
CBB15 Celebrity Big Brother 2015 (CBB15) was shown January 2015 on CH5, and the winner was Katie Price. Discuss the series here.

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Old 16-01-2015, 05:41 PM #1
erinp5 erinp5 is offline
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erinp5 erinp5 is offline
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Default Day 9 HL show (spoiler)

Here’s a spoiler filled preview of tonight’s CBB with a recap of the past day’s highlights.

In the kitchen, Alicia admits that she finds Katie “unnecessarily rude”. Michelle suggests that Katie has used the opportunity to change public perception and tells Perez that he’s been just as bad as she has, which he agrees with.

She adds that Alicia and Katie are “like oil and water – the two of you just don’t mix”. Katie then joins the conversation and runs through a long list of people that she dislikes, including fat people and the unemployed. Alicia tries to explain that not everything is black and white.

Nadia talks to Big Brother about nominations and says that if she was a viewer, she would choose “gentle” Alexander to go because he’s missing his comforts. She then talks about Alicia’s battle over whether or not to “confront” Katie and describes Chloe as “all guns blazing”, before remarking that Michelle is “going to explode”

In the kitchen, Alicia tells Katie “If we were all like you, the world would be a worse place” Chloe comes to Katie’s defence and admits that before she came into the House, she thought she was “the worst person in the world” When Katie describes Alicia as being “really slow”, Alicia retorts, “You hurt me when you say I’m thick”, and questions why she has to “stoop to that level to get a pay check at the end of the month”

In the kitchen, the Housemates are still discussing nominations. After Katie questions Alicia about why hasn’t talked to Perez about nominations, Alicia announces that she’s leaving because it’s boring. As she leaves, Cami-Li remarks that Alicia says she’s bored “when she runs out of vocabulary” Michelle suggests that some people don’t want to learn, and adds that the British public could hate her for aligning herself with Katie, admitting that she really likes her and finds her hilarious. An emotional Katie responds saying, “Careful, you’ll set me off”

A tearful Katie tells Big Brother that she’s not good at taking compliments because she believes that it’s important to be “tough” and “strong”. She goes on to describe compliments as being “ a weakness” and “the request of the needy”, admitting that she’s not very tough and “not that bad an egg, really”

Michelle tells Cami-Li that no one likes Perez, who just “feigns compassion and love” and adds that they were never friends on the outside world.

Alicia observes that everybody is congregating in the bathroom and Patsy questions why there is a divide. Nadia suggests that she doesn’t feel a divide because she talks to everyone.

Chloe tells Cami-Li, Michelle and Katie that if she’s saved, she will have words with Perez. Michelle adds that she has two words for Perez, “Game on!”

Over dinner, Perez and Alicia are sat apart from the other Housemates. Perez tells Alicia that they should have fun to annoy Katie. Meanwhile, at the table, Chloe remarks that Perez is “chatting g s**t” and describes his mouth as “so smelly”

In the garden, Kavana advises Alicia that Perez may be manipulating her but she disagrees and suggests that it’s Katie who is manipulating “the two young girls”

Following her conversation with Kavana, Alicia joins Perez and Nadia in the snug, offering gossip. Perez says, “I don’t want any gossip. The gossip Queen does not want any gossip!”

Despite his protestations, Alicia then relays the conversation. Nadia becomes frustrated and maintains that Perez is not manipulating anyone. Perez suggests that everyone is “jealous of me because I’m staying till the end”

Perez is entertaining himself in the garden, dancing topless on the chairs, singing “I’m playing the game right now and I’m playing it so well” Chloe is watching from the bedroom and says to Cami-Li “You’ll never believe what that d*ckhead is doing right now”, to which Calum responds “That’s a bit harsh”. Cami-Li says that Perez “preys on the weak” and Nadia tells them to “ignore him, if he winds you up, he wins”

Perez makes sexual sounds and thrusting movements on the chairs, while he continues to dance and skip around the garden singing to himself “This is driving them insane, and I don’t give a ******”

The conversation about Perez continues in the bedroom and Nadia tries to keep the peace saying, “people are just made in different ways” and “he’s just outrageously camp” Chloe says, “I’m entitled to my opinion” and Nadia agrees, but goes on to defend Perez saying “I haven’t seen Perez actually be unpleasant to you all day”. Cami-Li thinks that Perez has used Patsy and Alica as “pawns”.

Perez is laughing hard with Keith in the garden about the reaction he hopes his actions will be causing.

In the bedroom the discussion about Perez becomes heated between Nadia, Chloe, Cami-Li and Alicia. Nadia says it’s unkind that Cami-Li and Chloe say “The only reasons people want to know Alicia is for manipulative reasons” Patsy notices that Nadia is stressed so walks over to her bed and gives her a hug.

Perez exclaims to Keith “I’m a producer’s wet dream!” and that “they are jealous it’s the Perez show”. He then goes on to say “I’m saying I’m not playing the game, but maybe I really am”

In the garden, Perez makes a sexual sound and gleefully exclaims, “Oh my God, I just came three times”

Celebrity Big Brother 2015 airs tonight from 9PM with the live eviction and brand new CBB housemate.

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