

I froze, I had seen Marco shoot dead a troll from the elite body guard of the Lord Low Troll, but to murder a human from our world. "Would that be wise ?" I asked

"Relax, I have other fish to fry as you humans put it. I understand that it looks like my Jade will be up again dis week. I want her through to the final four, Kapish"
"I will do what I can but success depends who she is up against " I replied
"I really would be disappointed" Traxor Growled, "if my Jade got the boot on Friday. I have quite a package depending on her reaching the final 4"
"But she can't win this Big Brother, she is too unpopular".
I felt his fowl smelling breath as he leaned over and whispered in my ear "Do you really think failure is an option. I will make my mooler, I will take over from that stinkin piece of garbage that calls himself the Lord Low Troll. I don't take to kindly to failures. Kapish"
All I could mumble was "I will do what I can"
"See that you do" he growled.

I could feel behind me the charge in the atmosphere as a dimension door opened and the troglodytes vanished back to their mystical realms. I looked for a bench by the lake, as I felt sick at the thought that I had been hired by what could be an even more murderous entity than that creep the Lord Low Troll.

I had been siting there for about half an hour when a sharp point was pressed against my neck.
"So you are up to your old tricks again." Said the entity in a shrill feminine voice.
"What do you mean " I asked in all innocence
"No games Mr Stickings We know you are on Traxor's pay roll"

The entity sat down next to me, still with what felt like the point of a crossbow bolt at my neck"
I glanced round at the figure, it looked like a fairly tall dame, but I recognised what she was instantly. She was a dryad, a tree spirit often mistaken for elves.

"You’re a long way from your tree. I did not realise dryads worked for the Lord Low Troll"
"We do not" She hissed as she lightly stabbed me with the cross bow bolt "Work for the Lord Low Troll"
"You sound like that to me dryad"
"I work for the court of minor deities in the special investigation bureau, investigating the activities of one Traxor leader of the Troglodytes "
"If you want to get him for interfering with mortals fine, but you know you can't touch me for that" I told the dryad
"We can for conspiracy to commit High Treason"
Huh! ?" I interjected "He only wants to get the law and order franchise " I ventured
"And we all thought that Jade of yours was stupid"
"He is just engaging in some betting scam to raise campaign funds" I insisted
"So" added the dryad "How do you think Traxor will ship his winnings, Go to a Bureau de change and exchange it for mystical realms gold pieces ?

I kept silent as I watched the sun begin to set over the lake

"Last week we found an elite member of the Lord Low Troll's body guard, dead with a bullet hole in him. Now in our realm when we want to rub someone out we use swords or sorcery, not guns. In fact we do not have guns in the mystical realms, they're part of your world"

I remained silent

"We suspect Traxor is obtaining guns for use on our plane, and we will get him. If you help him you could be responsible for assisting in starting a civil war, and I we will not allow that"

The Dryad looked at the setting sun "We will stop him, even if we have to bring our guys in to your world to stop him, are you sure you want to work for him. It would not be too healthy" with that she vanished into a nearby tree.

I could only sit there and look at the sun go down and reflect on this dilemma

Traxor wanted a result and could rub me out if his Jade did not win a public vote
If I helped him, I could be helping a gun runner into committing a bloodbath in another dimension, or they could bring their war to our world, and the other side would come after me.

Things were looking bad
Really bad

Why could these entities not leave us alone.
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Old 15-07-2002, 12:19 PM #5
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Old 15-07-2002, 07:52 PM #6
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I'm sorry to be a bit pedantic about this but if anyone else was posting in what you consider the wrong section you'd soon tell them about it, so please Sticks perhaps you'd like to tell me why are you posting in what I thought was ROB's Little World?????
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Old 15-07-2002, 08:45 PM #7
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Well said Peachy

This is not place for Trolls and the like
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Old 15-07-2002, 08:49 PM #8
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Sticks didn't originally post it in ROB's Little World.

I think Mark moved it.
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Old 16-07-2002, 07:08 PM #9
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What the?????!!
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Old 17-07-2002, 02:57 PM #10
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Very good Sticks
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